Sunday, June 16, 2013

June 10th Final Post

My last moments in France were spent in a hotel and an airport. I'm alright with that, better than a train.

I woke up at six o'clock in the morning only to find that it was SIX o'clock. Clearly the ultra comfy mattress Novotel provided gave me a better night's sleep than anything in Le Havre. I didn't stay up for long, rather I drifted with my head on a soft pillow and under a warm protecting cover. I could become used to this.

Eventually ten o'clock rolled around which forced me to rise and face the day. Wasn't too bad, just a shower, some clothes, and forcing my backpack shut with a stubborn ferocity. That was me attacking the day or seizing it or whatever.

I met Jonathan at the airport, fortunate too. I had already checked in online and was waiting in the line for check-in instead of bypassing it for the already checked-in line. Heh, oops. My bag turned out to be almost exactly fifty pounds, just made it audience. It was good to send it off, I received one wicked bruise from it later on that night. Fifty pounds of hell.

Jonathan and I then ate a breakfast of sorts together right by the passenger only walkway. My last meal in France was a pain au chocolat and un café noir. Good choice and a classic one too. We talked for as long as we could really, before I had to go that is. Fuck!

This shit is difficult, really motherfucking hard. I did my best and didn't cry, least not then. I had time to be all sullen while waiting for boarding zones. Jonathan and I kissed each other and said goodbye. He didn't let go of my hand (or I didn't let go of him) and I was pulled back into a final kiss. He then told me to go. I did but I sure as hell didn't want to. Conflicts audience, all the way until the end conflicts.

My mother called me right after I stepped through the passenger only zone to find that I had issues speaking. She told me it'd be fine and that I should concentrate on arriving at my gate. She also told me that she missed me and couldn't wait for me to be home. That helped some.

I sat at my gate after flying through security with my I-pod cycling through Sarah Smiles by Panic! At the Disco. It wasn't too long before my zone was called and I boarded the plane that took me away from France.

Well that was fucking depressing. Yup, back to swearing again. I have arrived home and it does feel good to hear my accent once more. My biggest issue this summer is keeping up with my French which should be accomplished with movies, sending messages to my French friends, and listening to copious amounts of music. I didn't go abroad for nothing audience.

But wait, what now MareBear? You're all finished with study abroad. What about us? What about your audience that wants to read more about your student life? Aw. Audience I appreciate your desire to further creep/read about me on the internet. You'll be happy to know that I created a summer blog about my returned life in Chicago for almost no reason at all. You may now enjoy new blog cravings of MareBear only this time it's happening in the States.

One question remains. Can you handle it?

Thank you so much for sticking with me all the way audience. I hope some of you carry on and click that link above for my freshly made Summer Blog. Without you guys I wouldn't have completed my most important TO-DO on the list of study abroad tasks. Now I forever have a record of my adventures in France. Thank you again and see you in cyberspace. I mean, if you want to.

Much love,

Mary (MareBear) Scale

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June 9th

Waking up today was surreal. Just (shiver) weird. Nothing solidified until the last minute. That's a goodbye I suppose.

I met Kate outside my room and we headed off for our Brioche breakfast together. The weather was favorable; instead of sunshine and heat we had an overcast with a cooling breeze. This is my kind of day to travel with bags and a sweatshirt on. The brioche was delicious too, just saying.

It was then the waiting game until Kate had finished cleaning every last bit of her room. I wrote in Claudi's memory book during the last bits of floor mopping. After that, after the door was locked, well we left for the ferry port.

One of the longest walks of my life. Knowing the ending was so near it just caused my stomach to twist and knot. After arriving I sat with Kate for as long as possible. I didn't let go of her hand until they announced that boarding had started. We then hugged and cried into each other. It was, hmm well, ah. It's difficult to describe. I just know I don't want to feel that type of sadness again. She was leaving and we both knew we wouldn't be down the hall anymore. I must have looked back at least a dozen times as I walked away.

Cleaning occupied my time until my departure. Sammie came by my room to see if I wanted a ride to the station rather than lugging my bags there. Good thing he offered because I scrambled at the end to finish cleaning (stupid counter tops) and would have probably missed the train otherwise. Thanks again Sammie, you're a lifesaver.

The train ride was interesting. First off I didn't have a ticket. I had intended to buy one at one of the machines but none of my remaining cards (LCL accounted had been closed remember) had any chips in them. The machines don't like scanners. In the end I decided to just board the damn train. If they charged me whatever, I needed to arrive in Paris.

