Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 30th

The only positive to study days is that you create your own schedule. I love sleeping in and starting the studying process around noon. After a shower of course.

For some reason yesterday my hair was a disaster. This is deep stuff audience, need to know. Somehow I screwed it up. Instead of lovely silk locks of honey I had stiff dreads of wolf fur. Not cool. How that happened I don't know. I guess my hair wasn't ready for the transition to Le Havre calcium induced water.

Anyhow I fixed it today. I scrubbed the absolute crap outta my hair with shampoo. It was frothy and sudsy just as it should be. Condition the tips next, smooth and slick. Wash it all out and quick dry with hot air. I practically purred from the results. Silk hair returned to my shoulders once more. That's better, studying may start.

Hours later I found myself at the Racadot home tutoring Louis and Anne. Both have improved so much it just amazes me. Louis is becoming a better speaker and takes his time to read and pronounce the words properly. The only area he needs to work on is looking at me when talking to me. He has the habit of talking into his lap during conversation practice. I should give him some slack, he is thirteen after all.

Anne, oh she's wonderful. Like a younger French sister. We worked on the comparative tense of English today. Oh what a nightmare for natives and foreigners. Is it -er or more? Honestly it just takes practice. On occasion I have to test both options in my head before decided which sounds better. Yup, welcome to languages.

The hour slipped by and it was time to go. Alexis gave me a "hello!" from the second floor which I grinned at in response. He always tells me hello whether I'm leaving or arriving. Just a little spark that makes Tuesdays even better.

Homeward bound to dinner. How I love meal time since it means fresh good eats. Tonight's menu included sauteed mushrooms, green peas, and a fried egg just for that extra protein bit. It was hard to restrain myself from devouring the mushrooms right away but I did it. Good food needs to be savored.

I then treated myself to some of my Glenturret bottle. All day I had been studying, figured I deserved the night off. Sides I'll cram everything tomorrow in any case. Relaxing won't do any harm.

April 29th

So Mondays? Well today turned out to be a tad different from the others. I was blushing from embarrassment for the latter half of my day. Some background info first.

Nothing like a frothy bowl of oatmeal to start the day. For me there isn't a more filling breakfast. Seriously, doesn't exist on my spectrum. I tried a different method and used soy milk. Perhaps the second best decision I've ever made with oatmeal; the first being a drop of maple syrup added to the brew.

I took my time becoming ready for the day. A nice long shower to the tunes of Aim and Ignite by Fun. followed by make-up and hair. I even opened my windows to let in some fresh air. Felt right seeing how it is spring. Sides the scent of cooking isn't pleasant after a while.

Then I left for university shortly before noon. But MareBear you only have one class on Mondays and it's at 3:30 PM. Completely true and accurate dear audience. You've just earned bonus points for paying attention (not making attention). Yes, I was going to university but not for class. Rather two of my friends, Agnese and Ieva, asked if I could be in a video project. They said I would just have to read a few lines in Latvian. I warned them that I had no idea how to speak Latvian but they assured me it would be fine.

I arrived at the SRI office and was pleasantly surprised to see Jessy. We hugged and said hello in the typical French style. Jessy then shocked me with the uncommon compliment, "Mary you've lost weight." That threw me for a loop. Really? How? The amount I had been eating and drinking over vacation should've caused the opposite. Guess it's a good thing? Anyhow we moved on and I told him how much I had missed him. I'll be seeing him later in the week for my birthday celebration. Yay!

Turning around I found Ieva, Agnese, and Kate. That was again a slight surprise. Kate originally wasn't able to do the video due to classes and exams. She told me later that she had an hour break and ran into Ieva and Agnese while going to the library. It was helpful of Kate to stick around, after all the girls wanted as many nationalities as possible.

Recording happened first inside then outside (French people are overly loud in heels). I did my best to attempt the Latvian in front of me. That being said my best was something similar to trying to shoot billiards with a piece of rope; a miserable fail of an attempt. Still for my friends I'd do most anything.

I thought nothing of it and returned home for some lunch. Not before swinging by the market for some apples (addict) though. Can't help my cravings. I also bought some strawberries. It's the season and they smelled heavenly. Plus they were the small pinkish type rather than the giant red ones. I do love palm sized strawberries with scarlet flesh drizzled in chocolate but the petite wildish ones are better for straight eats.

Lunch was good as was my afternoon before class. I worked on some art studying, edited a chapter, and sent a few key emails. I also began to organize my schedule for the next few weeks. Due to final exams lasting over a month here things become a bit screwy with class times. Top it off with random sections of the week being days off and you have a whole slew of fun.

Then class happened. I was happy to see Martel again (one of my favorite professors) and all of my friends. We started with discussing what we did over break. Apparently distillery is disstillerie in French. Glad that my alcohol related vocabulary isn't complicated. There was a slight "pop quiz" section to class where Martel asked us which was correct for describing a vacation C'est bien or C'est bon?

To the logic of grammar it would be bien since it is an adverb modifying the verb est or être. That is the correct answer as well. The problem arises when you are describing something that you "feel" is good in French. Basically like us saying in English when describing soup as "It's good". Really we are saying "It's good soup" but have chopped off the noun at the end. Same for French. Lesson over! Just found that interesting is all.

Everything so far has been smooth in the day. Then the video happened. Fortunately I was not the star but possibly one of the more popular characters. I just failed completely. I kept saying "god damnit" and "aw shit" the three or so times whenever I saw myself appear on screen. Doesn't sound like much and in class it wasn't. I went home and was met with the realization that facebook exists and loves to bite me occasionally.

I was blushing throughout my evening. A handful of friends including some who don't even attend university here commented on how "cute" and "funny" I was. Please someone shoot me. I can't handle being called cute in a foolish sense. It just causes a mix of unpleasant feelings that parallel a child making a speech in front of their peers for the first time. The tight knots in your stomach, burning red face, and let's not forget the jolts running down the spine. Facebook and youtube, they can have that affect on a person.

Despite my better judgement I'm giving this to you audience. You'll see several students that I've mentioned in the blog before as well as myself. Sides I'm certain that in the future I'll shrug off the video as being entertaining. Still enjoy my embarrassment, that's what it's there for.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

April 28th

Today sucks. Just grrrr.

Alright I owe you an explanation audience. This approaching week is going to be hell. Not hell week (high five to all my Crew buddies out there) but a week of hell. I have three finals, two are exams and one is a paper. Two happen on the same day, Thursday. In other words I'm busy in the unfun irritating way.

That contributes to this Sunday sucking. Really, sides studies, today was a moment of reflecting a realization. Last night around 11 PM I registered for classes. Not Le Havre classes, no my classes for fall semester at Iowa. Possibly the most emotionally difficult class registration.

Everything went fine with it. I had my audit on one side and the browser on the other. This enabled me to properly search for required class numbers. Allow me to briefly explain the system. Departments, classes, and class sections are all given a numeric name. The English department is 008. So for classes I type in 008 (and check the box that says available classes only) and bamn all the English major classes show up. I then scroll through to find appropriate class to satisfy my audit or list of required credits to graduate.

But MareBear, wouldn't it be easier to search for specific classes? No. The English department has too many choices on the audit. For the 20th Century Literature credit there are over fifteen class options. Plus not all classes are offered each semester. So it is easier to use my best friend Ctrl F instead. I found my classes, created a Friday-free schedule, and promptly began to silently cry.

I hate admitting weaknesses to you audience but this hit hard. I woke up fine today but have been feeling down. Kate noticed that I was more talkative than usual, a nervous habit. I just damnit! Having things set up back home for the upcoming semester just solidifies that I'm leaving. It was the cement that filled the hole.

Yes I still want to go home. I miss my friends, I miss family, I miss Chicago, and I miss my car. But that doesn't stop me from missing everything I have in Europe. Iowa is planned now. I already have my apartment there, my stuff is in a storage unit, and now I have my class schedule. It's just too real for me.

Sorry audience, this wasn't much of an uplifting post. Today was spent studying art and moping in solitude among art. I'll quit the attitude though. Writing this helped, more than you may realize. And on the bittersweet bright side it means I have things I love on both sides of the pond. That fact does make me smile.

As well as the hilariously poor poem I wrote during my senior year of high school about Edinburgh. I found it in my email and have been laughing since. No I'm not sharing.

April 27th Retour au Foyer

The journey "home" to Le Havre continues...

Hours later I woke up to Kate shaking my leg. Apparently it was the fifth or sixth shake; guess I passed out hard.

