Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February 25th

Rough start to the day this morning audience. I won't say what sparked it but definitely was pissed off today due to communications across the pond. What a fantastic start!

The first objective of today was gathering various bus schedules for the week. Kate and I decided yesterday that we would spend this week long break (sweet no class!) visiting various areas of Normandy. The main transportation besides train in France is bus. Fortunately the bus fares are very cheap especially when travelling to towns nearish to Le Havre. We grabbed about four bus schedules since each day will be spent exploring a town. The man was nice enough to write down the platforms where each bus boards. The day was starting to become better.

After that Kate and I walked to the public library in order to return some DVDs. Annoyingly it wasn't open. Unbeknownst to us the library is closed on Mondays. Nevertheless the drop box was unlocked and both handfuls of discs were deposited without trouble. Next it was onto food.

Bakeries are France's greatest asset. Kate and I decided to try a new one on for size and it was decent. The scones were pretty shotty but the pain au chocolat was nice and smooth as it should be. In the States I test areas by trying their hometown burgers, in France it's pain au chocolat.

It was chilly outside, the wind was bitter and continuous, but we walked to the Carrefour supermarket anyways. Why? They sell better quality produce than our supermarket. Nothing is worse than opening a packet of apples (trust me the pick-your-owns were awful at the time) and finding two of the rotten. It only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch, two to confirm it. Thus we buy our fruit from Carrefour because it's actually fresh and edible. Also their Smiths are bigger, it matters.

Finally we returned to the dorm ready to relax and thaw in our cozy rooms. I worked on some chapters as well as some mineral research before giving my big brother a call/chat. Pete and I hadn't gamed together in a lil while (over a week) and that needed to change. I had some spare time so we decided to co-op Maple Story together. The best part is that we started new characters and both chose the trade of piracy. My new character's name is Slashlass, a double pun as well. Hint (Cutlass, cut similar to slash, lass = girl). Peter's character looks intoxicated and has a flying monkey sidekick. He also has a pig companion named Madame Bacon. I have a ribbon pig companion named AmBween (nickname for my dog Amber) as well as a pig named Bacon. Seems like a cruel name but it's also hilarious to see pigs with the word "Bacon" over their heads running around. Maple Story you are adorable and hilarious, please never stop this.

Then I passed out, the end.

February 24th

When life gives you lemons, burn em. That's honestly my version of that annoying saying also lemonade just isn't the same without pink dye. Now today I was rather down on myself and the world. I suppose it has something to do with homesickness but this time around it isn't food, or accent, or lodgings at all. I find myself missing American boys. Now allow me to explain what exactly I'm missing about the boys from the stars and stripes, it isn't what you're (probably) thinking audience.

1. Sneakers

The shoes always make the man, no heels

2. Baseball Caps

Looks good on every guy, looks great on Sale

3. Messy (bed head) Hair

Relaxed and simple rather than vain

4. White Smile

One word, clean

5. Jerseys

Again looks good on every guy especially in Red, White, Black, and Yellow 

6. "Dude"

It's a magical word and a slick name

7. Offensive Humor

Sure it makes us uncouth, we don't care

8. Stupid Ideas

Real men grow their own mustaches

9. Wings Night

Best fuel, hands down

10. Shorts
Alright this is a bit silly, but there is nothing silly about those grey athletic shorts
Oh Tazer
Those are the ten things (from the top of my head) that I miss from my native boys. My method of dealing with it is to both write this blog for you audience as well as lighting paper on fire. Yeah I literally do burn my lemons of life by writing a list of agitations and then burning it. It is always in a controlled environment (cement sidewalk) and is never anything more than a sheet of paper. Still, it helps eradicate the negative. Also flames are pretty (says the pyromaniac). Til next time.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 23rd

It was a fun time at Disneyland but a very frigid fun time. The weather prediction was around 30 degrees Farheinheit (-2 degrees Celsius, 271.15 Kelvin) but apparently Google weather sucks as much as Fox News forecasts. I can handle freezing, that's whatever. But when the temperature feels like the mid-teens (-8 degrees Celsius, 265.15 Kelvin) and my feet actually start to freeze up, well there's a problem. Somehow we survived it and even enjoyed ourselves. Let's review the details dear audience (I may have some of these out of order, it was a long day).

First attraction to see when entering Disney Paris is the castle. Sleeping Beauty's Castle to be exact and it is not much compared to Cinderella's for one glaring reason; it's pink. Had it been all pink (like dark pink roofs with light pink walls) then it would've looked better. Rather it was light pink with blue roofs and looks like a jumbo version of a mini golf castle. All that was missing was the windmill.

First ride was Dumbo! This specific ride holds a special place in my heart since it was one of my very first Disney rides as a child in Florida. While my mother and brother had gone to Splash Mountain (I have yet to conquer that one) my father and I rode the Dumbo ride together. It must have looked silly since I was only five or six at the time and completely miniscule next to my 6'2" father. Nevertheless I had a lot of fun riding it. This second round with Johnny and Kate was a lot of fun as well especially since Kate was giggling with glee (I can't believe I just typed glee, shiver) which made me laugh.

Second stop, Alice's Curious Labyrinth. I know it was Alice in Wonderland but I could help but think about finding a goblin or two hiding amongst the hedges. Maybe I watch too many movies, then again I wouldn't mind stay with Jareth forever (later Toby).

Just couldn't resist this ^_^

 Anyways, we all had fun posing for silly pictures (there is one of me looking utterly ridiculous) and becoming lost. Hmm lost might be too strong a word since it was a children's maze but we definitely hit many dead ends. "Couper la tête!"

Midday was food. Why? Well it was really (insert the most unique curse word in English in participle form) cold and I was starving. Never allow me to become too hungry otherwise as a wolf I will bite anything in sight. Usually people's heads off followed by their hands. I don't like to be petted when I'm hungry. Needless to say we made our way to one of the several Disneyland restaurants. I would have pushed to go to Pizza Planet but it was further from Café Hyperion (which was right by us) so we took the weak way out and went to the closer restaurant. If there is a Pizza Planet in California's Disneyland I'm so hitting it up!

In Café Hyperion there is a decent sitting area but on a cold day in Disney that means nothing. Kate, Jonathan, and I had to stand near the door and eat our hot sandwiches around small bar tables. That was fun, good thing the food was decent. I actually enjoyed my cheeseburger and fries. Somehow they were well made.

