Monday, February 18, 2013

February 15th

Any of you ever heard of Spiral Knights?

I'll wager a "no" as the answer to that question. It is an MMO (mass multiplayer online) RPG (role playing game) video game. I often play it with my older brother and my best friend Brian. Why? Because it's freakin' fun! Not as cute as Maple Story I will admit, BUT Spiral Knights has a lot of kick to it. If only they would improve the layout, it is not noob friendly.

Moving on, I played this all day (well afternoon/evening) long. I love being young and silly and naive about how real time is supposed to work. Before any of you give me slack for being spoiled let me say this, well duh! Of course I'm spoiled, I'm a snotnosed kid just entering her twenties who's studying abroad in France just to improve her French. I happen to love reading and writing fantasy stories and playing various video games in my "spare" time instead of exploring the world of Le Havre. 

Another note, the world of Le Havre is often drenched in rain, not fun to explore. Rather I do this when I am able which is often late at night for France (even if I don't game or read or write, I'm always awake until 3 AM). So, you may judge me if you like for being a spoiled nerdy gamer but at least I know what makes me happy; socializing with some of the people whom I miss by blasting ghost cats to bits while voice chatting on Steam.

That's basically it, yeah a shotty post I know. That's why the pictures below have been included. Remember audience, a picture is worth a thousand words meaning I just increased this post by 3,000. Logic.

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