Thursday, April 11, 2013

April 10th

The third official day of being sick. I ran into a problem this morning, I was starving. Since I've been sleeping and eating primarily pills and water I haven't had the chance to properly feed myself. This becomes an issue eventually. Eventually happened to be this morning.

I managed to convince myself to leave my room which was no easy task. I still had swollen glands in my throat and was very much detached from reality. Dizziness is not fun to conquer. The worst part was that I had woken up late in the day meaning around noon. France, you really piss me off sometimes.

Made it to the school clinic. Finally I can, wait. What the hell is this? Closed for lunch until 1:30 PM?! Gah fine fine I'll just go to the pharmacy and come back later. You're closed too! And until 2:00 PM. This is where I internally lost my cool. It was entirely in my head so the public didn't notice but believe me there were bombs and fireworks. Just damnit. Lunch break, it's called taking shifts! I'm seriously going to ship every French worker I can find to the States and have them all work as gas station sales associates.

In any case I walked home and rested for an hour. Telling myself to go back out into the world was even more difficult but I somehow kicked myself into doing so. I really wanted some strong medicine. I once again made it to the clinic and this time was greeted by the nurse.

 Fortunately or unfortunately, I'm still not sure, I could barely speak. I had written down some of my symptoms and was able to communicate well enough that I was sick. She took my temperature, wrote down my information, looked at my throat, and determined that yes I was sick. I then was given this fizzy water mixture and a few cough drops along with a prescription name. Phew that's done, now time to go to the pharmacy.

Why are French pharmacists always terrified of sick people? Or at least why are they terrified of me? I'm giving you money people and you have disinfectant. Oh well, I walked out with my nice potent flu medicine. Now time!

I couldn't help it I was starving. Not having been able to eat for two days caused my stomach some discomfort. I grabbed a panini. It was frickin' amazing. I ate at home and proceeded to once again pass out. Least I had some food and specific meds this time. Fingers crossed I can go to class tomorrow.

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