Sunday, January 20, 2013

January 20th

It's just one of those Sunday Done-days otherwise known as not much going on. The most I did today was massage and crack Kate's back; these St. Nicolas mattresses aren't helping either. Really today I just thought about this upcoming week, the start of classes. No matter where I am, in the States or in France, I always become nervous on first days. There's just too much new! My first full day of high school was an ultimate day of terror. Not only did I become lost more than once, but I was trying to reach my classes through a sea of students. Le Havre is not even close to level of panic of South (my high school), but is still intimidating. I worry that I'll make a fool of myself; I often slip up somehow, which is where this whole anxiety of "new" stems from. Oh well, the new doesn't really start until Wednesday. See I only have one class tomorrow, French Civilization with Martel. I'm not scared about that, it will be the same class just new students. No my fear is anticipating Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning, especially Thursday morning; Art history at 8:30 am followed by History of Religions at 11:00 am. The course times alone are less that wonderful but I most likely will be the only foreign student in those classes. Fingers crossed that I'm not, though only time will tell. Alright enough, the pitter patter is over. I apologize audience, sometimes you just have a day of thoughts. Seeing as I gave you a grey post I'll leave you with a comical image of a comic. Evens out right?

Lio by Mark Tatulli

1 comment:

  1. What a perfect comic strip for you, Mary! Too bad Charles Schultz is no longer here to read it.