After chowing we decided to hang around for a lil bit in order to thaw more. Fortunately in Café Hyperion there is nonstop entertainment in the form of Pixar shorts. Sadly we did not see my personal favorite (embedded below) but the magician short, the maintenance robot from Wall-E, and even the original Junior short made an appearance on the screen. All was well but we eventually made our way outside. My feet weren't too happy but the rest of me didn't care.

Second ride, the teacups (obviously!). Again memories stirred with the teacups but those were vaguer. I remember riding them and I remember my brother trying to spin it as fast as he could. Did a pretty good job for a ten year old too but hey I was five (or something like that) everything seemed faster back then. This teacup ride was hilarious because Kate was in charge of the spinning. She was a trooper to ride the teacups because Kate doesn't do too well with dizziness. I'm alright with spinning but I prefer coasters where I go through loops and corkscrews and near vertical drops. Spins just tend to make my stomach slosh, just a lil.

Afterwards we found our third ride and our longest line, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Alright out of all three movies (I say three since this park was built long before the fourth film) why the Temple of Doom? A Raiders ride would've been way more epic. Imagine going through the pyramid seeing the puzzle room and the treasure chamber with the statue then from nowhere a giant boulder begins to chase you until you find the entrance and just barely escape in time! That would be epic. The actual ride was a lot of fun and had some decent drops and a few loops intertwined as well. The wait was around and hour but fortunately we were sheltered from the wind. That seemed to boost temp a bit.

Sometime later we found ourselves on a boat ride. Alrighty then. This was the Land of Fairytales or a boat tour with fairytale decor. It was sweet, very sweet. My favorite part was when we entered the Cave of Wonders, I mean who doesn't dream of that day? However the random village sets scattered throughout most of the displays were a bit misplaced. They were just space fillers but like most fillers they just didn't satisfy. Still, Cave of Wonders!!!

After that we grabbed some more food and by "we" I mean Kate and me. Lovely Kate spotted some candy apples and we both decided to buy one. To my surprise the apple itself was a golden delicious. At first I was questioned on my apple knowledge, big mistake. This chick right 'ere loves apples (a little too much sometimes) and even has a few trees in her backyard. One of them happens to be a golden delicious tree meaning I've eaten my fair share of goldens meaning I know the texture, taste, and skin very well. Crap, now I want a golden delicious or a fuji, I miss fuji.

While I was eating my apple Jonathan took the opportunity to make me feel like a savage, again. Except audience instead of ribs he was laughing at my face being covered in candy apple glaze. It's a messy food and I'm an aggressive eater (most of the time) so my prey often ends up decorating my face. I refused to look at him because he kept calling me "cute" (I loathe that word) and wouldn't shut up about how I was going to have candy coating in my hair. I ate my apple, back turned to Kate (who was delicately eating hers in peace) and Dolt. The candy apple was awesome.

It was then time to do some shopping meaning a visit to the Disney Village was in order. I found what I was searching for in a giant Disney store. I must say they are really promoting the whole "we own Star Wars now" thing. There's merch everywhere including Disney character pins as Star Wars characters. Donald as Darth Maul, bit odd. I steered clear, don't have me wrong I love Star Wars but I wasn't interested in Disney themed imitations. Rather I wandered to the Nightmare Before Christmas area. I've had a thing for that movie ever since I can remember, something about it just clicks with me. Now, that doesn't mean I want it to click with anybody else. It's one of those loves that I'd rather not share with someone. Kind of like my obsession with Toews, it'd be weird to have that in common with somebody else. Anyways what I bought was a deck of cards. It is tradition for me to buy a deck of cards anywhere I travel or anytime I feel like it. My collection is over twenty five decks so far, not bad but it's only a start. These Nightmare Disney cards are too perfect; I honestly couldn't ask for a better souvenir.

Once shopping was finished we visited the second park or Disney Studios. That place was pretty sick if I say so myself. We went on a behind the scenes tour that displayed original concept art as well as a montage of Disney scenes and songs. Best part is half was in French and half in English. Regardless everyone in the audience, myself included, was absorbed in the short film of Disney clips. They did play the sad part from Dumbo, when his mom is in chains, and I had to bite my lip. That part/song always makes me cry and want to hug my mother. I guess as a child one of my biggest fears was losing my parents. Didn't help that in every (pretty sure all) Disney films at least one parent is dead or in Pinocchio a group of children are turned into donkeys. I really hate that scene because of the talking donkey named Alexander. The idea of a little boy being turned into a donkey and forced to work in the salt mines while crying for his mother was too unbearable for little Mary. Also my brother convinced me that I'd turn into a donkey, funny now bad back then. Damnit Disney, why do you inspire fear in children?!

All in all the day was wicked cool. That is both literal and figurative because it was wicked cool or awesome but also was wicked cool or really damn cold. By the end of the day I was near to passing out because of overexposure (nocturnal!) to sunlight and I was hungry again. I don't remember the train ride back to St. Lazare or the train to Le Havre. But I do remember having a sandwich, a muffin, and some hot chocolate with Kate. That was delicious and heartwarming. Endings are always better when food and friendship are involved.

February 22nd

Friday was nice and lazy, just the way I like it. I think I sweated at least five pounds of water weight out yesterday (virus stress) cause I felt incredibly frail today. Well it could've been due to stress (aka sweat) or the fact that I neglected food while Rikki was in the ER (Safe Mode). Anyhow I ate like the wolf I am and had no regrets. I mean eggs, rice, soup, rice cakes, and spinach isn't really what I'd call junk food. Sure cals are cals but least mine weren’t empty.

When I return to the States I am going to sink my teeth into a true champions spread of fantastic American dining. By that I of course mean Buffalo Wilds Wings. Oh I just drool at the thought of it. Don't worry audience I won't go overboard and even if I do my body will just crash from it and I'll avoid anything fried like the plague for a while. Yes, this has happened before.

Moving on Friday Friday. Well I did make a good dent in some chapters that I've been working on. I always enjoy rereading my work and comparing it to other authors of similar genres. My go-to author is of course Tolkien. Hey I dig the guy's style alright, sept for all the lineages. That can be excessive at times especially during the counsel of Elrond. My chapter drafts seem to be smooth enough, I'm sure I'll want to burn them later in life (I often cringe at older works), which is rewarding in itself. Sigh now what else did I do today?

