Monday, February 18, 2013

February 16th

I awoke late, as usual. Ah how I adore sleeping through that pesky AM. I believe my least favorite hour of the day is 7 AM, it's just a horrible hour altogether. I did not see 7 AM today, rather I slept until the wonderful hour of 2 PM. Wonderful simply wonderful. The good news is I went out of my room, after proper grooming, and noticed it was a fair day with loads of sunshine. Although I am nocturnal, this was too good to pass up. Le Havre doesn't have a lot of sunshine and this afternoon was going to be spent outdoors.

About thirty minutes after my sunshine discovery Kate and I set out to the beach. It was the perfect day to walk among the bulky rocks of La Manche. We strolled about and noticed something odd yet expected (if that's possible); all the beach huts and shops were gone. This was of course due to the season but was strange nonetheless. All that remained were some grey squares and rows of stone. It did make it easier to watch the sunset though. Speaking of that, guess what not so surprisingly happened?

We ran into some of our new friends! That was enjoyable. Everyone it seemed had come to the same conclusion; sunshine = go to beach. I added a picture of all us enjoying each other's company in my photo page "Friends of France" (go check it out!). I guess I'm either really funny or that annoying kid that won't shut up because I caused quite a few giggles during conversation. I'm going to assume 30% the first choice, 69% the second choice, and 1% other. Never exclude the "other" category.

After several photos and poses with the sunset we all decided that it was high time to head home. Kate and I grabbed some take out sandwiches, we're often hungry, on the way home which took longer than expected. Seriously the French need to learn how to properly operate a Subway. I'm sure Jerry could show them the ropes. Any how we arrived home fine and put on a flick just for kicks; also we all were so tired from the day (for me it was personally the overdose of sunshine) that we couldn't be bothered to go out. Dream Girls was our selected feature. I will say this, too much song. I love musical films but that was just ridiculous! It dragged on forever due to the "speech" songs. Ugh, not a recommended movie.

Fun with the sun
Then the day ended (obviously).

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