Monday, February 18, 2013

February 14th

Happy day of love audience!

Do you know whom I love? Myself of course! I did call my family and sent various valentines to those others whom I love, but mostly I was kind to number one. In fact the day was rather kind in return.

I did have my 8:30 AM as usual, but the lecture was fascinating as usual. That all went swimmingly as well as my trip to the grocery store for some apples. Seeing as it was the big V-Day, I bought both Granny Smith and Pink Lady apples. It was a wonderful treat for me; two of my favorite kinds of apple together. After that I ate my lunch in the library before heading over to my next class, history of religions.

Though I was fifteen minutes early, I wasn't alone in the classroom. Half of the class was already there lounging about. I sat down and began to read Fellowship since I don't socialize with those particular classmates. While Frodo was debating on how to leave the shire, one of the class clowns came galloping in. "We don't have class," he said en français. "It has been cancelled!" Best part was that no one believed him. The other students doubted his claim since they had seen our professor in the building and that this specific boy was known to be a slacker. He kept claiming that it was on the bulletin board and finally, to shut him up, two of the girls left to verify his word. Turns out he was right. Awesome!

The rest of the day was spent listening to music, buying a few gifts (Kate received a red rose from yours truly), and being happy that I was loved. It was a well spent Valentine's Day, as mine often are. I have always loved this day since I can remember because my family celebrates it as a day of love, not a day of romance. Love is so much better since it takes all forms including self-love. That's the best kind, I always buy myself great food and gifts. Seriously I'm a good shopper for me.

I did go later that night with a bunch of the newer students to a few events around Le Havre. Here's the rapid low-down; arrived on time, turned out to be early, only three of us there, found out the others changed the time, half of the group didn't show, went on without them, turned back halfway to find the others, they turned out to already be there, turned around once more and finally reached the hookah bar, chilled with my friends, met some new faces, everyone left for the club, I lead the flock, I was a good shepherd, reached the club without any issues, the club was empty, went inside, everyone stood around awkwardly, waited for a little bit, more friends showed and the party started, glad I am in shape for the amount I danced, left the club with my friends who also lived in St. Nicolas, washed  my face, brushed and flossed, passed out. The End!

P.S. The event was called Drunk Knight Rises and had both Batman and the Avengers on the same poster. The French don't realize that Marvel and DC are two different comics.

Love you audience!

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