Oh I know! Wait that might be a bit too personal. Aw you're just the internet audience, why not share a lil secret with you? Ahem whenever I am stuck on an idea for writing I either do a handstand against my wall or rub my stomach. I have no idea why but those techniques always seem to work, least they spark something. I think the stomach rubbing has something to do with gymnastics as does the handstand. See way back when MareBear was an even liler MareBear I was on my high school gymnastic team. We had these really soft leos (leotards) for warming up during meets and as a joke we (mostly NayNay and I) would run up to one another and rub our stomachs for luck. Actually it was more of pet rubbing cause the leos were just so darn soft. That sounds really creepy but hey we were fifteen year olds, they're all weird.

That's all I have for you today audience, sorry bout it. Tomorrow will be nice and juicy since it is the day I go to Disneyland Paris with Kate and Jonathan. Should be a fun time, I hope. 

February 21st

Today was nonstop stress, what joy. Ever heard of a trojan virus audience? Yeah well poor Rikki (my computer) caught one and a nasty one at that. Not only did it attach itself to protected system files it also corrupted my main antivirus software. The latter of the two was worse primarily because it wouldn't shut up in telling me that it had quarantined a threat. Somehow I didn't believe the constant stream of messages from Symantec seeing at it had quarantined the same four files over 8,354 times.

Fortunately Rikki was functioning fine, nothing was slow and I could access the internet. Not that Google did me any good. Apparently, more so inconveniently, when system.exe files are corrupted with trojan.zeroaccessinf4! virus there isn't any one universal way to destroy it. Rather it varies from system to system. Also if you delete any system.exe files accidently your entire system falls like a jenga tower. Personally I'd like to avoid that from happening. Throughout the entire day my thoughts were only for Rikki and how I had allowed her to become infected with a rouge cache file. Needless to say I did not pay close attention to my Religions lecture about Hinduism.

Rikki is extremely precious to me since it's my first laptop and my college computer. We've been through so much together. Why I remember first seeing it at the Microcenter store just sitting on the top shelf. It was a sleek Gateway machine with a broad LCD screen and a full number pad (the number pad was a necessity). I knew that it was going to be my computer before the sales associate even tried to pitch it to me. To be honest that kid (the sales associate) was an idiot. He kept trying to push me towards Macs even though I gave him three basic needs for my computer:

1. Must be a PC

2. Screen needs to be large

3. Number pad has to be included

Yeah he really didn't seem to pick up on those obvious "hints". Whatever, I found Rikki and everything was squared away. Thus audience you can imagine my concern for poor little Rikki, we're so tight knit and all. The thought of losing it to some virus was more than I could handle. I ended up doing the classic MareBear break down.
First I cried.
Then I bent a few spoons since I couldn't punch anything.
Then I wrapped myself under my blanket and brooded.
Then cried.
Then unbent the spoons.
Then took in some deep breaths.
Finally sent an E-mail to my computer programmer father (or went to Mom and Dad for help). Classic MareBear!

I'm alright now, sort of. I'm not fully alright because the virus is still there but Rikki is doing much better. I had to uninstall Symantec (no tears there) since it had become corrupted. No way really? You mean having over 8,000 quarantines of the same four files isn't normal? Heh personally I'm glad to be rid of it for now. Especially since it kept telling me that Rikki was doing just fine even though Adware and Malwarebytes had flashing red lights. Remember kids always seek a second opinion.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 20th

Today was fun and frustrating and filled with "oh wells". Then again what day isn't?

My wardrobe is lacking a certain classy area to it. Basically I have a ton of casual tops (plus some geeky ones) and jeans. First world problems eh? (Oh no the Canadian in me is reappearing! Craving maple syrup and Eastside Mario’s pizza.) Moving on, yes as much as I love my punk "Don't Care" look I felt need for a boost a change. What was my solution? Shopping! At the docks! With Kate!!!

Surprise! The two of us ran into Jaimie on her way out. Oddly enough she was going shopping too, though she had a better reason than spoiled vanity. Jaimie's birthday is next week and her twin sister Sam is travelling to France so that they can celebrate it together. Sam decided ( a little last minute) that the two of them should be formally dressed for the occasion. Thus poor Jaimie was on the hunt for a cute black dress. Spoiler, she bought one.

The three of us decided to tag along together and explore Les Docks array of clothing options. I made out pretty well actually; a black skirt plus two white tops is a decent deal in my book. Kate even bought a few clothes (though she went in with the idea of window shopping) that suited her beautifully. I had fun shopping with both of them and I feel as though they did as well. Then again I'm often in my own head so I have no idea if that's how they felt. Let's just say that they had fun, makes this sweeter.

I did have to ditch out early due to Lexicology being at one o'clock. Darn, and I was just looking forward to sitting down to a decent lunch too. I ate on the go (literally while I walked) to university and tried a new food. There was a pastry called a chocolate croissant at La Petit' Boulangerie and I had never seen it there before. I was intrigued and bought it along with a sandwich. I grabbed a bottle of coke from the supermarket, way cheaper. Anyhow I tried the chocolate croissant and it was alright. Couldn't hold a candle to a pain au chocolat but not a bad
pastry. I probably won't buy another one in the future, just saying.

-If you're in any way from an area of the world known as Britain please do not read past this point. My knowledge is of American English and does not coincide with British grammar. Also I'm stubborn and refuse to edit my rants.-

Lexicology was the frustrating aspect of my day (oh well). See either my professor loathes me, likes me but uses tough love, or is socially awkward towards me because she always seems to be in a bad mood around me. I understand that I'm the only Anglophone in the class which does make it easier for me to understand the concepts but that doesn't give her the right to not like me. It is possible that she believes me to be a smartass (wise judgment) due to my bored natural expression and lack of care. However I do care it's grammar and I freakin' love the stuff. Sure I don't have perfect grammar (never use this blog as an example) but I enjoy learning the rules and concepts. Just another quirk on the list audience.