Since I was still slightly in a dream (half-asleep) I grabbed my comb and began to brush my hair. See my dream had been that my hair was greasy. Not normal travel greasy but dream greasy. Imagine a bucket of lard being poured onto my head. There we go. In the dream I somehow found bags of flour on the bus. Just go with me. I was using fistfuls of flour and my comb in an effort to counteract the grease. So I woke up while dreaming about combing my hair. First thing I did was comb my hair. Ah logic.

Kate and I said goodbye to our new flamboyant friends and made our way to Saint Lazare. I know that I don't have that many clothes with me anymore (I brought everything to Scotland) and I only bought a few dresses plus a top but my left shoulder was going to kill me. That is if my spine didn't snap first. That's the issue with carrying everything, you bear the physical burdens.

Saint Lazare, how good to see you at seven in the morning. Kate and I were supposed to drop off our luggage there because our train home was at 2 PM. Guess who's luggage area isn't there anymore? Guess who said it was there thus the reason going to Saint Lazare? How Kate didn't kill me is still a mystery. Though, coffee might have had something to do with it.

Starbucks, first and last time I will say this (I hope) thank you for existing. Kate and I threw our stuff to ground and enjoyed some fresh coffee. That eased all the tensions. Sitting with mugs and sipping frothy brews allowed us to relax and decipher our situation. We needed somewhere to put our stuff. Neither of us had simple access to internet. We had Jonathan do it.

Apparently Gare de Lyon (a particularly familiar train station) had a left luggage area. This proved convenient for everyone since Gare de Lyon is a straight shot from La Défense where Jonathan lives. Metro to Gare de Lyon! The station seems to have grown since last time. Either that or I never realized how frickin' huge it was.

Kate and I sorted ourselves out (became unlost) and found the left luggage area. The rate for an entire day was about seven euros. Sweet dude. Big plus, all three bags fit into one locker. This calls for another sweet dude! Now time to find Jonathan.

Found him! Somehow I'm always the one to spot him first. We all said hello and then began our short day together. It had been a while since Kate had seen Jonathan, Disney I believe. Anyways the two of them caught up and all that.

I enjoyed the fresh air around Notre Dame with Fun.'s Barlights looping in my head. Though I had slept on the bus the weight of travel was still heavy on my shoulders. Wasn't exactly focused but still happy to be with my friends.

Pictures happened. Kate was given Jonathan's camera and went crazy with it. She's a pretty decent shot with it and took over 200 photos throughout the morning. Jonathan insisted that there be pictures of him and me together. I agreed and actually am happy with the results. This one is my favorite.
Thank you Kate.
Kate did nab a photo of me eating a muffin (funny but not flattering in the traditional sense) but fortunately I was eating it slowly. Brian remembers how I normally eat muffins. I love scarring my friends sometimes.

After Notre Dame we sidetracked into Jonathan's favorite bookstore, Shakespeare and Company. It is a booklover's paradise. The amount of novels was so insane that you had wedge yourself through rooms with book stacks that touched the ceilings. The average American would've been stuck.

I leafed through a few books out of curiosity and found an interesting read. It was "Poem and Songs of Jim Crow" a suitable topic for everyone. As much as political correctness might want to burn this book, they can keep their Fahrenheit 451 desires to themselves. Inside was a plethora of aged viewpoints and brilliantly written southern phonetics. If I'm back in Paris soon I'll grab a copy (we were tight on time). I'll be sure to have it stamped too.

Gamer diet today also known as the screw food diet. Kate and Jonathan aren't gamers meaning they eat like normal people. The muffin held me fine. We (they) ate at a pizzeria nearish to the bookstore. Jonathan had a panini and Kate had pizza. One is allergic to dairy the other gluten. Then again I'm mildly allergic to apples and pears. Have forth friends!

It was time for a key event. This happened to be the Luxembourg gardens. I had seen them back in the fall while waiting for Caitlin after my Lyon adventure. They are beautiful in autumn but spring flowers blow red leaves out of the water. Interesting image there.

Anyways Kate and I (probably Jonathan too) have wanted to go the gardens forever. Originally Paula would have been with us; someday the three will return to Paris together.

Damnit just cried a little there while typing. Moving on, Jonathan, Kate and I walked around the gardens for a good chunk of time. We saw kids sailing boats in the fountain, a lady doing really poor stretches, and groups and groups of joggers. We also stopped for a bit and I gave Kate a shoulder massage. She was all knots. Future jump, back in the Le Havre I properly worked on her back and celebrated with whisky.

Time slipped by and we found ourselves back at Gare de Lyon. Funny how life loves to loop. Outside this station is where Paula and I first met Jonathan. We had dinner not too far away where he played his charm cards on us. He also did a magic trick, major detail.

This time we had a drink outside the station since the clock was running out of minutes. Wine for Kate and beer for me. Says so much about our personalities right there. I had to down my Leffe in the end, damn time.

We all hurried back to the luggage area where Kate volunteered to grab the bags. This left me alone in Jonathan's arms. That was a brief but pleasant moment. Distance is bitch, just saying. Kate returned and dropped my bags with, "No wonder your shoulder hurts." I'm small and can carry a decent amount of weight. But yeah my shoulder hurt like hell.

A problem occurred, wouldn't be life if it didn't. Since we were in crunch time for our train we were rushing through the Metro. An escalator was out of order so Kate had to take the stairs. Her suitcase is general suitcase with wheel and a pull out handle. The handle snapped on the stairs. That proved to be a huge annoyance for poor Kate. Plus she and Jonathan had some fiberglass puncture their fingers.

Saint Lazare was reached as was platform 23. Kate and I punched our tickets and took a short moment to realize that we were finally going home. The vacation was over with that train ride. Kate said her goodbyes to Jonathan with a huge hug. I gave him a kiss maybe two and left the platform wishing that he lived closer. Distance really is a bitch.

On the ride home both Kate and I fell asleep. Traveling for way too long causes fatigue. Needless to say we arrived in Le Havre without much delay. Due to Kate's suitcase situation we took our time walking home. I went slightly faster because my spine was in a decent amount of pain from my duffle bag and backpack. So glad that my return to States bag has wheels and is twice the size of the Adidas duffle bag.

Home, then Subway, then home, then unpacking, then back cracking/massaging (playing masseuse), then whisky, then bed. I was tired and earned the right to enjoy my somewhat comfortable bed. Blackhawks blanket I'm so glad I have you to keep me warm. Goodnight.

April 26th

This morning was difficult. No surprises there, Kate and I were leaving Scotland. Anyone would have a hard time leaving what they loved. Nevertheless after hugs Kate and I boarded the Megabus for London.

Now I can sleep almost anywhere audience, somewhat a cursed talent. I dozed for a bit on the bus with the help of my Ipod. While I was conscious I spaced out as I so often do. My mind enables me to drift away into fantasies which have had the recurring theme of New York City. Never been, wanna go.

Kate had her kindle but had to endure some yappy guy on the phone while reading. I only caught hints of his conversations when I had my headphones removed. This guy would not shut up. He was on the phone for the entire eight hour drive. My two main questions; who the hell was he talking to and how did his battery not die?

Moving on, we made it to London without trouble. There was fortunately plenty of seating and a Burger King there. Last meal in the UK and it was a delicious whooper. Too bad their fries really suck now.

We chilled at Victoria station for two hours until our next bus arrived. At first we sat near the back on the right-hand side of the bus. Seemed fine until a uh, "gentleman" sat in the row behind us. France, you need to stress to your citizens that deodorant is mandatory, at all times! He reeked of BO like choking the air reeked. Kate and I had to move. In the end it was one of our better decisions.

To the back of the bus we went. We were sitting right by the bathroom but it was better than being in front of Mr. Hygiene-capped. We were also sitting in front of three notably loud and hilarious young gentlemen. Their names were Mark (American), Chris (Canadian), and Josh (English). Kate and I talked to them for decent amounts of our bus ride. Kate more than me since I fell asleep. A lot.

These guys were sweet and flattering. Plus they were excited that I was from Chicago. A quote from Chris and Mark, "Oh my god Chicago is such a city. Absolutely beautiful." Finally people who don't mention Al Capone or gang warfare. Refreshing.

Halfway through the journey sort of we had to exit the bus for and ride in the passenger compartment of the ferry. Last time (going to London from Paris) our bus boarded a train and we didn't have to move. This occasion called for stumbling up staircases trying to find outlets and places to sit. We found both and I found myself tired. MareBear fell asleep on a table with a blindfold around her eyes. I tell ya it's a curse.

Ferry wasn't long and we landed in France about an hour later. I was woken up in a hazy state. Still tired. Boarded the bus, switched from my Fun. playlist to Amber by 311. Repetition of relaxing music, check. Light blue bandanna used as blindfold, check. Ability to relax and drift into sleep, check. Til Paris.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 25th

Waking up late is so much fun. Tomorrow will be early and our trip then done. So sad. So very wary and non-merry otherwise oh so sad.

