Sunday, February 3, 2013

February 1st

My day was just playing Portal 2. I have one word to say about that game, SPACE!

Ha ha audience I had such a good time being my true gamer self again. I rocked the water, the cereal, the Monster, oh everything was simply perfect. Though I'm a gamer I am a clean one. I showered, brushed my teeth, washed my dishes, and rinsed the empty cans out. The worst I'll do is leave half-finished glasses of water around my room for a day or two. I hardly find that to be revolting.

Once it hit midnight round here, Timmy and I began to play portal 2 co-op. I had just finished the single player mode and was eager for more portal. Tim and I are a fierce force of orange and blue. I was orange which is rather funny. Tim is much taller than I am and orange is much taller than blue. 

The off-color jokes between us were endless. Especially about the white gel used in Portal 2. I understand why it was white (the various gels are red, white, and blue) but it looks pretty disgusting when portals are erupting a thick white substance all over the room. Funny though.

This went on until the very early hours of my Saturday morning, around five actually. I can never help it, achievements are so addicting and co-op is so much fun. Tim did have to let me go because I needed some sleep. Well audience this blog will have to continue on Saturday's post, after all the AM is the next day. SPACE!

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