Today in class she was once again incorrectly using the word "round" as a preposition (oh well). See in spoken English we occasionally say "round" rather than "around" just as we say "sorta" rather than "sort of". Nevertheless written English (except for dialogue and this blog) follows formal grammatical rules meaning slang does not apply. It is "around" lady, please become accustomed to it. She had a statement on the board (we were diagramming sentences) that read, "He came round to see us." We were supposed to identify the parts of speech for the words "come", "round", and "us". The class went through the answers but became stuck on "round" (oh well). Personally had it been "around" I believe the meaning would have been clearer. Nope, this occurred.

            My professor, "Well see it is a preposition but, well "to" is the preposition of the sentence. It is odd that there are two prepositions in the sentence this doesn't often happen in English grammar."

            I shook my head (oh well).

            My professor, "Really? Give us an example."

            Me, "Alright...I'm going up to Canada. There, double preposition." (oh well).

            My professor rolls her eyes.  Her, "I meant using the preposition 'round'."

            I mutter how there is no such thing. She decides to tack on, "What this is here is a participial preposition since 'round' functions as an adjective of 'to'."

            My jaw drops (oh well) and my professor loses all credibility as an English grammar expert (oh well). Wow just wow. (Uh...oh well?)

Really the sentence doesn't need "round" at all, it is simply an extra preposition. The sentence "He came to see us," works just fine and keeps the intended meaning. A participle is an adjective (sometimes an adverb) with an -ing or -er ending (there are exceptions) that is attached to an infinitive verb (my favorite example "boring!"). A participial preposition is when a participle is used as a preposition in a sentence (e.g. considering, provided, given). Just for kicks, what do prepositions do?

A simple definition is that prepositions create/bridge a relationship between two parts of the sentence (nouns, noun phrases, or verbs). Example, I'm going to school. "To" is the preposition linking the transitive verb "going" with the noun "school". Round isn't a participle (do you see er or ing?!) therefore it isn't a participial preposition; the sentence already contains the preposition "to" therefore it isn't needed; "round" isn't actually a preposition thus making it pointless in written grammar. Even if it were "around" it would not be necessary and would function only as an extra piece of flare. Welcome to English 101 professor Smith. Please take a seat at the front in order to better your understanding. (I'm cocky and karma will bite me hard for it).

The rant is over, finally! I apologize for the lesson but I easily become defensive on topics. Kate told me to just breathe and say "oh well" whenever something out of (ha, extra flare that has no purpose because English is corrupt) my control happens to anger me. Breathe in deep and say "oh well." Well I do have something within my control, this here blog. Although that professor may continue to spout off grammar terminology incorrectly that frazzles her students' logic of grammar, I will always make sure to rant about it on my personal area of cyberspace. Thank you for bearing with me through this long post. Adieu audience!

February 19th

Word of advice, don't try to learn every English grammar rule in one day. Alright that's a complete exaggeration on my part but I definitely bit off more than I could chew. It all started last week in Lexicology...

I ignored reviewing the lesson and paid for it in full. Not my best move. Especially since I had plenty of time too. The lesson itself wasn't hard, I simply had to review word/structure categories or everything about sentences. However, as in math, it is always wisest to start from
the foundation. I reviewed the eight parts of speech plus sentence structures.

Ok that doesn't sound like too much work but audience it definitely is. See my fabulous grammar book that I've owned for some time now explains English grammar in a straightforward way. It also includes examples and memory tricks. How I love that book! Anyhow it goes into decent depth with each section and I prefer to know my lessons inside and out. Thus why I follow my 4 step plan to proper book learning. Let's just say we were reading any ole history book, this is how I absorb my facts. And some people call me slow.

Step 1: Read the entire page.

Step 2: Reread the page while highlighting key points.

Step 3: Create a web graph (or power notes) that captures primary topics that teir down into specific subtopics.

Step 4: Write examples or practice questions to ensure that you have learned the material. Repeat step 1 until the information sticks.

Pretty advanced technique I know. I'm proud to say that one of my elementary school teachers taught me it, I don't remember who did though. That's what I did today. Well, I did eat and read Tolkien and jam out to Rock you like a Hurricane. Pretty standard if I say so myself.

P.S. I Dr. Scale prescribe everybody to rock out at least five minutes every day to insure proper 'wicked' levels.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February 18th

It's time for a read aloud with your host MareBear!

Alright audience here's the deal, nothing happened today. I know I know, same old song and dance that I keep giving to you. Well too damn bad for you, sometimes (especially on Mondays) events just don't occur. The biggest part of today is when I had some tomato soup; I haven't eaten soup since last summer! It was delicious by the way, mmm mmm good.

Right then, let us commence the video blog with the read aloud of the Brothers Grimm fairytale 'Brother and Sister'. Enjoy if you like.

Monday, February 18, 2013

February 17th

Lovely day to be indoors audience, too much sunlight outside. I know I sound like a hypocrite since yesterday's post I insisted on being outdoors because of the sunshine. Well I can't handle too much sunshine, and two days of walking around outside in the stuff is too much. Summers are dealt with difficulty and sunscreen, lots of sunshine. Oh and shades and slurpees. Can't go without my trusty 7Eleven.

I spent today researching minerals. You see audience an author is only as good as their attention to detail (sort of, more comes into play). In my fantasy fiction there are supernatural abilities that will nature, powers or magic. The main character controls that of earth which I define as mineral compounds plus organic plant species. This becomes rather complex and offers a huge variety of control. Thus I research plants as well as minerals in order to better understand the topics. This is something that I love about writing; learning. When you write you enable yourself to learn more about a subject maybe something that is a secondary interest or hobby. It is great for a quilt of basic understanding which works well in this world. Obviously I am not going to become an expert botanist or geologist from reading articles and books, but I will know something.

Besides research I did make a nice dent in the giant laundry pile that had been building up. I have music and the necessity for more outfit options to thank for that motivation. Also laundry isn't so bad when you're doing it at two in the morning, no one is ever in line.
Seriously, that is useful!

That's all. Yeah it's a short post and kind of a lacking one, but hey "drab" days often fall short of excitement. At least things you'd find exciting audience. I think of you as somewhat general, doubt that you'd enjoy my descriptions of onyx crystals or aventurine quartz slicing bandits to ribbons. Wait, maybe you would. Too bad, that stuff is copyrighted, deal with it!