Not sure what that was right there. Just having fun with rhymes and nonsensical rhythms. Anyhow I woke up late (noonish) and was ready to face the day when lunch was served at one o'clock. Lunch was roasted beef sandwiches with coleslaw and salad. I put ketchup on mine (still MareBear), some Dijon mustard, and fresh toppings of lettuce and tomato. Yes it is necessary that you know exactly what I had for lunch audience. Important details!

Kate and I then found ourselves at a wildlife park about a fifteen minute drive from her house. It was I must say impressive. They had all the barnyard animals there plus some exotic ones. Pictures were taken as were videos. Fear not audience I will attach some for you.

At first we started in the hatchery area with all the cute fluffy little chick morsels. They were so downy and adorable. However the chicks were topped by the lambs. I love me a dainty lil lamb. Even though they grow into sheep I've always had a soft spot for lambs. Must be a package deal with the name Mary.

We actually ran into some lemurs before the chicks and sheep. They were too funny. I wish I could be a lemur. Their gymnastic and climbing abilities are too wicked. Imagine if I had that kind of control while scaling a wall or fence. Plus they're cute. That word and its synonyms will be used frequently on this blog. Animals!

After the chicks and the lambs we wandered around the outer exhibits. Rain hit us a lil bit but was never more than a drizzle. Outside they had ducks (fat ducks), alpacas, wallabies, prairie dogs, pigs, chickens, roosters, meerkats, wild cats, and peacocks. Oh the peacocks. Damn things apparently can make sounds, really high-pitched annoying sounds. Seriously was considering roasted peacock as an in between meal.

Kate and I walked around after that feeding various animals and taking random pictures. We found some obnoxious geese (more annoying than the damn peacocks) and spotted some highland cows as well. Over a hill and up a path was the emu pen and the rainbow colored sheep. Observe.

Kate is so cute isn't she? Yeah she is. So those were the multicolored sheep who go baa! They were extremely friendly and loved having their heads stroked. Needless to say we chilled with them for some time before heading towards the playground. 

Audience this should surprise none of you. Kate and I reverted back into childhood and messed around on the park's jungle gym area. The three things we hit were the zip-line, swings, and teeter-totter. The last one was hilarious since Kate kept causing me to fly into the air. I had a blast with it and from her laughter I'm guessing she did as well. Fooling and goofing friendship.

Definitely a pro at this.

Swing swing dear Kate

Thousands of words right there from those images. Hopefully immature and idiots aren't a part of them. My list personally is along the lines of imaginative, child at heart, fun loving, adorable etc. We left shortly after and arrived home with plenty of time before supper. 

Dinner was one of my personal favorites, homemade pizza. Now who can guess accurately on what toppings I had? Answer, Hawaiian. Pineapple and ham just make the tastiest pizza don'tcha think? Clearly that's what I think because I ate every bit of delicious fruity goodness without hesitation. 

It was a long day indeed audience. Sadly this will be my last day in Scotland (for now) which is depressing. Le Havre the only thing bringing me back to you is Rikki. Just Rikki. Otherwise I'd saw screw finals, later Normandy, and earn a keep doing manual labor til my flight in June. Aight that's all extreme but I am reluctant on leaving. I've felt like family here and going away from that type of connection is always painful. 

Bob, Nora, thank you so much for having me. I hope to see you all soon in the future as well has seeing Kate in my neck of the woods as well. I enjoyed every second of staying with you and wish you a smooth rest of the year. By the way the name of the worst film ever made is The Room. Just a reminder.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 24th Edinburgh

Finally audience my mission has been accomplished. After nearly four years I have returned to the Scottish city that rivaled my love for Chicago for a short period of time. Told ya I'd be back Edinburgh.

Early morning again accompanied by an M&S blueberry muffin. Serious addiction to those and rather happy about that. I love addictions almost as much as temptation. Blueberry muffin, shower, stretch, eyeliner, and clothes somewhere in there. We left around nine thirty and had plenty of time. Plenty of time is nice.

Kate and I were dropped off at the Dunblane train station (near Stirling) and waited in the dim sunlight for our train. Bamn it appeared. Bamn we rode it (far more comfortable than SNCF). And Bamn we arrived in Edinburgh. Steak Bake plus Millie's cookies and we were on our way to the castle.

Again I love castles audience. This was the first castle I had ever been to officially in my life which makes it special. This time I was able to wander at my leisure around the castle with Kate which was far better than a tour. If you haven't realized I'm not into tours. The boundaries just aren't fun.

At the castle we did quite a lot. First was a stop by the cannons where a costumed employee was giving a demonstration of history. His most exciting crowd gathering technique was when he fired his musket and blew everyone's ears off. Some of them may have needed brown slacks.

We then checked out the war memorial. It was beautiful and peaceful. D.C. is full of war monuments and memorials but many tend to be over the top. This building had light and stained glass as well as engravings. Made it more meaningful in some way. Plus the books of family names made it personal at least for the bloodlines who were viewing them. I'm not Scottish but I can appreciate as an outsider.

After that occurred my favorite time of the day. Anyone who has been to Edinburgh castle an hour after noon may have an idea of what I'm referencing. The one o'clock gun. It was loud and fascinatingly cool. Must be my American blood that loves the sound of gunfire. Just said way too much about my culture. Ah love the red white and blue.

Next on the line was the exhibit of medals. It was the war exhibit but I was mainly interested in all the shiny lovely medals hanging on the walls. The inner thief inside me wanted to swipe some but the security guard and two inch thick glass somehow dissuaded me. Still wonderful collection of history and honors.

It's time for my favorite area in the castle. To the surprise of no one it was the prisoner cells. I loved the all the hammocks and all of the damp dark atmosphere that the prisoners lived in. It was a comfortable area of the castle and an interactive one as well. They have voice recordings reenacting conversations between prisoners which are both entertaining and humorous. Recommendation if you're ever there.

The two ending activities to our visit involved the royal honours (just for you Edinburgh) and St Margaret's Chapel. The honours or an ancient sword, scepter, and crown are as beautiful and wicked as I remember them. The sword is perhaps the most perplexing. How can you lift the damn thing? The hilt looks as heavy as the blade! The Chapel was lovely too, quieter. Always quieter.

Souvenir shopping happened of course. I grabbed a different deck of cards (have the Edinburgh deck from four years ago at home in Chicago) and a quaich. I know North American audience, what in hell's name is a quaich? Simple a small cup if you will with two handles on either side that is used to drink whisky. Hey I need something to go along with my bottle. Sides it says Edinburgh and we don't have it in the States.

Time for lunch. Kate and I walked along Princes Street but went for Cockburn street instead for eats; the street name is not pronounced how it looks. Dirty hooked on phonics minds audience, shame shame. Anyhow we ended up at this little place on Cockburn that seemed humble enough. Kate was somewhat nervous at how empty it was but I reminded her that we were eating at an odd hour, after three o'clockish.

We were sat by the window and served glasses of water, with ice. France, take some notes! Kate and I ordered and were met with mouthwatering spreads. She had a plate with some rice, a fried egg, chicken, and fries on it. I had a mixed Portuguese dish that consisted of scrambled eggs, onions, olives, and cod. Can't resist cod anywhere.

Lunch finished up with a cup of mint tea for MareBear and an espresso for Kate. Probably the best part of the lunch was the fact that it didn't cost a fortune. Good food and fair price. Edinburgh I love you. It was then shopping, surprised? Well I dedicated myself to knickknacks today rather than clothes. Yeah running tight on space. Not for going back to France rather going back to the States. Least I'm conscience of it.

The day ended with me buying more muffins (addict) and falling asleep on the train. As Kate put it, "you're a vampire's wet dream." She was referring to how my head falls revealing my neck. Good thing I'm not dating a bloodsucker and that Kate knows when to wake me when the train terminates.

Back home we had a huge meal of coleslaw, tomatoes, salad, baked spuds, lamb, and wine. I sadly wasn't able to finish my plate just didn't have room. It was painful throwing away perfectly good coleslaw but such had to be done. The space wasn't in my belly and the dogs aren't into veggies.

Tomorrow will be lazy. I love late mornings since it means long dreams and drifting. Fingers crossed for good weather. Only time will tell. Patience audience, just patience.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 23rd

Today turned out to be chill, really chill. Fret not audience Edinburgh has just been postponed until tomorrow. Like I would miss out on my favorite Scottish city that granted me access into Iowa's Freshman writing dorm. That's actually true; I wrote about it in a poem. Moving on!