Second weird part is that it was overflowing with people. Fortunately I had a seat. And an arm rest. And a head cushion. Heh, sucked for so many other people. Still dunno why there were so many. It was a Sunday.

In the end I didn't have to pay anything. Sweet, just had a free ride to Paris. Not too shabby. Jonathan was there waiting for me since he so kindly volunteered to help me with my bags. The next day I found out my duffel bag (checked luggage) was on the boarder of the fifty pound limit and my backpack (carry on) was on the line of twenty pounds. Needless to say Jonathan was useful because seventy pounds of extra weight really slows me down.

A bus, a shuttle, and a bit of walking later we arrived Novotel, my residence for the night. The first thing I did after check in was take a shower. Scrubbing all that bleach and cleaning residue away was heavenly. Factor in fluffy towels and unlimited hot water and you have one happy MareBear.

To give you an idea of my transformation audience I went from gamer clothes (ripped up jeans, sneakers, sweatshirt) and turtle shell to a black dress, heels, and shawl. Jonathan was taking me out to dinner, needed to amp my game up. He was in a suit as I've so often seen him, looking attractive as ever. Wow. Glad Kate helped me pick out cute heels.

So I didn't know where we were going to eat. He had posted a link on his blog but I enjoy (controlled) surprises. It was this,

La George which sits atop the Pompidou Museum
A little detail, minor really, it overlooks Paris and we were seated across from Notre Dame. Pulchritudinous.

Dinner was lavishly fantastic and began with an entree of foie gras along with some white wine. Can't help but grin at that, foie gras is my favorite French dish. For the main course I had cod (another favorite) and Jonathan had duck. Part of me is sad at how delicious it was because it means I'll be without it when I leave. Hmm, that could be an incentive to go back. Always a focus for food. 

We did take a break from our meal to stand outside on the patio area. Being together like that, Jonathan's arm around my waist as the city of lights sat before us. I believe that's how perfect contentment feels. Being an adult does have its moments. Thanks to you audience I'll always remember it too.

June 8th

I'm not sure how long this post will be. It was an amazing last day to say the least. Just know that.

Let's start with my goodbye to the Racadot family. I went over around two o'clock with a container of candy in hand of course. Mrs. Racadot answered the door and ushered me to their back garden. Finally I was able to enjoy the splendor of roses and shade with my French kids. I also met Mr. Racadot for the first time. Bruno was perfectly pleasant and nice as I had always expected him to be.

I chatted for a while in a mix of French and English. It was relaxing and beautiful for me as well as incredibly sad. Least we all gave gros bisoux when I left. Plus Mrs. Racadot bestowed a gift of quality soaps and gels to me. Sweet deal, seriously awesome. A picture was taken of me and the kids, once I have it I'll post it here.

After I said that goodbye (sniff so depressing) I met up with Kate for some downtown shopping. We browsed Espace Coty, I downed a quiche, and we even looked through a nautical souvenir shop. At the shop I bought a large compass. Why? I like strange things. Besides compasses I enjoy spyglasses, mirrors, magnifying glasses, maps, ink bottles, dip pens, and more. The list is quite extensive. I also wanted a less stereotypical souvenir of Le Havre.

The Docks were then visited for H&M and supermarket bits. Right when we arrived I felt a small hand touch my left palm. I looked down and whom should I see but little Alexis smiling at me. I laughed and said hello while looking around for Mrs. Racadot. She called out and said hello as well. It was a cute moment especially since Alexis kept looking back.

Fast forward to my last dinner in Le Havre. Kate and I had decided that we wanted to eat at the fifty's diner one final time together. We had burgers and fries galore. Unfortunately they discontinued their chocolate shake (bastards) which was crucial for Kate and me. I settled on vanilla, last night after all.

We later on were at the Trappiste with our friends. It took a while for most of them to show but once they did all was good, sorta. They didn't play Fresh Prince but rather the bartenders sensed a room of gloom and stuck to slow rhythms and sad songs. We made a point of pictures again as well as hugs. Though the difference tonight is Kate and I couldn't hold back the tears. It was too much.

Still quite a finale to Le Havre.

June 7th

It's Friday and almost everything is packed away! Seriously my room looks weird. Almost...empty?!

So what happened today. Heh. Well. Ah that's right! I mailed a nugget.