Later audience, still love you.

February 16th

I awoke late, as usual. Ah how I adore sleeping through that pesky AM. I believe my least favorite hour of the day is 7 AM, it's just a horrible hour altogether. I did not see 7 AM today, rather I slept until the wonderful hour of 2 PM. Wonderful simply wonderful. The good news is I went out of my room, after proper grooming, and noticed it was a fair day with loads of sunshine. Although I am nocturnal, this was too good to pass up. Le Havre doesn't have a lot of sunshine and this afternoon was going to be spent outdoors.

About thirty minutes after my sunshine discovery Kate and I set out to the beach. It was the perfect day to walk among the bulky rocks of La Manche. We strolled about and noticed something odd yet expected (if that's possible); all the beach huts and shops were gone. This was of course due to the season but was strange nonetheless. All that remained were some grey squares and rows of stone. It did make it easier to watch the sunset though. Speaking of that, guess what not so surprisingly happened?

We ran into some of our new friends! That was enjoyable. Everyone it seemed had come to the same conclusion; sunshine = go to beach. I added a picture of all us enjoying each other's company in my photo page "Friends of France" (go check it out!). I guess I'm either really funny or that annoying kid that won't shut up because I caused quite a few giggles during conversation. I'm going to assume 30% the first choice, 69% the second choice, and 1% other. Never exclude the "other" category.

After several photos and poses with the sunset we all decided that it was high time to head home. Kate and I grabbed some take out sandwiches, we're often hungry, on the way home which took longer than expected. Seriously the French need to learn how to properly operate a Subway. I'm sure Jerry could show them the ropes. Any how we arrived home fine and put on a flick just for kicks; also we all were so tired from the day (for me it was personally the overdose of sunshine) that we couldn't be bothered to go out. Dream Girls was our selected feature. I will say this, too much song. I love musical films but that was just ridiculous! It dragged on forever due to the "speech" songs. Ugh, not a recommended movie.

Fun with the sun
Then the day ended (obviously).

February 15th

Any of you ever heard of Spiral Knights?

I'll wager a "no" as the answer to that question. It is an MMO (mass multiplayer online) RPG (role playing game) video game. I often play it with my older brother and my best friend Brian. Why? Because it's freakin' fun! Not as cute as Maple Story I will admit, BUT Spiral Knights has a lot of kick to it. If only they would improve the layout, it is not noob friendly.

Moving on, I played this all day (well afternoon/evening) long. I love being young and silly and naive about how real time is supposed to work. Before any of you give me slack for being spoiled let me say this, well duh! Of course I'm spoiled, I'm a snotnosed kid just entering her twenties who's studying abroad in France just to improve her French. I happen to love reading and writing fantasy stories and playing various video games in my "spare" time instead of exploring the world of Le Havre. 

Another note, the world of Le Havre is often drenched in rain, not fun to explore. Rather I do this when I am able which is often late at night for France (even if I don't game or read or write, I'm always awake until 3 AM). So, you may judge me if you like for being a spoiled nerdy gamer but at least I know what makes me happy; socializing with some of the people whom I miss by blasting ghost cats to bits while voice chatting on Steam.

That's basically it, yeah a shotty post I know. That's why the pictures below have been included. Remember audience, a picture is worth a thousand words meaning I just increased this post by 3,000. Logic.

February 14th

Happy day of love audience!

Do you know whom I love? Myself of course! I did call my family and sent various valentines to those others whom I love, but mostly I was kind to number one. In fact the day was rather kind in return.

I did have my 8:30 AM as usual, but the lecture was fascinating as usual. That all went swimmingly as well as my trip to the grocery store for some apples. Seeing as it was the big V-Day, I bought both Granny Smith and Pink Lady apples. It was a wonderful treat for me; two of my favorite kinds of apple together. After that I ate my lunch in the library before heading over to my next class, history of religions.

Though I was fifteen minutes early, I wasn't alone in the classroom. Half of the class was already there lounging about. I sat down and began to read Fellowship since I don't socialize with those particular classmates. While Frodo was debating on how to leave the shire, one of the class clowns came galloping in. "We don't have class," he said en français. "It has been cancelled!" Best part was that no one believed him. The other students doubted his claim since they had seen our professor in the building and that this specific boy was known to be a slacker. He kept claiming that it was on the bulletin board and finally, to shut him up, two of the girls left to verify his word. Turns out he was right. Awesome!

The rest of the day was spent listening to music, buying a few gifts (Kate received a red rose from yours truly), and being happy that I was loved. It was a well spent Valentine's Day, as mine often are. I have always loved this day since I can remember because my family celebrates it as a day of love, not a day of romance. Love is so much better since it takes all forms including self-love. That's the best kind, I always buy myself great food and gifts. Seriously I'm a good shopper for me.

I did go later that night with a bunch of the newer students to a few events around Le Havre. Here's the rapid low-down; arrived on time, turned out to be early, only three of us there, found out the others changed the time, half of the group didn't show, went on without them, turned back halfway to find the others, they turned out to already be there, turned around once more and finally reached the hookah bar, chilled with my friends, met some new faces, everyone left for the club, I lead the flock, I was a good shepherd, reached the club without any issues, the club was empty, went inside, everyone stood around awkwardly, waited for a little bit, more friends showed and the party started, glad I am in shape for the amount I danced, left the club with my friends who also lived in St. Nicolas, washed  my face, brushed and flossed, passed out. The End!

P.S. The event was called Drunk Knight Rises and had both Batman and the Avengers on the same poster. The French don't realize that Marvel and DC are two different comics.

Love you audience!

February 13th

Class was interesting today, least one of them was abnormal from its regular track of action. Ahem the obvious question; why?

Well seeing as how Creative Writing (Lexicology and Nursery Rhymes were their same ole selves) has the word "Writing" in its title, one would assume that the class would only involve written work. That assumption was wrong today, very wrong. Mama Duck is a very parental teacher as well as an out of the box kind of guy. He had us march over to the student center in order to utilize the small theater there.

That brought back a few flashbacks of high school. Every stage has the same dusty scent, this one was even black. I looked at the back of the theater and saw a small sound and light booth. It was a serious form of déjà vu for this former stage crewer.

