Sunday, February 3, 2013

January 29th

Ah that was an amazing night's sleep. Thank you Caitlin again for saving my back and sanity. I am happy to announce that my insomniac issues are null, for right now. I will probably screw them up again in the future but meh, such is my life. Now that I have returned to France things have not returned to normal. This Tuesday was unlike any other for three simple reasons.

First reason is that I actually had to be on campus in the morning! I know, so crazy. Mama Duck (otherwise known as Michael Hauchecorne my ISEP advisor) asked if Kate and I could attend a meeting with the outgoing ISEP French students. Kate was confused to be there (ISEP is an American study abroad program) but accompanied me regardless. We had some food with us, the timing was right after noon, and munched here and there throughout the meeting. Basically it was an overview of all the paperwork required for them to go to the States as well as some insider cultural info. That is where I came in, so many questions were shot my way and all were answered in stumbling French. I know that I'm not fluent but I am especially not fluent when speaking in front of a group of native speakers. It didn't help that Mama Duck used my personal ISEP letter as an example either. He is such a parental figure, or at least an uncle. All I can say is that my face was rosy during most of the gathering.

Second reason was that I wasn't tutoring today. Anne needs to improve her physics and literature grades, not her English studies. So temporarily, I believe just this week, I won't be tutoring the Racadot children. Such sadness! I love seeing my kids they all are precious in their own ways. Oh well, next Tuesday is only seven days away.

Final reason, I had class today. Shocking! This semester I normally only have class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Tuesday is nice and free (Friday is Friday aka no classes) giving me a relaxing homework day and downtime before I go a-tutoring. Well this week Martel cancelled the Monday French Civilization class, good thing since I would've missed it due to my train situations yesterday, and announced that we could instead attend the Tuesday session. Since I didn't have to tutor this worked perfectly. Jaimie was there and so were several other new students. It was a little strange (Kate had class at the same time thus she was absent) but it worked out alright.

That was my Tuesday. You could say I also downloaded Portal 2 to my PC but that was an angrier part of Tuesday. Originally the download speed was 300 Kbps (kilobytes per second) for a three gig game. The estimated time was fifteen days. Face to keyboard. I decided this would not due and uninstalled what had been installed otherwise known as the loading screen icon. I then reset the internet and attempted download again. 1.3 Mbps, estimated time two hours. Much better.

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