So I woke up round the normal hour of 9:30 AM but didn't actually leave my room until after noon. Why? Well I was entitled to drift back to sleep and enjoy my dreams for a few hours before facing the day. I do often enjoy my dreams as odd as they are somehow that comforts me. Also I love being lazy.

By elevenish I had grown bored of sleeping. Huh. Solution, muffins and Stephen Clarke. Nothing like sitting up in bed with a humorous book and blueberry muffin. Delicious in so many ways. For those of you who know Stephen Clarke this was his third book Merde Happens. I honestly couldn't have been happier for what happens to Alexa and Jake. Total Jake fan.

So that went on for a lil while til I decided to make an appearance. I popped into Kate's room with towel in tow (her's is on the way to the shower) just to assure her that I hadn't died during the night. Unless I'd become a zombie I was indeed alive and walking around. Hmm zombie version of MareBear might be fun.

Anyhow I showered, stretched, put on clean clothes, and met everyone downstairs for lunch. It consisted of leftover saucy wraps with leafy salad. Happy MareBear, greens are always welcome on my plate. After that, well more reading and relaxing in the sunshine. Wait, we did go on a walk in the sunshine too. A breezy calm walk through the fields with Kate and her mother. And the dogs, can't forget Clootie and Muffin.

Fast forward a fews hours, a Rocky Horror conversation, and a read of Fifty Sheds of Grey later. Dinner was upon us. My full appetite has returned audience and I let it show. MareBear polished off the potatoes, lamb, broccoli, green beans, and possibly the yorkshire. There were also carrots and beets, delish.

Dessert followed later during the film The Mexican. Ok that has to be the best (unseen) film I've viewed all semester. No exaggeration here it really is a fantastic movie. Grab it next time you're on Netflix I guarantee that you'll love it. Well if you enjoy this blog you will most definitely love it. After all your taste can't be all bad if you enjoy my words.

What was dessert? The best (I love that word) carrot cake that I had ever eaten in my life. Carrot cake is something that I can eat from time to time; a dessert that doesn't kill me later. This carrot cake was soft and rich with plumes of light cream cheese icing that had hints of lemon. Nora you make one mean carrot cake, please never stop.

That was today. Not bad for a relaxing day of chill. Tomorrow has Edinburgh and tonight has me sleeping soundly knowing that everything has been going great. This trip couldn't have been better.

Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22nd Glasgow

Old habits die hard. MareBear was lazy and spent a good chunk of the morning in bed dozing. Kate sprang up and out sharing coffee and breakfast with Lil and David. I somewhat regret not doing that since Lil went off to work but such is life. No one scolded me though, plus there.

I gathered my things as did Kate and we set off to the train station. We had a short stop at a bank where Kate deposited some checks that had been given to her for her birthday. She turned twenty-one in February. Yeah those checks needed to be cashed.

Anyhow I gave David a big hug goodbye before entering the train station with Kate. The weather looked skeptical, rain. I held on hope that it would clear up since neither of us had proper rain gear. Audience my destroyed converse shoes are incredibly comfortable. Their only flaw is that they are complete cracked on both sides exposing them to any and all forms of water. Rain equals bad.

On the train (while I held my fingers crossed for some clearer Glasgow weather) Kate and I caught some admiration from a stranger. He was blond with Michigan blue eyes and a toothy white smile. Every time we looked  (he was sitting across from us) he gave us a grin complete with a nod. In fact I even caught him drooling over us. Literally drool ran down his chin.

Now to dissuade you all from thinking this poor boy was a complete creep I will give you the key detail; he was no more than two years old. In my experience with children (which is actually rather versatile) then tend to love pretty girls. This little toddler had fallen under the spell that females such as Kate and I possess which causes men and women alike to adore our beauty. And people say that I'm too modest.

Glasgow arrived and the weather looked more promising. The winds were decent but to be honest the train had been on the overly warm side. In other words I welcomed cold breezes. While walking Kate and I grabbed some brunch to-go known as a steak-bake from Greggs. My best description is a portable pot-pie filled with beef instead of chicken. Literally the pastry was that flaky and delicious. MareBear found her favorite Scottish dish.

It was then shopping. Oh how I love to spend money that I technically did not earn. Somehow when I'm post grad I think I'll whistle a different tune. Whatever, undergraduate status remains! Of the things that I bought one was a new dress (this time black muwhaha), a small purse, a cloth with Scottish sayings, a gift for my mother for Mother's Day, Paula's souvenir, some Mark's and Spencer's muffins, some licorice (strawberry and original), and probably something else. Full day of goods.

Kate and I did do other things besides shopping. The main one was visiting the Kelvingrove Museum. Dali's famous crucifixion painting was on display there plus many other pieces of art. I found the building itself beautiful and fascinating from the architecture to the hanging heads of expressions in the main hall. It was a kickin' time though by the end Kate and I found ourselves exhausted. Damn we needed a pick me up. Such happened but it was more than we had anticipated. Oh just keep reading.

Adult-Kate was going to drive us back to Kate's home after she was done at work. Quick reminder adult-Kate is a professor in Glasgow, completely perfect situation. She told us to meet her at a coffee shop known as S'Mug. Upon arrival Kate called adult-Kate to find out that it would be at least another half hour. Not a problem, we were at a coffee shop. Kate and I both ordered large drinks and gratefully sat down. The shocker occurred when the drinks arrived.

I did not receive a mug of coffee, oh no I had a giant bowl of coffee that happened to be mug shaped placed in front of me. I swear it was half a pot at least. Kate ordered a Chai Latte, good move. I ordered an Americano, stupid move. Audience I somewhat proudly/shamefully drank the whole thing. Once it wasn't scalding of course. Glad I'm not caffeine sensitive but I don't think that sleep will come easy tonight. Oh dear.

Adult-Kate soon arrived and we left S'Mug for home. I was twitching in the back a bit but kept my cool relatively well. Kate and I said our goodbyes, shared some wraps for dinner, and relaxed on PCs for a lil while. Tomorrow is tourist game again so hopefully I'll sleep at some point tonight. If not, well maybe there will be a S'Mug in Edinburgh.

April 21st Ayr

Kate and I managed to once more face an early day. This is tending to be a pattern but a worthwhile one at that. I was allowed to snooze around longer than Kate simply because she was meeting her neighbors for coffee and I forgot about the event. Oops, my major bad.

I did find the coordination to assemble myself in a timely enough manner to both meet the neighbors and have a lemon poppyseed muffin to boot. I do love that pastry. Something about muffins. I'm sure that I looked amusing to the family of four since I was stuffing a muffin in my face while explaining how Kate and I had met. Graceful as always.

My sit down with the neighbors was short lived because it was soon time to leave for Glasgow. Kate's father was kind enough to drive the both of us out there which is a good few hours of out his day. We arrived with some sunshine and scurried into the train station with about twenty minutes until departure. That's when I saw it, a long lost love. With time on my side I decided to treat myself to a meal that had long been missed, a whopper no mayo with cheese and a regular coke.

The wait was ridiculous and caused us to run to our platform. Luckily I recited the previous paragraph's last sentence so fast to the clerk that my order was placed without hesitation. American, I know all my fastfood orders by heart. I grabbed the bag and off Kate and I ran. We made it and I thoroughly enjoyed my burger on the train. Somehow the word puddle comes to mind. No clue why.

Right now where were we going? Well the title of this post should reveal that answer to anyone who's familiar with Scotland, however that covers almost none of you. Ayr is a humble town next to the sea that holds nothing touristic. Perfectly refreshing for this traveler. Kate and I were visiting her Auntie Lil and Uncle David for a night and they happen to live there. Bamn, story of why complete.

Once at the house we relaxed for awhile, after introductions of course. David and Lil were more than welcoming and I kept thanking them for having me. Honestly I've been so lucky to have met all these different people connected to Kate. They've all made me feel right at home which is both generous and reassuring. Damnit France I don't want to go back to you!

After some time of sipping coffee and skimming pages four of us minus Iain decided to take Heather on a walk by the beach. Heather is a manic dog who loves to bounce around and give kisses. Apparently I'm strange for loving dog slobber on my face while fussing over them. Must be an American thing.

The beach was an actual beach; it had sand. I had forgotten that sand existed seeing as Le Havre and Etretat define shore as stones. Sand was a friendly sight. It did started to drizzle a bit but it wouldn't be Scotland if it didn't rain some. I didn't mind at all, Normandy rain is less enjoyable.