Now, Mama Duck is a huge fan of ice breakers, it must have something to do with age. Honestly everybody under 30 hates those awkward games created to "bond" with new peers. They do nothing but verify the clicks that were already there. No matter, this class was a giant game of ice breakers; five to be exact.

First one (weirdest one and my least favorite) was a counting ice breaker. The idea was to count up to 15 without two people saying a number at the same time. The highest we ever reached was 10 (I believe) and it really had no point. I don't see how poor counting in a circle breaks the ice.

Second one (touchy and crowded) was where we had to move around the stage pantomiming different walks. For instance rushing with a heavy suitcase. The French kids seemed to love it but I wasn't too thrilled to be bumping shoulders with them (shiver). Also it didn't bond anything, failure!

Third one (strange but more logical) was writing out our names using our hands and the air. I was a part of the group who went first, lucky me. In any case the idea was that we "write" our names and the other students sitting in the audience have to guess what we've written. It is a creative name learning game, I'll give it that. However when someone doesn't guess your name (this happened to the girl who freaked out in Arthurian Lit last semester, uh yeah she's in this class too) it's awkward for everyone.

Fourth one (my favorite) was when we broke into even small groups of five and had to create a list of objects on top of a table. An example would be, "I put upon (direct translation) a cow on the table." Then the next person would say something like, "I put upon a tiger on a cow on the table." and so forth until you have a crazy list of nouns. I don't remember the entire list but I do remember my nouns; a bottle of wine, a marionette, and headphones. By the way, this was all in French. Jaimie and I volunteered to a part of one of the French groups. It worked well with this exercise since we really had to think about wacky nouns. There was some confusion about a "tournevis". We both asked what it was
but before the kids could explain Mama Duck swung by and said, "screwdriver." Alright then!

Fifth one (my most embarrassing) was telling a story based upon an assigned setting. My setting happened to a dessert. The concept was to describe an interesting story based upon your given location. Well I sucked that up majorly. I was attempting in French and the kids said, "maybe in English?" I told them no I needed to practice. Yeah, I was red faced while I stammered about trying to find water in a wasteland of sand. Good thing we only had to speak for
a minute, I was digging my own Arabian grave.

That was class. Told you that it was interesting and different from the norm. I liked certain parts of it but overall it didn't reflect creative writing. The story telling sorta did, but that was speech not writing. Michael really should change the class title to "Creative Expression" that would suit the vocal aspect. In any case Kate and I left and snacked on some burgers. It was a relief not to cook just to relax with a soda in hand.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February 12th

I love not doing anything all day. You've probably figured this audience, after all sloth is one of my nature vices. I did do things (boring things) but nothing particularly worthwhile. Well, I did edit some chapters for a fictional story that I've been writing forever, I suppose that's something. What? No you can't read it. For my eyes, and eventually some publishing company's desk, only.

Nah nah nah naaaah nah!
Tis all.
What did you say?

Crap. Fine have a couple of simple riddles composed by yours truly.

My hat is a smokestack
My bottom a bell,
Your hand cannot crush me,
But a fall cracks my shell.
I wear a flat apron,
Pattern never the same,
My scent is of wheat,
Now what is my name?

I can make a house but its walls are filled with holes
I can have a face but its expression is always stone
I can start at one but I often prefer two
I can lay flat on the ground but I love to hold you
Sometimes you love me
Rarely you destroy me
Usually you curse at me
From time to time I catch your eye
Whisper close to me now
Who exactly am I?

February 11th

Guess what was fun? The Chinese New Year Celebration!!!

Although it was year of the snake (shiver) everything turned out fantastic. I do feel a bit unlucky to be short at events like this, my father or brother was definitely needed to lift me up. I managed alright on my tiptoes, thank you high school gymnastics. The best part of the celebration wasn't the actual celebration, it was a little cheesy at times like a middle school play, but rather spending it with the newer foreign exchange students!

-Quick note, I am trying to find pictures of us, it will take some more time and me remembering to bring a camera or something. However, we did take a group picture and once it is posted online I will repost it here for everyone's enjoyment.-

So many of them showed up it was wonderful! I was happy to become more acquainted with them since I hadn't maintained steady conversations at Saturday's partay; don't judge, I love to talk to everyone.

We all guarded the chocolate fountain which was four tiers high I might add. I only indulged a small amount, it was rich stuff, but did take a good share of the mini pain au chocolat. Those pastries fresh are greater than heaven on Earth. I'm salivating just remembering them.

There was also champagne which I sampled. Irritatingly enough for me I was asked my age. Although I know I'm not an exact shot for 20, I do at least look 18 damnit! (I'm about to be spiteful) Hmph, the old lady was probably just jealous, no one would question that she's well past her prime. (Spite over).

Fortunately some of the newer foreign students had recently moved into St. Nicolas meaning I had a group to walk home with. It wouldn't have mattered anyways, 8:30 PM is a far cry from late, but it is always nice to have company, in my opinion. Sides, I didn't have my I-Pod on hand. Great start to the week, fingers crossed that the rest will follow smoothly.

February 10th

Oy what of today? Well it included me excluding myself from the world. Sundays are especially good days for doing this, why? Well most people are either hungover from Saturday nights  (hungover = irritable slug) or have remembered that they actually haven't relaxed on their weekends (pesky worriers). I am often a little bit of both though much more of a worrier than a hungover slug. I seem to have a talent for creating stress, maybe that's why I can't sleep at night, and today there was a nice dumpster of stress on my mind.

Happy note, I pretty much fixed it. My method is old school, the whole "write down what's bothering you" spiel. Unhappy note, when there's nothing something will move in aka more stress.

As I often say in these situations, "oh well." I can't escape my silly stresses and they really are silly. Instead I'll edit my blog and utilize my insomniac habits in order to kill the irritating
stresses one by one. Sides, tomorrow is when Le Havre has a Chinese New Year celebration. That should be fun AND hopefully stress free.

February 9th

Dear Audience,

Hello there, this is your beloved MareBear. Did you know that the reason Partay is spelled with two "a's" is because the second one stands for awesome? Well now you know the first definition of Partay. Another, and a favorite of mine, is courtesy of Urban Dictionary:

"A party that is more fun, outrageous and epic than a normal party."

