Monday, April 15, 2013

April 14th Bruges

This truly was a Sunday Funday. Spontaneously (still stoked we did this) Kate and I decided to take a day trip to Brugge (or in English Bruges). Sorry Brussels but you became somewhat boring from a sober tourist perspective. Your sites were seen, time for Bruges to have a turn.

Earlyish rising occurred at the hostel which was fortunate. Check-out according to all three of us was at 11 AM. Wrong it's 10:30 AM! Good thing I has packed up the beer because we jet out of there. A few metro stops later we arrived at Churchill. Nice part of Brussels I must say. We did have to wait for Cathleen but the weather was fair. Fortune was good because it stayed fair all day long.

Ailsa was dropped off along with mine and Kate’s stuff at Cathleen’s flat which was incredible. It resembled something of a Beatnik’s dream home; a penthouse complete with two levels and a lounge room right beneath two sun-windows. It was a promising crash pad. However, that’s for later. Bruges remember?

Going to Bruges was a slight hiccup. Kate and I were left to our own devices to find the train and that proved to be average difficulty. Well specifically it was finding a station. At first we tried the west station but arrived just as a train was leaving. The board didn’t have any other times for Bruges within the hour so we boarded the metro once more. We decided to hit the central station. Surely there would be a train soon from there.

Sure enough there surely was. Kate and I grabbed two tickets and spent the remaining time eating sandwiches. My breakfast had consisted of an apple. Noon hit and my stomach forgot about the apple and demanded food. It was eventually rewarded with its request. Central station in Brussels has fantastic sandwiches by the way. I recommend the barbecue chicken, it is zesty.

Our train arrived and we boarded. It was a mere hour and a third to Bruges meaning a fabulously speedy trip. I spaced out for most of the trip. When traveling anywhere I have that tendency. Even while driving. Good thing I-88 doesn’t experience traffic too often.

Bruges, what is the word to describe it. There has to be a singular word. Lemme think, pulchritudinous comes to mind but I believe statuesque makes a better fit. Each street feels as though is hasn’t left the middle ages. As a Tolkien fan of idolization I basically found the layout for my personal paradise. I could practically see hobbits running around and hear dwarves crafting axes. At the end of the day I didn’t want to leave.

The end of the day didn’t happen for a good long while. Rather Kate and I absorbed as much of Bruges as we could. We started with our stomachs. First on the list, eat Belgium fries. We were so flustered and rushed the day before that we missed the chance to have proper fries. How depressing! No time like the present. Here are the tasty spuds.

The ketchup was incredibly fiery. Kate and I approved. We later learned that it was Heinz curry ketchup but until then (and possibly forever) we called the sauce sassy ketchup. Just had a kick to it.

Fries were devoured. Next, wander aimlessly. That activity was done for most of the day. You would too in a town like this. It just begged to be walked and stared at it. However, we were still on vacation. This merited an activity that I possibly enjoy too much; having a beer. Kate stuck with her cherry beer and I continued with my “try a different beer each day” method. This time was the typical light brew of Jupiler. Again, I approve.

We then made our way to the town center where the giant clock tower lay. It was beautiful. Pulchritudinous and everything. Sadly by the time we had arrived they closed the tour otherwise known as the climb to the top. Rats. Least I have an excuse to go back. Kate and I decided to take a short break and chilled by the clock tower for a few. Actually one of Kate’s classmates from Scotland ran into us while we sitting down which was somewhat uncanny. The world is too small for Kate.

Waffle time! Oh I could describe all the deliciousness of a fresh fluffy waffle covered in powdered sugar in written word. Eh, I’d rather just show you this audience. Excuse the camera movements, I work with limited equipment.

Wasn’t that cute? Yeah we’re pretty and funny, just perks to being either Kate or me. The waffles were gone rather quickly. Like I previously mentioned they were fluffy. Waffles that have a fluffy texture never last more than two minutes.

After it was shopping. I nabbed a sweet salamander necklace from an open market. The charm just spoke to me. Plus it had black painted onto it, I like the color black. Kate bought a gift for her two year old niece; it was a string of plush multicolored turtles known as frickin’ adorable. I do love those random markets in Europe. The stuff you find is just too wicked.

Kate and I then stopped in what we thought was a tacky souvenir store. It partially was. She needed to pick up a shoddy magnet and I needed to find a pocket token. I fell in love with two objects. Kate disagreed with one of them. In fact she disliked one so much that she expressed her feelings rather loudly. I somewhat quote, “Mary it is a skull with a rat coming out of the eyes. That is not cute!”

Our tastes differ as you have guessed audience. The shop owner actually thanked me by my name after purchase because Kate mildly hollered it so many times. First time that happened and hopefully the last. It was weird for me.

After the shop we sat at a café with two beers for an hour or so in the sunshine. I did avoid some of the sun today since it was uncomfortable for a few moments. Me and my skinny jeans. By the end of the day it was waning in the sky and cooler making it bearable for me. Leaving that café was hard, I really didn’t want to go.

Who can willingly leave this place?
A train, some metro, and some cuddles later Kate and I found ourselves at Cathleen’s dinner table. There discussion happened over salad and couscous which involved the usual; debate upon whether or not symbolism is bullshit. Don’t fret, I wasn’t too vicious.

Bed was needed earlier than usual. I swear it’s that damn sun that just drains me of all energy. Kate and I shared a big bed under the low roof of the wonderful penthouse. It had been an amazing final day of exploration. Bruges, someday I will be back.

1 comment:

  1. Burges sounds and looks phenomenal, great video of the waffles.
