Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day Three KIS

The 27th of January and my last full day in Germany. Sigh such sorrow but I wasn’t concentrating on being sad for leaving, least not in the morning. Instead I was groggy when I finally woke up. Caitlin and I didn’t leave the party until close to five in the morning, grogginess explained. It was alright, the hangover brunch didn’t start until 11 AM and we went around noon. What an appropriately named meal. The only issue was that they didn’t have any orange juice. My hangover nectar absent, such sweet sorrow.

-Breadish Brunch-

Plentiful was the supply of fresh crossed rolls and jam. Thank Science for that! The other option of food was cereal complete with whole milk. Shiver. Sorry Europe but once you go American skim there’s no road back.

I ate my weight in rolls slathered with strawberry jam. I also had a decent amount of water, but not until I had a cup of coffee. Well, it was more of a glass of coffee (mug supplies were low) nevertheless it did the trick. I took it black, as usual, and received plenty of grimaces and looks from the Europeans. Dudes, pure cream and straight sugar are not helpful when it comes to hangovers. No wonder you guys crash into napping so early, sugar highs just can’t hold weight.

Fortunately due to my youth and abnormal nature I healed my hangover rapidly. Caitlin was not so fortunate. According to her this was her very first hangover in the history of her life. Yowza, what a time for it happen. I admit I’m a little honored since I by chance was there to witness it, I mean the odds were not in my favor. I just happened to be studying in France and took the opportunity to visit her during a Couch Surfing event where she partied harder than normal and experienced the side effects of too much alcohol. Her hangover cherry has been destroyed, bout time! Twenty-two is too old for a first hangover, especially in Europe.

Caitlin spent most of the brunch asleep on the couch. She did move to a bedroom and I did my best to take care of her. Water was supplied as well as some Sprite substitute that resembled cleaning fluid. Don’t ask, it was German. While I was catering to her wicked headache, I stumbled upon another girl sharing the room with Caitlin. She was an event of her own.

-The One Called Pei-

It started with me giving her some water and it ended with her saying that I was a kind person and am bound for good things. She definitely was more spiritual and optimistic than yours truly which is a good thing. My sense of the world (meaning society not nature) is constantly on fire, a few patches are put out but nothing significant is growing. This girl clearly had a garden of rich life and greenery in her eyes. Power to her, it’s better than charcoal dust.

Pei was very kind and simply wanted someone to talk to which can be hard to find. I happen to be someone who loves to talk but enjoys listening as well. That may be hard for some of you to believe but I have a patient listener side to me. Pei needed that part of Mary and I am happy that I was able to provide it.

Boy oh boy could this girl talk. The only two people whom I personally know who can match her word speed are my bestfriend NayNay and myself. One sentence from an average Joe equaled two paragraphs from her. Color me impressed, it is good to know there are more of us motor-mouths out there.

I won’t go in exact details of our conversation for two reasons; first it was mostly about Leonardo DiCaprio  second I don’t remember the rest. I do remember it but not clearly enough to put into exact detail. I later found out that she had recently broken up with her long term boyfriend and just needed to let out some steam. An interesting aspect was that she had been living in France and would occasionally throw in a French word if she didn’t know its English equivalent. I suppose that bonded us in some way, not sure what kind of bond but it can’t be bad. Right audience?

-Quiet Afternoon of Pizza Chaos-

Once all my goodbyes were said, especially to Pei, Peter and Tuuli gave Caitlin and me a ride back to her apartment. Poor Caitlin was exhausted and curled up under some covers and napped. She asked if I could make her a cream sauce pizza (by make I mean simply stick in the oven) to which I agreed, duh.

Somewhat stupidly I put the pizza on the box it had been in and place the two of them in the oven. The smell of plastic burning is bad. Somewhat luckily I realized my mistake (with Caitlin’s help “Mary did you put the box in the oven too?”) and corrected it by yanking the flattened box out.

The pizza was not damaged and baked perfectly fine, phew dodged that bullet. Caitlin offered me some but I’m not big on cream sauce. Rather I made my own pizza (spinach and mozzarella) which used a tomato sauce. However, I sliced Caitlin’s pizza and served it to her first. She kept saying I didn’t have to do things for her but she’s my friend. I treat my kin how I’d want to be treated, especially when hungover.

Caitlin fell asleep shortly after eating her pizza leaving me time to pack and take a bath. This may disgust you audience (I tried to not think about it) but I hadn’t actually showered since the morning I left for Germany. Yeah, two straight days of the same layer of filth all over my skin. Well except for my face (that I wash daily) It was my hair, that was the kicker; I had natural oils, alcohol, Andrew’s sweat (his hat wasn’t the driest), and everything airborne mixed into my hazelnut locks. Excuse me while I scream from repulsion.

Everyone ok? I apologize if I revolted you (I revolted myself) but I scrubbed every inch of my body with soap, twice. I also the conditioned the crap out of my hair, once (too much isn’t healthy). I felt so at peace knowing I was again a clean human. Also I hadn’t had a bath in a while (showers, yeah...) and I thoroughly enjoyed just soaking in some suds. Relaxation is among bubbles.

-Schnitzel Supper-

Later on Caitlin and I became hungry, surprise surprise. She decided to show me some of the downtown since there were both shops and restaurants. Of course none of the shops were open, Sunday Fundays, but it was enjoyable to see the storefronts nonetheless. Remember Europe is generally pretty and these streets of cobblestone were lovely to look upon.

We ate at a popular bar (it was empty, pesky Sunday Fundays) which was very traditional styled. It reminded me of Western saloons from Clint Eastwood’s glory days, well the wooden booths did anyhow. The menu was in German (crap) but Caitlin was able to decipher the dishes for me. I decided upon Schnitzel seeing as I had never eaten before (when in Kaiserslautern) and breaded pork sounded really tasty. Ahem,


Please ship all of your food to France.


Tis all audience. Well Mike did join us later (he had already eaten) but that time was spent playing table football and watching youtube videos. I went to bed early, for me, and tried to fall asleep. It was difficult for I’d be leaving the following the morning. I hate it when time goes by fast, but at least it means it was fun. Time only flies for happiness, in my opinion. Until the morning audience!

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