On this lovely Saturday night Kate and I attended a partay at the containers residence hall. It was so much fun. Although many of my old friends weren't there to share in the dancing, chit-chatting, and beverage consuming, I still managed to enjoy myself. After all, moping about all my friends that are no longer here is no way to live, it just isn't. Rather I made many new friends who are also new international students. They all seem relatively nice and curiously interesting. I hope that all goes well and that feuds won't occur; nothing bad happened last semester, but you never know.

Anyhow audience I enjoyed myself and returned to St. Nicolas a happy bubbly girl. I then passed out on top of my Blackhawks blanket. As Frankie would say, "oh what a night!"

MareBear :P

February 8th

Ah nothing beats a relaxing Friday, too bad I didn't exactly have one. Have any of you ever written anything fictional that falls under creative writing? Well I have, more so I've begun many projects that are simple snippets of Word documents on various flash sticks. They are fictional, but aren't finished. It takes a lot of stress and effort and stress and time and coffee to boost typing speed and stress to finish said creative works. I've rewritten single sentences for over two hours, just one sentence and hours of time. It is crazy!

If you haven't already guessed my Friday was dominated by me writing a fictional story, a short story to be exact. Le Havre University is having a little writing contest about madness. I thought, "eh why not? I could use the practice." Thus I have spent this Friday pacing my room, reciting dialogue, visualizing scenes, and typing like a 1960's secretary on a sugar high. When I needed a break I turned to lovely Tolkien. The LotR always inspires (and comforts) me, unlike my short story.

Since the topic was madness (which I lucked out on since I didn't realize there was a topic) the story I wrote is a bit "mad". For some reason when I saw the poster for the contest the first word that struck me was "wayward". Hopefully you all know the story of the prodigal or wayward son, the drifter who left home and all that jazz. Well over a year ago in a writing assignment for a Fiction workshop I did a dialogue passage between two characters where the word "wayward" was often used. Seeing the poster made me think of this word and inspired a story about waywardness, just drifting. I then thought, "hmmm what would be the end of the line for a wayward?" Not even a second later the word "Sterling" slammed into my brain; the one place to always give me goose bumps is Sterling Illinois.

My story was born from there. Two words hit my mind and something began to grow. I hope I win (who wouldn't want to?) but if I don't I now have a creepy short story about madness. Who wouldn't want that?

February 7th

Pop quiz audience, what is Mary's favorite form of alcohol?

That's right Jagermeister (I'll pretend you all said that). For some time now I have tried to buy some at a local wine and spirits store, but every time I went they were all sold out. Bullcrap! I mean back in the States I am one of the only (sides Suzy and Peter) people whom I know that loves jagermeister, I mean who can resist its flavor? France loves it enough to hinge my ability to buy it. Well today was different, today I won.

Kate and I decided to stroll around our local Espace Coty mall because we're girls and we love to explore stores. The wine and spirits store happens to be located in that very mall, that damn store. Today I went in and asked for jagermeister; the dude said they had it. I then started to jump around while saying "yes! finally!" to the surprise of everyone and amusement of Kate. I did actually do that, judge if you like but when something is taken from you for so long you tend to be happy once reunited. I don't have a drinking problem, I'm just young is all.

After I bought my bottle and left with an ear to ear grin, Kate and I swung by the Monoprix (a grocery store) that was conveniently located across from the wine and spirits store. Monoprix is nice for snack buying and apparently their liquor section is more versatile than I had previously thought. I found jagermeister there, same price but more abundance. Craaaaaaaaap. Oh well, had we not had such a long absence from one another then I wouldn't have appreciated it so much. Jager, I promise that you'll be my first drink when I return to the States. We won't ever be apart again, my precious...

Also I had class...but they were Thursday yeah....til later!

February 6th

Humpty Dumpty splurged on burgers. That is what happened today though, oh dear I see the confusion. Right let's add some punctuation and a few parts of speech. One moment.

Kate and I giggled over Humpty Dumpty today and afterwards splurged on burgers and fixings from Mickey D's. Hmm, somehow that isn't as catchy but definitely makes more sense. If you
all can recall I am taking part in a Nursery Rhyme class this year; the basic function of the course is to analyze and learn about the origins of nursery rhymes and their function in society. Our professor is one of those "well-aged" women who has the energy of a first grader. If only I could harness that kind of power, I'd be unstoppable. Plus I might actually upload these posts on time. To all of you disappointed with my slacking on blogs note the bottom left corner. I specifically say that I will "try" to upload posts "once a week". So there, impatience should die in all of you.

Now why were Kate and I giggling over Humpty Dumpty? Well the name itself is giggle worthy but that actually wasn't it. No, you see audience Nursery Rhymes (capitalized since I'm referring to the course and classes are just THAT important) is not the final class for Kate and me on Wednesday. 

After the charming Humpty Dumpty lectures we head over to Creative Writing with Mama Duck. Two hours of French lecture can become tiresome on the mind and personally I love to draw little doodles. Don't give me that look, today's class was all about the difference between legends and myths; heard it ten times over back in the States, doesn't change. Anyhow my doodle turned into a Humpty Dumpty themed one where another egg finds a fallen Humpty on the ground and promptly eats him. Egg eating another egg, what a cannibal. Yeah, I was restless.

The class ended and Kate and I were peckish for artery clogging fried food. We all have those moments, I blame it on my own inability to control my cravings. Let me tell you, the nuggets and burgers were tasty and deliciously horrible for me. I could feel the fat bubble up around my tummy. That's what exercise is for, least at this age, to keep the fat off and the metabolism strong. Yeah, my arms and abs were crying after the workout I gave them. Hey, no pain no gain that's the point.

The doodle is show below on a short video. Pictures, they just didn't work. Admire my doodle!

P.S. The word written when Cannibal Egg's foot is touching Humpty Dumpty is "poke!"

February 5th

I must say that today was painful, physically painful. Nothing particularly bad happened to me, I'm all in one piece and haven't been admitted to Le Havre General, but still, today had an uncomfortable amount of pain in it. Especially to my head.

Being a Tuesday I had tutor duties for the evening. I was fine the whole day and relaxed before I set out on my habitual walk to the Racadots. I went outside and saw a bright sunny sky, except for a brown (yes brown) cloud that was hanging over downtown Le Havre. I thought nothing of it, a cloud is a cloud, and began my journey. About five minutes into my journey hail erupted from the sky. Damn brown cloud. It would have been fine had the hail been either snow or rain, but it wasn't fine because the hail was (possibly) chunks of ice. Damn hail!

