Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 30th

The only positive to study days is that you create your own schedule. I love sleeping in and starting the studying process around noon. After a shower of course.

For some reason yesterday my hair was a disaster. This is deep stuff audience, need to know. Somehow I screwed it up. Instead of lovely silk locks of honey I had stiff dreads of wolf fur. Not cool. How that happened I don't know. I guess my hair wasn't ready for the transition to Le Havre calcium induced water.

Anyhow I fixed it today. I scrubbed the absolute crap outta my hair with shampoo. It was frothy and sudsy just as it should be. Condition the tips next, smooth and slick. Wash it all out and quick dry with hot air. I practically purred from the results. Silk hair returned to my shoulders once more. That's better, studying may start.

Hours later I found myself at the Racadot home tutoring Louis and Anne. Both have improved so much it just amazes me. Louis is becoming a better speaker and takes his time to read and pronounce the words properly. The only area he needs to work on is looking at me when talking to me. He has the habit of talking into his lap during conversation practice. I should give him some slack, he is thirteen after all.

Anne, oh she's wonderful. Like a younger French sister. We worked on the comparative tense of English today. Oh what a nightmare for natives and foreigners. Is it -er or more? Honestly it just takes practice. On occasion I have to test both options in my head before decided which sounds better. Yup, welcome to languages.

The hour slipped by and it was time to go. Alexis gave me a "hello!" from the second floor which I grinned at in response. He always tells me hello whether I'm leaving or arriving. Just a little spark that makes Tuesdays even better.

Homeward bound to dinner. How I love meal time since it means fresh good eats. Tonight's menu included sauteed mushrooms, green peas, and a fried egg just for that extra protein bit. It was hard to restrain myself from devouring the mushrooms right away but I did it. Good food needs to be savored.

I then treated myself to some of my Glenturret bottle. All day I had been studying, figured I deserved the night off. Sides I'll cram everything tomorrow in any case. Relaxing won't do any harm.

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