Kay so it's not exactly an actual nugget but the resemblance is there. What is it really? It's the duvet Caitlin loaned to me. Since time ran out for us to meet up again before I left I had to ship it to her. The French post office accepted it too. Saved me time finding a big enough box. However I did screw up the first form causing me to have to fill out a fresh one. The line behind me was not happy. Whatever, I walked there and was dripping from the sunshine (a suffering soul) whereas they had driven. Least the postal worker was nice.

After that was all squared away Kate and I went to the beach to meet up with Jessy. Turns out it would be our last time seeing him (sadness). At least it was a beautiful day with a mild breeze under the sun. Kate and I had become decently hot from the day and decided to wade in the water a bit. Since I don't care I didn't roll up my flares and just dragged them through the small swells. I received a few looks.

We then dried off with Jessy and his friends as the sun beat down. I'm glad for my genetics because it takes a good chunk of time before I burn. Jessy and Kate aren't so fortunate in that category. Good thing France sells aloe vera cream.

Hmm cream, that sounds familiar. Oh yeah, ice cream time! Ah for a final duo of flavors I went with my favorites, smurf and monster. Such delicious colors. Mmm unnatural green and blue. I again receive looks, mostly from Kate.

What should happen then but for us to run into our friend Agnese. We said goodbye to Jessy and found Agnese shortly after. The three of us sat and watched a game of touch rugby for a lil bit before calling it a day at the beach. Agnese would reappear later at the Containers party.

Pregame pregame pregame! With Arrested Development and wine. Heh, it worked.

Aight the Containers. The party was really bumping. Most of our friends were there and we stayed until around three-ish, or maybe two-ish. I'm honestly not sure. It was the last night Kate and I had with Berto thus plenty of pictures were snapped. Well plenty of pictures were taken in general since Katerina had her camera.

By the end of the night Kate and I were hugging everyone. It's starting to really become emotional for us. After all we only have a few days left. Phew, just gonna focus on tomorrow. It'll be a big day.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

June 6th

It was a rather hot day today, for Le Havre standards. My issue was once again being dressed in a skin tight outfit. The only difference from Tuesday was this time I was in my sneakers. For all those haters of my beautiful destroyed converse, at least they breathe! Air flow is an important asset when the day is filled with an agenda of errands. Let's go Kate.

First stop was the bank. I have to say it is irritating when people try to tell you something important and decide to do so while bending down to grab something. Sorry banking assistant I didn't understand what you just said. Yes I am giving you that blank look. Deal.

The actual purpose of LCL was to close our bank accounts. I can't exactly use it in the States due to it being a student plan yadda yadda. Anyhow it ended with my card being cut in half and some homework. What's that? Homework? Yup since I won't be there to "close up" my room I also won't be there to verify the cancellation of the residence insurance. Thus I have to have a letter of annulment all set and ready for Fabian.  He's such a saint to take my place for me. Thank you again dude.

After the bank it was lunch time (well Crous then lunch time but that part was dull as hell). Kate and I bought some sandwiches from the supermarket and sat out in the sunshine to dine on our lunches. We chatted for a while before heading to the library to type up our letters. Stupid printer password! Whatever it printed, eventually. Time for the SRI office.

Now this errand turned out to be interesting. I had to go in to verify my list of classes and assure them that I had indeed taken all of my final exams. I was then presented with the situation that Jaimie had in fact not submitted her course list. Oh boy. They asked if I could inform her since I had contact with her. Did they burn her e-mail address or something?! Whatever, I'll shoot her a message about it. Still, guys c'mon I'm a student too.

Martine then called Michael over so that we could say goodbye to him. The three of us talked and Michael commented on how beautiful Chicago was and that he had met a woman from Saskatoon there. Small world, seriously small. Anyhow we gave our partings and left the office with waves and smiles. I will miss all of them, they helped me so much throughout my year in France. Hmm.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June 5th

Wednesday what to say?

I have had trouble sleeping recently and I'm guessing it's not all due to the mattress. These past few weeks stress has been biting me in the ass. Now it's moved onto shredding my sanity rather than just a nibble here and there. Cleaning is a big solution.

Kate was a sweetheart and washed my cover sheet along with hers and Victoria's in some bleach. We are required to do so by Crous even though the sheets are cheap and could be easily replaced with new ones. Oh well rules are rules. Grrr stupid Crous.

Anyhow Miss Appleby kindly used her token for the job and returned my cover to me nice and clean. Thanks again Kate! After showering to Frankie Valli I decided to pick up around my room and reorganize my suitcase. Looking much much MUCH better. The floor still needs a bit of scrubbing but that's what Some Nights are for. Actually they're usually Fun. Oh those were terrible puns.