My poor precious skull was bulleted with chunks of round ice for the entire length of my walk. I hurried as best I could but it's difficult when your face is constantly being hit by freezing pellets. Miraculously I had a comb on me, good going MareBear. I was able to (with a few struggles) straighten out the crow's nest that was now my hair. I appeared to be just a little cold when Anne answered the door for me.

The lessons went well, no major problems, though I won't be having them for awhlie. Sadly (happily for them) the Racadots are going on vacation for a few weeks during the kids' first spring break. Mme Racadot left me a note explaining the situation and that I wouldn't see them until the first week of March. Aw darnit! I was supposed to give them their gifts from the US aka Valentine's gifts next week; guess they'll wait til March. At least the weather cleared up before I left, or so I had foolishly hoped. God damn hail.

It was even more painful a second time. Let's just say by the time I made it home I was not a very merry Mary. 

Look at my poor widdle red nose.

Let's stop there, the unflattering (but now funny) picture says enough.

February 4th

Hey there audience! I hope that you all enjoyed my little nursery rhyme segment, I know I did. Whenever I feel as though nothing exactly “interesting” happened during my day I tend to spice it up by switching my writing style. The nursery rhymes were fun to write, I won’t lie, but I’ll probably do something else the next time a boring day hits me. Now, Monday, what happened on this Monday? Not much!

Ha, sorry but that’s the truth. I had class, as usual, with Mr. Martel from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM. We discussed our home countries’ habits and whatnot. For America (all of you should be proud) I said that our biggest hobby was eating. Hey, we’re not the country with the highest obesity rate for nothing. Our food is delicious! Doesn’t mean a lot of it is good for you; everyone knows how many calories are tacked on when something is double batter fried in trans-fat oils. But no one who has truly tried American cuisine can say that it is weak and unsavory. The high fructose corn syrup always assures tastiness. Crap, I’m becoming a ravenous wolf thinking about the succulent spread I left behind in the States. Moving on!

Scope the picture below. What do you see audience?

You see the full collection of the Lord of the Rings trilogy sitting on my bookshelf. At last, they all have arrived! I was so worried about Fellowship, I mean it should’ve been here first. Damn customs delay in Arkansas, they probably thought it was a black magic book like Harry Potter. Regardless they are all mine now (insert crazy laugh)! Do you know what this means? Well do you?!

It means nerd-gasm 2013 for the girl who has Zelda plaster on every wall of her room in Chicago. The same girl who wears Elven jewelry from time to time. The exact same girl who always listens to “Concerning Hobbits” while she reads Lord of the Rings. Here’s a hint, the girl is me. More of an answer than a hint, but hey least it’s correct.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

February 3rd

This post features nursery rhymes. Enjoy them or at least try to (all should try).

MaryBeary Plays on Steam

MaryBeary plays on steam
Always with a co-op team
But gamer girls are scarcely found
Male teammates forever bound.

Portals Orange and Blue

Portals Orange and Blue
Achievements left to do
The game is beat 
Though not complete
Portals Orange and Blue

Cleaning Her Room

Dirt on her knees
Dust on her broom
Three hours spent
Cleaning her room

My Dear MareBear

My dear MareBear was behind on her blogs
so she sat for some hours on the floor.
Her fingers swift and her thoughts clockwork cogs
MareBear's sentence's started to pour.
It was all very grand
without cramping of the hand.
The homepage beaming with pride.
Then she stopped, short.
February the second.
When her attention died.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

February 2nd

Let us start at six o'clock in the morning. I decided to do a huge chunk of laundry. I now have a closet of shirts again! Once eight thirty struck I made my way to the St. Nicolas post office to retrieve a package. I had two package slips but I wasn't sure if it was for the same package so I brought the most recent. I would regret later. I also was pleasantly surprised to find the post office closed. Online the hours are 8:30 AM-2:00 PM on Saturdays. In reality they are 9:00 AM-2:00 PM on Saturdays. Being the stubborn an extremely tired person that I am, I waited. Twenty minutes later the post office opened and I retrieved my package. Instead of going home and sleeping, I decided that some fresh pain au chocolat from Les Docks was too tempting to resist.

The bakery doesn't open until 9:30 AM. More waiting. One word, damnit! I did finally buy some "chocolate bread" and it was absolutely amazing fresh from the oven. The chocolate was still melted and crust warm with flakey goodness. I waited until I was home to devour my two scrumptious pastries. While I was munching I opened my package. It was Lord of the Rings Return of the King. Huh. I order all three Rings books and all three had apparently been sent. I looked at the other package slip and realized that it was for indeed another package. Crap.

I mulled over waiting to pick up the package on Monday, but the idea of Fellowship sitting there by its lonesome drove me nuts. Sleep deprivation tends to enhance paranoia of government workers. I grabbed my coat and walked out of my dorm in my slippers. I made a U-turn and nabbed my boots from room. I then left my dorm and walked once more to the post office.

The woman working was a bit surprised to see my scruffy presence again but she greeted me with a smile just the same. I explained that I had forgotten a packaging slip on my desk and wasn't sure if it was for a different package. she looked at it and happily retrieved another rectangular box from the shelf. I thanked her and left. While walking home I opened the package eager to see Fellowship in my hands. Shocker, it was Two Towers. Where the hell is Fellowship? I later looked online and discovered that it had endured some "customs delays" in Arkansas. Only that redneck state would find a Tolkien book to be a threat. Black Magic kill it with fire!

I then napped (sleep is for the night).

I woke at four thirty PM and began to work on some blogging. Sorry for delay, the Kaiserslautern entries just slipped up on me. I wrote and wrote until about seven twenty for I had an engagement that night. Jaimie, Julie (a sweet Hungarian girl), and I were going out to dinner together in order to know one another better. The evening went really well, minus me causing us to become lost while finding a place to eat, and I now have a slightly closer relationship with both girls. No we did not cuddle, that's creepy. But every small step of building friendship counts. After all trust doesn't fall from the sky audience. Silly audience, that's what an apple does. Right then, time for Mary to pass out!