While walking Heather we witnessed an interesting sight. Think team of mobsters beating the crap out of a sap who owes money but replace the humans with ducks. That pretty much describes it. We all watched from a bridge as a flock of mallards decided to drown another male duck. Disturbing, fascinating, and slightly hilarious all seem to fit the frame. Heather did break up the fight a bit (ducks fear swimming dogs) but that duck probably didn't see the dawn. Who knew that gangs of bullies existed in duck life? Probably a zoologist.

We all returned to the home and dried off before dinner which was delicious. Due to my no-so-healthy diet yesterday and the morning of I was seriously craving veg. My desires were met with bowls of steaming vegetables sided with chicken breast. Thank science, thank you science! I scarfed down broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, mini corn, and carrots. I just couldn't help myself. No one complained, after all everyone promotes veggies.

Afterwards Iain escorted Kate and me to a local pub for a quick drink. I had a beer (surprise surprise) by the name of Optimus Prime. I kid you not that was the name. It was a decent draft too; golden ale with a strong kick of flavor. The three of us talked over drinks before turning in for the night. Well not before we swung by Mickey D's for a late night snack. Audience you won't believe this but I didn't order anything. Uncanny I know.

Bed hit after we returned home. Technically I did sit in on some Whale Wars but felt myself drifting as the episode lulled on. I excused myself and fell into bed. Ayr had been wonderfully homely which was a need pace changer from playing tourist. I smiled and passed out into my manic dreams of nonsensical events. Regardless of where I go my sleep is always crazy.

Iain (Kate's cousin) picked us up from Ayr's station with relatively good timing

Saturday, April 20, 2013

April 20th Stirling

Early morning, the first of this trip. It wasn't too bad either. Kate and I had to be ready to go at 9:30 AM since we needed to catch a ride with Kate's mother into Crieff in order to grab a bus to Stirling. What's in Stirling? Well not abandoned factories or my driver's license; that's Sterling.

First we had brunch in Crieff. Kate had a pancake and yours truly had a breakfast sandwich. Coffee was included of course. It was a tasty meal though it did make me miss pancake houses of home. Downers Delight I shall return to you soon!

Right, so after breakfast Kate and I caught the bus to Stirling. About an hour (maybe shorter) later we arrived outside the Stirling shopping center. We made our way through but stopped to grab a birthday card for Kate's Aunt Lil. European cards are far more blue than the American ones. Least the ones at Hallmark stores.

The card was bought and we moved onwards with our mission. After walking up a hill and following a cemetery path filled with daffodils we finally arrived. It was Stirling castle! For me this was a major deal. Remember audience the only castles in America belong to Disney and are less than a century old. Castles are a love of mine. I enjoy exploring them and creating ridiculous fantasies about living in them. Not as a princess, no I'd rather be a servant spending time with the stable boys. Oops, you guys didn't hear that.

Kate and I decided while buying our tickets to have a two castle deal; one for Stirling and one for Edinburgh. No problems there, more castles means more stable boys. Again, oops. So we started our castle wander around twelve-thirty and spend a good deal of two hours there.

A quick run down: Towers , short film on the statues, trying on hats, sitting in a throne, dealing with the wind, absorbing the amazing view, posing with cannons, and just having fun. I especially enjoyed the statues and carvings since replicas of original colors were included next to them. It astonishes me that something so old can last so long through the forces of the elements. I mean damn, hundreds of years! I really should build a castle for myself in order for me to last throughout time.

Once it hit two-thirty or so Kate and I felt the need for sugar. What better way to satisfy that urge than with milkshakes. These were not ordinary milkshakes either audience. Oh no they were Shakebar milkshakes. To give my Stateside audience an idea of these shakes they were like a frothy mixture of heaven. Mine was galaxy caramel (a type of chocolate) and Kate's was carrot cake. The galaxy was clearly amazing but if I'm ever in Stirling again carrot cake it shall be.

That technically was our lunch (we made up for it later) which meant it was time for shopping. Oh how I had fun with that. See in France (Le Havre) there aren't many stores that sell nice clothes or at least clothes that suit me. Scotland is different. Finally I have a pair of charming summer dresses as well as some heels, flats, and a decent top. Sales are dangerous for Scales.

We hurried to the bus stop and grabbed a good pair of seats nearish the back. Unfortunately we were plagued with two babbling school girls. I'd like to think that I wasn't that annoying at that age but it's possible that I was. Though fussing over "how terrible I looked on holiday" doesn't sound like me. The ride was smooth and relaxing once they left.

Dinner itself was a drive away. We were heading over to a place called the Real Food Cafe about half an hour from Kate's home. They apparently have fantastic fish n' chips which this American was eager to taste. Admittedly my diet wasn't too healthy today; it becomes worse just wait.

So I had fish n' chips as did Mr. Appleby while Kate and her mom had venison burgers. I do enjoy venison but I was in it for the fish. Only thing missing was coleslaw, darn. The tartar was perfect though.

Not too far into waiting for our meal appeared some family friends of the Applebys. They were John (the father/professor of economy/rad) and his two children Helena and Rannoch. Having them in company was fantastic, the more the merrier. We talked about interesting topics such as Africa, equation solutions, and wind farms. See, told you they were interesting. Least to me they were.

Then a surprise happened. The dessert to be specific. It went by the name of West Highland Way Hey Hey and was insane. Even for Americans this was crazy. It was an enormous bowl of ice cream, fruit, whipped cream, and chocolate disks. I did have two servings but it took seven of us to demolish it. Job well done team, who's ready for sprints? No one? Damn.

The ride home was slower but went fast enough for me. I love driving through the twilight, gives the world a lovely blue tint. After arriving home Kate and I decided to veg out on the couch and watch The Duchess. Again, decent film give it a go if you can. Tomorrow is another earlyish day so I'd best leave you here. Sides I don't think me sleep typing would be effective blogging. Let's not try.

Friday, April 19, 2013

April 19th Highlands

This morning was a little tighter than yesterday's which is to be expected. We can lounge around for all of our mornings otherwise time wasted! Plus today was beautiful; sunshine and warmth were everywhere. I might love winter but rain becomes rather dull after awhile. Sun you were welcome.

Here are two videos of us enjoying a little bit of sunshine. Well it's mostly me just doing a few pan shots but you'll have the idea.

Front Yard

 Backyard time!

Kate's father then drove Kate and me to a dam in the Scotland Highlands. A funny part was that the roads were blocked by cows on several occasions. The first time I saw the cows I instantly flash backed to the farms of Skyrim. I now see where the creators found their woolly cow models. They all were adorable mop tops.

The joys of cattle

The dam was lovely. That reminded me of a real location (sorry Bethesda) in the Rocky Mountains in the States. Lakes that lie between hills/mountains are always just incredibly peaceful. I spent a good chunk of time staring at the sapphire water breathing in the crisp air.

I also did this several times. Signature look really.

Afterwards we grabbed some lunch. The location of lunch was important since it would also be the place where we spent the good rest of an hour. It was (drumroll) the Famous Grouse Distillery! Now we didn't eat whisky for lunch, we went to the cafe, but we (Kate and I) did take a tour afterwards.

Oh audience real quick. At lunch Mary did a very brave thing. She tried haggis for the first time of her life. Her verdict, "not as terrible as I had thought it would be but definitely not something I'd order for fun." There you have it, check mark the box for haggis under things to try.

The tour of the distillery then occurred and was flippin' hilarious and fascinating. We were able to see the entire process and even smell/see some of the barrels of mash (fermented barley solution) which was stellar. The scent of CO2 was so strong that it actually cleared Kate's sinuses. Personally I liked the scent and didn't find it sharp. Honest I don't sniff chemicals audience I'm just weird is all.

We continued through the process and were given two samples of whisky. Quick note the Scots spell whisky and the Irish spell whiskey. Just wanted to clear that up for my yanks out there. Kate and I had Naked Grouse and some ten year Glenturret. We also played an interactive game that required us to move our arms and guide a Grouse towards musical notes. For fun we flapped our wings. This was before our second shot of whisky of course.

The final cherries were taking pictures with the world's largest bottle of whisky and actually buying some whisky ourselves. I nabbed a sample box for my parents back home and a full bottle of Glenturret for myself. I will most likely be taking that home as well. One bottle in one month, not at that stage yet. I also bought a pack of "peculiar" cards designed by Simon Drew. The cards are dangerous to play with since they are so distractingly full of puns.

The three of us then returned to the home with all of our wicked Scottish spoils. Ah I how love spending my time out here with Kate. I don't want to leave. Screw finals and France I'm rooting here. I've done manual labor before so I'll find ways to earn my keep farming. Sorry France but you just aren't as kick ass. Plus there are dogs here.

