Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 1st

Since I trolled you guys back in March with a one sentence blog I'll refrain from an April Fool's joke.

No school today! Hafta love this Easter Monday thing. In the States it is not a holiday but I'm sure some people celebrate it anyways. So audience this is my first Easter Monday. I guess that already makes it extraordinary. Aight the agenda went as such; eat, walk around, eat more, watch stand up, and talk to Timmy. Shall we proceed? Yes.

My breakfast was some orange juice which I believe counts as a food. I slept in to the nice hour of elevenish and enjoyed not the seeing the sunshine. I washed and dressed myself and prepared to face the bright day. I hissed a few times but fortunately remembered my sunglasses! It was a great day to just wander around and explore a few small parks. I had an apple with me and munched away as I people watched from a bench. It was a nice quiet activity. Though in my head Basshunter's DotA was blasting. I didn't even have my Ipod with me.

After lounging around in the vitamin D waves I decided it was time to buy some more hearty food. Jambon buerre to the rescue! I went to buy some fur along came Jambon Buerre and we snuck outside the store. Hmmm doesn't work as well as Jim Dandy. I did it again. Sorry for the obscure cultural reference. Though all of you should give LaVern Baker a listen to. Yes, I had a jambon buerre sandwich and it was fantastic as always. I also ate a pepper back at my dorm. Just felt like a peppery mood.

The sun had taken its toll causing me to just want to be lazy. So I was lazy. I watched some Eddie Izzard because he makes me laugh and I didn't feel like doing anything. My laundry glared at me but I was too busy listening to jokes about the Queen's glasses looking like owl eyes to notice. Screw you laundry I'll clean you later.

Timmy and I then talked over facebook chat. I've mentioned him a few times on the blog before. He's one of my non blood related brothers who also performs girl talk. We gossiped about the this and the that of home and France. It was awesome, as usual. I enjoy having a dose of awesome with my usual. Makes my life that much more whack. Well then I should hit my sheets audience I actually have to do work tomorrow. End of line.

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