Besides cleaning I've taken up one of my old worn habits, poetry. I often write bits of poems or play around with words while I'm feeling a lil low. It helps me snap out of it and realize how useless thinking like that is. Never accomplishes anything and makes everyone around you feel awkward. So though I'm sad (oh my I admitted it) I'm not gonna let it rule me rather I'll put One Foot in front of the other. Again that floor needs attention and I clean best when I'm All Alone. Ouch those quips were painful.

June 4th

Whoops I'm in Paris.

Heh, my morning was spent in Le Havre signing a photo collage with Kate for our friend Ieva. On the way to campus we ran into Jessy. That was fortunate, I hadn't seen him in a long time. Everyone hugged and smiled each other before we went our separate ways.

Kate and I nabbed some lunch at the Carrefour bakery and ate outside the train station together. We (mostly Kate) helped a travelling couple find the bus stop for Honfleur. They were sweet and grateful for the assistance. Apparently the teller at the station hadn't explained that the loading docks for the buses was located right outside. Language barriers audience, death of us all.

Once lunch was eaten I hugged Kate goodbye and boarded the noon train to Paris. She unfortunately had to study for a final and was unable to go with me. This Paris trip was a solo one where it would just be me, my two feet, and some sunshine.

Alright there was too much sunshine. Trying to sensible I decided to wear a long sleeved top to avoid bringing a jacket. The temperature drops rapidly after sunset and I would've been chilled without proper coverage. The black skin tight shirt plus the navy skin tight jeans did keep me warm, too bad the temperature was floating in the 70s of Fahrenheit (20s of Celsuis, 290s of Kelvin). Least it wasn't raining.

I began my day in Odéons the theater and somewhat literature district of Paris. I didn't go to the Luxembourg gardens simply because I didn't feel like it. I preferred wandering through various bookstores and staring at masquerade masks hung in shopfronts. There was a store that had lovely editions of Jules Vernes in the original French but they were ancient copies meaning expensive. Maybe when I'm older and have more room in my suitcase.

From there I walked to the Shakespeare and Company bookstore which lies right by Notre Dame. Finally I nabbed the book that had caught my eye weeks before. Audience this might be a shocker to you, so sorry. My desired text was Jim Crow American, Selected Songs and Plays. It is a fantastic collection of extremely sensitive history (for the States anyhow). I had flipped through it when I was last in Paris with Kate and Jonathan. What had caught my eye was the lyrics of the Jump Jim Crow song. They are written in a southern dialect and convey. Well. Hmm. let's say they convey ideas. Here's a sample:
Dat sour and dat sweet,
Is berry good by gum',
But de best of lemonade is,
Made by adding rum.

I also bought a hardback edition of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Both books are inked with the Shakespeare and Company stamp just so I'll always remember where I bought them. Let's just hope my bag isn't checked at O'Hare. 

Moving on I then paid Notre Dame a visit. The line was long though completely worth it. First the cathedral was cool (compared to the damn heat) and second because of the sunlight the rose windows were gorgeous. The colors from the stained glass, breathtaking somewhat suffices. 

After the lovely Notre Dame and I said our goodbyes my feet carried me parallel to the Seine towards Le Louvre. Along that road there were several florists and pet shops, strange combo but ok. The sun was starting to wear on me thus I was more than grateful to walk through the gardens of Le Louvre. Trees and precious shade embrace me! I really don't do well with high temperature sometimes. 

I kept along that direction (west-ish I believe) until arriving at Champs Elysees. Now I had a mission on this street of fashion. Screw all the designer stores Mary is having muffins. Marks and Spencer I will miss you so much. Mostly your muffins of course, ah blueberry so delicious! So yes, that was my purpose on the Champs Elysees. 

Not long after while I was hiding from the sun near Swarovski I met up with Jonathan. He had suggested grabbing a few drinks together since I was in the neighborhood. At first we had no idea where we were going for said alcohol. Eventually we decided on a bar near St. Lazare so that I could catch my train more easily. 

Time for a confession, MareBear was slightly stupid. Lunch had been my only meal and for drinks I had two pints of Leffe. Oops. Needless to say Jonathan had to somewhat guide me to the station due to me laughing at everything. Sorry bout that babe. I said goodbye to him with a few kisses and a spine crunching hug. Dunno how he deals audience. 