April 18th Crieff

Late mornings are too fantastic. I woke up and was met with a blustery day paired with a cool room. I could become accustomed to this.

Kate and I had some bagels and jam for breakfast with a few glasses of orange juice. We then showered, make-uped  ourselves, and faced the day. I did forget to turn the water temperature down which gave Kate  a quick hot shock. Heh, oops I like it boiling.

Today involved a trip into town (specifically Crieff) with Kate and her mother. The three of us piled into the car and began our journey through a slight drizzle. On the way Bohemian Rhapsody began to play which caused all three of us to start singing along. It caused many fits of giggling and smiles. Great start and great bonding.

We arrived in Crieff without trouble and parked in front of Kate's mother's clothing store. My own mother would love that boutique. It had a very Vera Bradley feel to it which would make every American woman squeal with pure delight. The colors were what I admired most. Just a paint pallet for every flavor of female.

Shortly after we explored the streets hopping into various shops for a few look arounds. It was window shopping at its finest. After all though souvenirs are nice though I'm hoping for a bit more materialist shopping while here. Tops and possibly skirts later on; jeans are starting to wear on me. Oy bad pun.

We did stop in a candy shop by the name of Gordon and Durward and bought a few plethoras of sweets. Duh. I nabbed some licorice bits, a few butterscotch candies, fizz whiz (pop rocks), and even two chocolate frogs. I dig amphibian desserts. Kate bought me some jelly babies to try since I have an obsessive love of jelly beans. Apparently the gel texture is similar thus she wanted me to try them. They are a winner in my book but need a licorice flavor. Every candy does. I also tried rhubarb and custards and soor plooms which were also delicious. Candyman can audience!

A short walk back to the car (with a stop in an interesting shop with beer bottle clocks) and we were on our way home. It was a relaxing drive back which was suitable. Somehow I was tired and it was only a little after five! Ay I need some energy boosts stat.

Kate and I lulled around just laxing for a few hours. No better way to spend time. Well Kate did put on a clear-out fashion show for me which wasn't a problem. Girl duty involves seeing your friend try on dresses and skirts and give honest opinions. Again not a problem.

Then a surprise visitor showed up, Kate. Alright to differentiate between my Kate and this Kate we will call the other Kate adult-Kate. There, problem solved. So adult-Kate came round and is a professor in Glasgow and an obvious family friend to the Applebys. Apparently she is a talented cook and is known for her chocolate log cakes. We should be seeing her soon which I'm looking forward to.

Dinner happened and I wish it could happen over and over in a never ending delicious moment.We had toad in a hole. For all my Americans out there I will explain. It involved sausages and Yorkshire pudding batter baked in a standard oven pan. Yorkshire pudding is a flaky buttery filler similar to chicken pot pie crust. It's almost an ultimate pan-made melange of pigs in a blanket, American styled of course. The meal was savory and crispy otherwise known as fan-frickin'-tastic.

After dinner was a film which seems to be traditional for Kate and me. It was the movie Crossing Over, one I definitely recommend. It had multiple stories and bittersweet endings. I enjoy stories that connect and end with more realistic emotions. SPOILER WARNING. I do feel for the Australian character Claire but she did try to cheat the system in a reckless way. Still sucks for her though. Oops, sorta spoiled that. Did warn you though. SPOILER OVER.

That was our day. A few more tv films followed, Legally Blonde and Little Black Book, as did more wine. Eventually around the hour of two Kate and I decided to go to bed. Hopefully every day will be this enjoyable for the trip. Signing off audience.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 17th

Today officially started when we had breakfast. Kate's mother was driving us to Kate's home when the two and a half of us (I was half asleep) decided to stop for some munchables. There was a small cafe general store that had a breakfast menu which suited everyone fine. In fact better than fine. I had true delicious striped beautiful bacon on an egg sandwich. Complete with ketchup of course.

Breakfast was demolished and we soon left for Kate's home. Even through the rain her house was stunning. It is the picturesque ideal of a Scottish countryside home with a massive field of a backyard and the architectural charm found only in American ideals of fairytales. Ladies and dudes MareBear has hit the jackpot! I'll post some pictures later when time enables itself. Pssst, I'm not over the top at all.

Entering the house I was again blown away. The kitchen had an old fashioned range and most of the bottom rooms had modernish franklin stoves for heat. Just gahhh, so stellar! I was given the tour and repeatedly couldn't believe the beauty of this home. My room for this stay was on the top floor across from Kate's and appeared perfect for two reasons; cold and green. I was warned that it becomes chilly at night which only caused a grin of response from me. Nothing can compare to waking up under a fluffy blanket to the crisp cool of the day. Let's spell it out, J-A-C-K-P-O-T!

Soon after our arrival Kate's father appeared with two companions. Doggies! How I have missed having loving friends of fur that jump around while wagging their tails and kissing mercilessly. Clootie has become my big dog best friend and Muffin has become my small cuddle buddy. Treacle the cat is also included in cuddling but he's more of a lap pal. Ah pets, so happy.

Kate's parents are also wonderful, not going to forget them. Her father is humorous and reminds me of my own especially in the TMI department. Her mother is sweet as punch with one of the loveliest smiles I've ever seen. Both of them have made me feel so welcome in their home. I hope to be an adequate guest since well, I'm rough round the edges audience. Not everyone enjoys that style of personality. Pray for me to be good.

After some chitchat in the common room I decided to wash up. I had several days of travel layered on my skin which merited some shivers of disgust. I was granted a bath. A big steamy boiling bath. Nothing is better than soaking in suds with conditioned hair and a cold cloth draped over your eyes. I didn't take too long, that've been rude, but enjoyed every second of relaxation.

Kate hopped into a shower and before too long we were dressed and ready. Both of us sighed from relief. Clean has never fit so well. We then chilled for a short while before departing on a walk with the dogs. Big perk of Scottish families, they have extra rain boots, jackets, and hats.

We all walked together in the grey rain without any cares. It was good to stretch our legs while intaking endless supplies of fresh air. The dogs seemed to enjoy the weather regardless of their soaked fur. I was happy to have a hat, especially since I somewhat resembled a cowgirl.

The walk went all the way to a strawberry farm where we stopped at a general goods store for some treats. Now audience what is the last thing you would eat after leaving a chilly rain? If your guess was ice cream then ding ding, correct. Kate, her father, and I all enjoyed some creamy desserts on sugar cones. I'm sure most of you are shaking your heads but I've done stranger. Try mashed potatoes and gravy in a movie theater during July. That was a good day.

After the cones we headed back home with sugary smiles. I just called it home. I'm really not going to want to leave which is wonderfully bittersweet. At the house lunch was served followed by more R and R. Dinner was beef stir fry and noodles sided by wine. I ate my fill which for me wasn't much, still in the process of winning my full force of appetite back.

Kate and I ended the night with a few films before collapsing onto our beds. I can't believe this was just day one. I feel as though I've been here for so much longer. That's a comforting thought seeing as I have over a week to go with the Applebys. Clootie and the others don't seem to mind at all.

P.S. I thought that this should be mentioned. I saved a pain au chocolat from France all the way to Glasgow, not sure why. Anyhow when we arrived I was hungry and didn't want snack food since it was 8 AM. Thus the first thing that I ate in Scotland (this time round) was a French pastry. Oh MareBear.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 16th London

Five hours after yesterday's post...

"Mary are you ready to go yet?"

At 5:50 AM Tuesday April 16th after zero hours of sleep I departed with Kate to the train station. Today's travels would prove exhausting. However, it was also entertaining. As my life should be audience. Commence the UK chapter!

The train ride to Paris was perhaps the most relaxing leg of our journey. Both Kate and I had our Ipods enabling a smooth drifting ride to France's capital. I was a complete gremlin to the men who sat next to us. Remember how I don't like being woken up? Well I really don't like being disturbed mid dream. Least they recognized that they were dealing with a demon. The growling might have given that away.

Paris was the struggle. Kate was bringing home a huge chunk of her things from France which caused her suitcase to be painfully heavy. I had on my backpack and duffel (I resembled the pack rat poster child) as well as Kate's smaller case. The metros were fun. That actually isn't too sarcastic of a statement, maybe 45% sarcastic. Having piles of luggage in a tight subway train is amusing for twisted minds like mine. Especially when the man next to you suffers your duffel bag cutting into his leg and responds by grumbling frustrated French. My solution was to lean in his direction. Twisted was used for a reason.

Kate and I eventually surfaced and welcomed the streams of sunlight filled air. Freshness is so rewarding. We were once again early, eh such is life. We didn't mind though since it was fair and mild outside. Rather we loitered around the Brussels Megabus until it was time to board ours. Yeah Kate and I didn't feel like moving. Might as well adjust to it since that would be the rest of the day.

