Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 19th

Word of advice, don't try to learn every English grammar rule in one day. Alright that's a complete exaggeration on my part but I definitely bit off more than I could chew. It all started last week in Lexicology...

I ignored reviewing the lesson and paid for it in full. Not my best move. Especially since I had plenty of time too. The lesson itself wasn't hard, I simply had to review word/structure categories or everything about sentences. However, as in math, it is always wisest to start from
the foundation. I reviewed the eight parts of speech plus sentence structures.

Ok that doesn't sound like too much work but audience it definitely is. See my fabulous grammar book that I've owned for some time now explains English grammar in a straightforward way. It also includes examples and memory tricks. How I love that book! Anyhow it goes into decent depth with each section and I prefer to know my lessons inside and out. Thus why I follow my 4 step plan to proper book learning. Let's just say we were reading any ole history book, this is how I absorb my facts. And some people call me slow.

Step 1: Read the entire page.

Step 2: Reread the page while highlighting key points.

Step 3: Create a web graph (or power notes) that captures primary topics that teir down into specific subtopics.

Step 4: Write examples or practice questions to ensure that you have learned the material. Repeat step 1 until the information sticks.

Pretty advanced technique I know. I'm proud to say that one of my elementary school teachers taught me it, I don't remember who did though. That's what I did today. Well, I did eat and read Tolkien and jam out to Rock you like a Hurricane. Pretty standard if I say so myself.

P.S. I Dr. Scale prescribe everybody to rock out at least five minutes every day to insure proper 'wicked' levels.

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