Once on the train I fell asleep. Surprise there. I woke up a few minutes before we arrived in Le Havre with a few yawns. I happily though sleepily walked home and collapsed upon my bed. It had been a fantastic day of Paris with an unexpected ending of pleasantries. Although next time I'll make sure to have some dinner beforehand. Silly MareBear.

Monday, June 3, 2013

June 3rd

I did not have a graceful morning. Since removing the duvet that Caitlin loaned me, my bed has reverted back to it's cardboard self. My spine has never made more popping sounds. Might need to visit my chiropractor back in the States. As Kate puts it, "we're crunchy."

So today is when I had my last final exam in France. Wow, that's a heavy load off. The exam itself was enjoyable since I was discussing nursery rhymes. Specifically I was talking about how nursery rhymes influence a child's upbringing in literature. Mother Goose came up as did Through the Looking Glass. Really need to reread the part where Humpty Dumpty dies and where Alice shakes the hell out of a kitten.

Anyhow I essentially passed. The class was awesome and I wished my professor all the best in the years to come. Sigh, felt good leaving campus though. Aw what the hell. No More Finals WHOOO! Heh.

After that I swung by the Docks to meet up with Kate only I hit a snag; my stomach was hungry. I stood in line at the bakery and called out to her when she arrived. Sadly there weren't any jambon buerre sandwiches, damn, but they did have quiche. I also grabbed a pretzel beignet. Needless to say I enjoyed my post final lunch.

Once that was devoured (hungry like the wolf) Kate and I headed for H&M. Since I am without my closet at home in the States I am also without shoe selections. This means shopping which is fun. Though brief Kate and I decided on a pair of practical heels. Best part is I can wear them with many things at home that I have and will have. Oh audience, gimme a few days to recover from jetlag and Michigan Avenue will be hit.

Home sweet home. Hello bed, hard as rocks bed. Ugh, oh well least everything smells fresh and clean. I took a few naps throughout my night. Guess it's a reaction of stress release and having a 4:30 AM bedtime. Any case I have to meet a friend on campus round 11ish tomorrow (early night for MareBear) before heading out on an adventure. Something I've wanted to do in parallel to what Paula did back in the days of winter.

Fingers crossed for good weather. And also wishing Kate good luck on her last two exams with a big hug as a finish. Felt worth mentioning.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

June 2nd

I would like to start off by saying Happy Birthday Jessy! I'm sorry you weren't mentioned in the blog more frequently but you made an enormous impact on my stay here in Le Havre. Always love you Jessy babe.

The rest of my day consisted of chores (folding clothes and scrubbing mostly) and reading here and there. Yes I'm still sifting through my reread of Fifty Shades. I knew it would be a daunting task but it really is difficult when you laugh everytimw Christian says the word "baby" and Ana says "sexy". Sorry, didn't buy it the first round still not buying it. Also what kind of kids in their twenties speak so formally? Oh wait, zero.

Moving on from my ramblings about Fifty Shades. Ahem, yes well I didn't write much today. I scanned the latest history addition and ended up making only minor changes; an adjective here, cutting an adverb there. Tedious bits. Still it helps, especially when a sentence drives you crazy and you can't think as to why. Often it's a preposition being wonky. Or a noun. Oh that one time it was the verb. There's not really a direct formula.

Later tonight I will resume laundry duties, this time my sheets er blankets I use a bedding. In any case I will revise for my final during the pockets of time otherwise known as when I want to. It's Nursery Rhymes, my last final and a speaking one again. Reviewing Humpty Dumpty will be the most critical area. I can do that while my Blackhawks blanket is thoroughly scrubbed clean.

Although they have won the divisions so far since the last time I washed it. Huh. Could I? Naw that's gross. It's having a bath regardless of being a week away from departing Le Havre. Damnit. That makes me sorta sad. Face it MareBear, just face it. Inner turmoil audience. Serious turmoil. I'm going to go have some potatoes now.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

June 1st

Holy crap, one week left. Or to go. Or left. Go, left, go, left. Agh! Too many conflicting emotions. What to do audience what to do. Write of course.

I woke up late (as usual) and began my day with some editing of a chapterish section of a story I've been working on since forever. Well I gave birth to the idea (I know a strange use of the verb birth) when I was eleven years old so that seems close to forever. The story has developed so much throughout the years. Unfortunately I don't have the original chapter drafts, least not from back then. My desktop has been wiped of files (viruses) about three times in its life.