First Megabus was alright. In fact our initial driver was the same man who drove our bus from Brussels to Paris the day before. He was surprised to find that we were once more traveling, most girls don't hop countries that frequently. The only snag with our journey would be boarder control. Sadly France doesn't believe in the action of efficiency. Kate's checker word for word said, "I'm just taking my time today." With passport stamps and luggage scans for bus loads of people? And France wonders why we laugh/cringe at their idea of fast service. 

The English side was faster, obviously. Still although France was taking their time it wasn't as bad as O'Hare. Then again France wasn't handling even close to the number of people as O'Hare airport. Customs was quick enough. Once back on the bus I fell asleep immediately. It's a gift.

We arrived in London! Yes, two thirds of the way done with our journey to Scotland. James, Kate's brother, met us at Victoria station and escorted us to his home for some supper. It was a stupendous evening. The food was spaghetti which Kate and I engulfed with eager starving stomachs. That sauce, oh too good for words to describe. Crap, I just drooled all over Kate's notebook. Sorry Kate!

Victoria or Vic (James' wife) was perhaps one of the most glorious hostesses I've ever encountered. She was an English Lit major in college which gave us an immediate connection. Not only did her cooking rock but she was also hilarious. She kept feeding Kate and me wine insisting that it would make the bus journey more fun. Vic convinced us to have half a bottle of red wine. We were dizzy to say the least.

Time slipped too quickly at James place. Such happens when conversation is healthy and filled with laughs. I must give a shout out to their (almost) two year old daughter Jennifer for being a bundle of adorable shyness. Sweetheart you are going to blossom into something fantastic. Keep up the raisin and "Hungry Hungry Caterpillar" love.

Kate and I hugged everyone goodbye and waited at Victoria station for our next bus. I forgot that strange people hang around bus stations. Least none of them were trying to sell T-shirts with graffiti scribbles on them. Oh urban USA.

The second bus ride was cold. Yes the ice queen just used the temperature adjective in a negative way. Prepare for your reality to melt away into a dimension of madness audience. To your left you will find lakes filled with liquid leaves under a orange juice raining sky complete with animated metal platypi and walruses swimming around. Ah madness.

Uh where was I going with that? Oh yeah cold being a bad thing. Well sleeping on a stiff bus seat for eight hours is a challenge in itself but becomes harder when your thighs are constantly freezing. I used my purse as a blanket of sorts. Still not sure how I managed that but it kept me warmer. That and my Ipod playlist of Fun.

At 8:00 AM Kate and I arrived in Glasgow. Sweet haven we are here! Traveling is complete. Sorta complete seeing as Mrs. Appleby picked us up drove us to Kindrochet instantly after. We made it alive and feeling exhausted. Enough this post is finished! That's right I have that power. Til later audience.

Monday, April 15, 2013

April 15th Leaving Belgium

As you might have guessed today was not as extravagant as the others. Leaving days tend not to be. Kate and I woke up to a note left by Ailsa. Her flight was at 10:30 AM so she had left hours before. The note was sweet and wished us a great vacation complete with kisses. Europeans are big on that though they always forget hugs.

Kate and I left a similar note for Cathleen since she was generous enough to give us a free place to stay in for our last night. We locked the door behind us and rode the metro to central station. Sandwiches were once more feasted upon. Really they are that delicious. Mmm mozzarella with tomato and basil and some kind of garnish. Yeah delicious is the word.

Fast forward a few hours and a few coffees later. Kate and I were walking to the Megabus stop when from out of nowhere Alina has found me. Kissing my cheeks swift on each side. Cradled by two loving arms that I’ll smile for one little shock and Alina oh my!

Ahem, what I was expressing there through an El Paso parody was that my Romanian friend Alina from Le Havre was there in Brussels. I had no idea. Apparently she had mentioned it to Kate but both of us were pleasantly surprised to see her there. Alina was with her younger sister Simona and was also taking the Megabus back. Score, more friends to journey with.

Bus ride so much better than the way up. The key difference was that my head was not in constant pain. I love being healthy again. Hey influenza, this is me giving you the bird. That’s right, go infect someone else because for now you can’t touch me. I pray that doesn’t bite me later. Karma one word to you, don’t.

Unfortunately we hit traffic in Brussels which slowed us down majorly. The bus driver switch also took an abnormally long time. Point is we missed our train back to the Le Havre. No worries, there was one later. Obviously we took that train and were relieved to be on our way home. Even though for Kate and me that meant only about six hours of being home.

On the train we goofed off a bit, near the end. See everyone left at Rouen minus two people. We had an entire cart to ourselves almost. Kate and I moved around a bit (we are old and stiff at our peaked age) which became her tackling me into seats. I had some vengeance. Kate forgot that I practice flexibility each morning. While she was perched on the ground I slid into the splits underneath her thoroughly scaring the crap out of her. Mission accomplished.

Home now and typing this for you audience. Appreciate all my efforts because I am exhausted. Power nap will be my sleep in Le Havre which has worked in the past and will today as well. Blog posts will once again be delayed. Chapter two is about to begin. Onwards to Scotland! Oh this is gonna be fun.

April 14th Bruges

This truly was a Sunday Funday. Spontaneously (still stoked we did this) Kate and I decided to take a day trip to Brugge (or in English Bruges). Sorry Brussels but you became somewhat boring from a sober tourist perspective. Your sites were seen, time for Bruges to have a turn.

Earlyish rising occurred at the hostel which was fortunate. Check-out according to all three of us was at 11 AM. Wrong it's 10:30 AM! Good thing I has packed up the beer because we jet out of there. A few metro stops later we arrived at Churchill. Nice part of Brussels I must say. We did have to wait for Cathleen but the weather was fair. Fortune was good because it stayed fair all day long.

Ailsa was dropped off along with mine and Kate’s stuff at Cathleen’s flat which was incredible. It resembled something of a Beatnik’s dream home; a penthouse complete with two levels and a lounge room right beneath two sun-windows. It was a promising crash pad. However, that’s for later. Bruges remember?

Going to Bruges was a slight hiccup. Kate and I were left to our own devices to find the train and that proved to be average difficulty. Well specifically it was finding a station. At first we tried the west station but arrived just as a train was leaving. The board didn’t have any other times for Bruges within the hour so we boarded the metro once more. We decided to hit the central station. Surely there would be a train soon from there.

Sure enough there surely was. Kate and I grabbed two tickets and spent the remaining time eating sandwiches. My breakfast had consisted of an apple. Noon hit and my stomach forgot about the apple and demanded food. It was eventually rewarded with its request. Central station in Brussels has fantastic sandwiches by the way. I recommend the barbecue chicken, it is zesty.

Our train arrived and we boarded. It was a mere hour and a third to Bruges meaning a fabulously speedy trip. I spaced out for most of the trip. When traveling anywhere I have that tendency. Even while driving. Good thing I-88 doesn’t experience traffic too often.

Bruges, what is the word to describe it. There has to be a singular word. Lemme think, pulchritudinous comes to mind but I believe statuesque makes a better fit. Each street feels as though is hasn’t left the middle ages. As a Tolkien fan of idolization I basically found the layout for my personal paradise. I could practically see hobbits running around and hear dwarves crafting axes. At the end of the day I didn’t want to leave.

The end of the day didn’t happen for a good long while. Rather Kate and I absorbed as much of Bruges as we could. We started with our stomachs. First on the list, eat Belgium fries. We were so flustered and rushed the day before that we missed the chance to have proper fries. How depressing! No time like the present. Here are the tasty spuds.

The ketchup was incredibly fiery. Kate and I approved. We later learned that it was Heinz curry ketchup but until then (and possibly forever) we called the sauce sassy ketchup. Just had a kick to it.

Fries were devoured. Next, wander aimlessly. That activity was done for most of the day. You would too in a town like this. It just begged to be walked and stared at it. However, we were still on vacation. This merited an activity that I possibly enjoy too much; having a beer. Kate stuck with her cherry beer and I continued with my “try a different beer each day” method. This time was the typical light brew of Jupiler. Again, I approve.

We then made our way to the town center where the giant clock tower lay. It was beautiful. Pulchritudinous and everything. Sadly by the time we had arrived they closed the tour otherwise known as the climb to the top. Rats. Least I have an excuse to go back. Kate and I decided to take a short break and chilled by the clock tower for a few. Actually one of Kate’s classmates from Scotland ran into us while we sitting down which was somewhat uncanny. The world is too small for Kate.

Waffle time! Oh I could describe all the deliciousness of a fresh fluffy waffle covered in powdered sugar in written word. Eh, I’d rather just show you this audience. Excuse the camera movements, I work with limited equipment.

