Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February 24th

When life gives you lemons, burn em. That's honestly my version of that annoying saying also lemonade just isn't the same without pink dye. Now today I was rather down on myself and the world. I suppose it has something to do with homesickness but this time around it isn't food, or accent, or lodgings at all. I find myself missing American boys. Now allow me to explain what exactly I'm missing about the boys from the stars and stripes, it isn't what you're (probably) thinking audience.

1. Sneakers

The shoes always make the man, no heels

2. Baseball Caps

Looks good on every guy, looks great on Sale

3. Messy (bed head) Hair

Relaxed and simple rather than vain

4. White Smile

One word, clean

5. Jerseys

Again looks good on every guy especially in Red, White, Black, and Yellow 

6. "Dude"

It's a magical word and a slick name

7. Offensive Humor

Sure it makes us uncouth, we don't care

8. Stupid Ideas

Real men grow their own mustaches

9. Wings Night

Best fuel, hands down

10. Shorts
Alright this is a bit silly, but there is nothing silly about those grey athletic shorts
Oh Tazer
Those are the ten things (from the top of my head) that I miss from my native boys. My method of dealing with it is to both write this blog for you audience as well as lighting paper on fire. Yeah I literally do burn my lemons of life by writing a list of agitations and then burning it. It is always in a controlled environment (cement sidewalk) and is never anything more than a sheet of paper. Still, it helps eradicate the negative. Also flames are pretty (says the pyromaniac). Til next time.

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