Anyways I spent some time doing that before meeting up with Kate for some lunch/dinner. Meal names tend to be tilted for me since I start my days (given the option) in the late afternoon. We ate, we were merry, and we then made our way to Alex's apartment.

Alex is my Romanian brother of sorts and today is his last "day" in Le Havre. Thus I had to see him to sign his t-shirt and say goodbye. He used to live in the student dorm near the cafeteria but due to lease reasons jumped ship to another building down the block. Berto was kind enough to tell Kate and me this while we waited outside of Labedoyère. Heh, oops.

We found him (Kate spotted him on the bridge) and t-shirt signing commenced. It was a beautiful sunny day to boot, a great last day. When we finished our messages I gave Alex several big hugs. He's one of my original friends here in Le Havre and will be missed greatly. I hope I'll always remember that I had a Romanian brother.

Kate and I then headed to the docks for some light H&M shopping. I did nab a pair of shorts (for the plane ride home) and a sensible skirt (for summer activities). My suitcase has a decent amount of space in it. I'm also chucking a lot out before the final packing arrangements meaning no matter what I'll have room for the new additions.

Once at the dorm the tradition of painting nails while drinking while watching a series commenced. Arrested Development can be watched a hundred times over and still be funny. Just such an amazing show. I can't wait for the fourth season! As soon as I'm home (kinda) Netflix will be used to its full potential. Least the streaming.

I finish my night with a book series of smut. Something told me that I should finish the Fifty Shades trilogy. I have no idea what part of my brain thought that would be wise yet here I am. Reading it aloud at times is rewarding. The wording is just-sigh. No MareBear it's not worth it. Adieu audience, til tomorrow.

May 31st

Afternoon mornings are wonderful. My head lifted off of my pillow around four o'clock PM. Obviously I slept like a log and loved it. Not long after (maybe a minute) I received a message from Kate asking if I was awake yet. Just woke up Kate, so yes.

She came over to my room (after I threw some clothes on) and the two of us watched some Arrested Development together. Since we have very little time left I decided to give Kate the third season and some of the second season of Arrested Development. She's taken to the series and now must see them all. That kind of addiction I completely understand. Last summer I was the chick who watched all seven seasons of Buffy within about two weeks. Slayer fest!

Anyhow we viewed a few stand-up routines before temporarily parting ways. There was a bar-party later on that night at a beach pub called Le Petit Rad and MareBear had woken up rather late in the day. I needed to become ready. Especially since we were leaving the dorm at nine o'clock.

Ultimately (because I'm frickin' lazy about laundry) I had to wear one of my dresses since all other clothes were in need of a wash. It was a change for me but I had on black tights and ballet flats meaning I was covered and low to the ground. Good thing too since this place was far along the beach. The beach is not close to me.

Kate and I walked to Le Petit Rad together and were joined by some of our friends. Once there we each grabbed a drink which took both patience and shouting. Damn blasted French youths, damn live band. Eventually we had drinks in our hands, Kate a mystic and MareBear a ti-punch. Mine was straight alcohol with some sugar and lime. Don't worry, didn't down it. I did eat the limes though much to Kate's disgust.

It was then time to mingle. I ended up talking to my friends Georgiana and Alina for most of the night. It was a flashback to the beginning of the term when we all were becoming friends. Man that was a while ago and had a few others in the mix. Paula, Laura, and Demitrius have always been missed.

The bar closed around midnight so the group headed down the beach. Half went home but the rest of us stopped by another bar. I didn't drink anything there (neither did most of the others) rather I danced with my friends. This place was somewhat more my scene. The DJ played songs from the fifties, eighties, and sixties; those are my music genres. In fact Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go was played. That's my pump up (no judging) song before I work out. You just can't be in a bad mood when listening to that song audience.

Kate and Franklin attempted to dance with me as in actual couple dancing. Oh boy. I haven't done anything close to that since I was thirteen years old. The years that followed were wrought with two types of "coupled" dancing, the highschool waltz and the grind. Not exactly graceful skills. I tried to keep up but fluked a lot. I'd like to say I improved slightly as the night went on as I gained more practice even though the improvement was slight. Had fun anyways.

The walk home was rough. Not because anyone was particularly wasted. No, it was the distance of the bar to home. Just keep walking.

Once home I did not fall asleep instantly. I did my laundry instead. Audience my clock of life is a bit skewed from the rest of the world. My clothes are now clean and I can wear jeans again. Plus I was able to talk to Brian for a short while. Four o'clock hit and I passed out in my bed.