Wasn’t that cute? Yeah we’re pretty and funny, just perks to being either Kate or me. The waffles were gone rather quickly. Like I previously mentioned they were fluffy. Waffles that have a fluffy texture never last more than two minutes.

After it was shopping. I nabbed a sweet salamander necklace from an open market. The charm just spoke to me. Plus it had black painted onto it, I like the color black. Kate bought a gift for her two year old niece; it was a string of plush multicolored turtles known as frickin’ adorable. I do love those random markets in Europe. The stuff you find is just too wicked.

Kate and I then stopped in what we thought was a tacky souvenir store. It partially was. She needed to pick up a shoddy magnet and I needed to find a pocket token. I fell in love with two objects. Kate disagreed with one of them. In fact she disliked one so much that she expressed her feelings rather loudly. I somewhat quote, “Mary it is a skull with a rat coming out of the eyes. That is not cute!”

Our tastes differ as you have guessed audience. The shop owner actually thanked me by my name after purchase because Kate mildly hollered it so many times. First time that happened and hopefully the last. It was weird for me.

After the shop we sat at a café with two beers for an hour or so in the sunshine. I did avoid some of the sun today since it was uncomfortable for a few moments. Me and my skinny jeans. By the end of the day it was waning in the sky and cooler making it bearable for me. Leaving that café was hard, I really didn’t want to go.

Who can willingly leave this place?
A train, some metro, and some cuddles later Kate and I found ourselves at Cathleen’s dinner table. There discussion happened over salad and couscous which involved the usual; debate upon whether or not symbolism is bullshit. Don’t fret, I wasn’t too vicious.

Bed was needed earlier than usual. I swear it’s that damn sun that just drains me of all energy. Kate and I shared a big bed under the low roof of the wonderful penthouse. It had been an amazing final day of exploration. Bruges, someday I will be back.

April 13th Brussels

Woke up to sunshine and drowsiness. De facto I wasn't sure if I felt better or worse. I went with better for the sake of it. Better is more likable than worse.

Breakfast was a mixture of cereal and rice cakes. Sweet rice cakes and jam Batman! MareBear the girl wonder at your service. I was a relief to sit and enjoy a decent breakfast. No cooking and no stress about eating. I hadn't had breakfast food for over a week which totally sucked for yours truly. Again, that jam Batman.

After rice cakes and girl grooming procedures Ailsa, Kate, and I hit the town. We had a few hours to kill before meeting Cathleen (friend of Ailsa's) and decided to spend that time exploring.

In total Brussels is extraordinary. The city is a half n' half of old and new; one street will be decked in renaissance architecture yet a block down contains steel office buildings. Incredible.

Speaking of incredible, in Belgium there are two delicacies that require sampling. The first is chocolate. The second is beer.

Now I'm not a huge on chocolate but I can appreciate excellent quality when I find it. We ate some bits here and there from shops and all was scrumptious. Plus chocolates wrapped up in playing card paper are too adorable to resist. Total MareBear moment of weakness.

Beer. I'll admit it (have at least eight times on this blog before) I love drafts of beer. Darker ales of my preference but any rich brew will satisfy my taste buds. About midway through the day the three of us sat down at a pub to enjoy a cool half-pint in the sunshine. Since Trappiste is my favorite bar in Le Havre I decided to go with a classic choice; delirium.

Delirium dons a pink elephant as its logo and provides a strong flavor for a light beer. Audience if you didn't know (which is likely) Trappiste is a Belgium styled bar. Now you do know where you did or didn't before. Learning.

We all enjoyed our beers with chatter until it was time to meet Cathleen. Fret not, we made the rendez-vous on time. Three became four and we set off once more onto Brussels.

Walking is not fun while thirsty. Cathleen insisted that we go see the city from one of its highest points for the view and splendor. Walking, heph, was, breathe, not, cough cough, fun! Damn dry throat. I kept my negative attitude to myself and huffed along in silence. Good girl MareBear. I was rewarded in the end but not by the view of the city.

Meh you look pretty Brussels but you're prettier up close. See then we only see a sector and miss all your flaws. Uh never say that to anyone audience. Just to Brussels, no one else.

No, what I was rewarded with was the image of a beautiful clock face. I kept saying how I wanted it for myself. Brussels shouldn't mind if I steal it. Megabus might though, space issues.

Still want this clock
I was also bestowed with this beautiful image. It has to be my favorite from the trip. Ah friendship.

Koala Kate

Afterwards we hit central town for some noms. Forewarning for Brussels if you are a girl. Since we all are majestic creatures with beautiful everything we must be on guard.

Down Brussels restaurant alleyways you will practically be dragged into an eatery by the host. All of them showered us with compliments as we walked through. One guy even said that he loved me. Shiver. That doesn't scream desperation at all.

The odd part is that they all do this. Every single host belonging to a moderate alley restaurant is trained to "harass" people (namely women) into eating there. Man they must be whipped behind the scenes. If you don't make customer quote you receive ten lashes. Only theory that makes sense.

On the plus side of this behavior you can somewhat barter with the hosts; they all so hysterically want you to eat at "their place" that they will sweeten the deal for you. We had free champagne with our meal. Not too shabby.

Lunch complete it was time to drink beer again. Seriously that's how Brussels functions. Before we hit the bars I had us take a detour to the Beer Temple.

This had been added to my afterlife paradise plan. What an attractive array of alcohol added bottles! I was a college student in a beer store, the joy. Heh, I really was.

I purchased a few bottles and we were on our way to the Delirium Café. Lil background on this place, it has over 300 kinds of beer in it. Again, happy college student. There I had a glass of Satan. Suitable don't you think? It was the lighter brew (heavier drinks after sunset) but packed a punch of flavor. So so suitable.

Later on we returned to the hostel for some r and r before going out on the town. Socializing is awesome with a group of girls. So is the dancing and man can some of them dance. Ailsa and Ivana I challenge you to a stamina contest when I'm back to full health. Then I'll be able to keep up fully with you guys.

Tomorrow lends itself to a surprise. I won't say what today you'll just have to read about tomorrow audience. I know, bummer.

April 12th Brussels

Happy 4 AM morning! Again this was a time when I jumped out of bed rather than the typical fall out. Just so excited for Brussels. This energy ran out like a bottle rocket though. Almost immediately after the train began I conked out. Huh.

Waking up a second time was not so pleasant as the first. Although I am about 70% back to my normal bad-ass self, that 30% really makes a difference. I woke up on the train with a severely dry and sore throat. Ah damnit. Least I had my trust small half-filled water bottle. Encore, damnit!

Kate and I made it to Paris in one piece. One drowsy unaware piece. The enthusiasm had died a swift death and we just wanted to be on our bus to Brussels. Snag, we found the bus lot but were over an hour early; the waiting area had zero benches, stumps, and nubs. Not even nubs! Thank Science we were saved though. From nowhere appeared a fabulous companion. Literally he was from Wyoming (nowhere) and was fabulous (hint).

I actually didn't learn the guy's name, intros just didn't happen. So for the sake of insanity I shall dub him Wyo. Yeah I'm too lazy to write Wyoming. Wyo it is!

Wyo was a student studying in France just like Kate and me. Sept of course he was down south by the Loire Valley in the sunshine. Welcome to the weather of Paris! Grey isn't it? Turns out Wyo was headed to Amsterdam and that our buses were the same. We found a friend! A nameless friend but still a friend. Least, I think? Yeah that counts.

The buss ride itself was a mixed hand. One perspective was hilarious conversation with Wyo. However, the other was me succumbing to headaches and sinus pressures. This is a good sign MareBear, it means that the flu is leaving your body. Good sign, good sign. Damnit! Screw being positive I want a pillow and hot soup! With oyster crackers!!!

Well I didn't receive the soup (high expectations not met) but I did have a cup of coffee with Kate before crashing on a pillow (complete with a bed underneath) at the hostel. The hostel was a surprise because it was two buildings; one regular and one effeminate. We were in the effeminate one of course, pretty girls merit pretty beds. Found our room, picked my bed, passed out.

Sleep felt marvelous. Ah nice fluffy solid pillow you did me well. Kate and I relaxed for hours on our beds just drifting. Yes we were in Brussels but we had been traveling since an extreme hour in the morning. Plus sick child remember! We relaxed.

Around 7ish Kate's friend Ailsa arrived which was perfect timing. Both Kate and I had cleaned ourselves up and were ready for a girl's night out. Six of us girls attacked ( I didn't attack I sipped) Brussels for Ailsa's birthday and for vacation purposes. It was jammin'.