Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 22nd

Friday was nice and lazy, just the way I like it. I think I sweated at least five pounds of water weight out yesterday (virus stress) cause I felt incredibly frail today. Well it could've been due to stress (aka sweat) or the fact that I neglected food while Rikki was in the ER (Safe Mode). Anyhow I ate like the wolf I am and had no regrets. I mean eggs, rice, soup, rice cakes, and spinach isn't really what I'd call junk food. Sure cals are cals but least mine weren’t empty.

When I return to the States I am going to sink my teeth into a true champions spread of fantastic American dining. By that I of course mean Buffalo Wilds Wings. Oh I just drool at the thought of it. Don't worry audience I won't go overboard and even if I do my body will just crash from it and I'll avoid anything fried like the plague for a while. Yes, this has happened before.

Moving on Friday Friday. Well I did make a good dent in some chapters that I've been working on. I always enjoy rereading my work and comparing it to other authors of similar genres. My go-to author is of course Tolkien. Hey I dig the guy's style alright, sept for all the lineages. That can be excessive at times especially during the counsel of Elrond. My chapter drafts seem to be smooth enough, I'm sure I'll want to burn them later in life (I often cringe at older works), which is rewarding in itself. Sigh now what else did I do today?

Oh I know! Wait that might be a bit too personal. Aw you're just the internet audience, why not share a lil secret with you? Ahem whenever I am stuck on an idea for writing I either do a handstand against my wall or rub my stomach. I have no idea why but those techniques always seem to work, least they spark something. I think the stomach rubbing has something to do with gymnastics as does the handstand. See way back when MareBear was an even liler MareBear I was on my high school gymnastic team. We had these really soft leos (leotards) for warming up during meets and as a joke we (mostly NayNay and I) would run up to one another and rub our stomachs for luck. Actually it was more of pet rubbing cause the leos were just so darn soft. That sounds really creepy but hey we were fifteen year olds, they're all weird.

That's all I have for you today audience, sorry bout it. Tomorrow will be nice and juicy since it is the day I go to Disneyland Paris with Kate and Jonathan. Should be a fun time, I hope. 

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