Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 2nd

I finally tutored French children again today! But before that I watched the latest episode which also happens to be the premier episode of Game of Thrones season three!!! House Targaryon for the win! The only reason I didn't watch it yesterday is because I had to let it load. Yeah internet signal still sucks here. First episode, amazing. I now have to wait til Sunday/Monday for the next one. Damnit but a good damnit. Ok time to talk about the kids.

It was a lovely sunny day and I avoided it as much as possible by jumping from shadow to shadow while walking to the Racadot residence. Hiss, sunlight. I made it there perfectly on time and was greeted by their Grandmother. That was new. The kids were playing outside in their backyard which explains why they didn't answer the door. No matter, Louis came in and the lessons commenced.

Everything went smoothly with both Louis and Anne. Their lessons are becoming more complex (duh) but are still workable. It is difficult to explain certain tenses in French about English grammar to a fifteen year old but I try. Random, Alexis had the biggest smile on when he saw me and even brought me a glass of water. I could live with a helper like that. Anyhow the session ended with them explaining that they will soon be on vacation. The only reason I had trouble understanding was because Anne has the tendency to mumble. That makes comprehension about 30% harder. Still she was sweet and told her grandmother that my French is fantastic. Aw Anne you don't have to boost my ego. But it thanks for you doing so.

Later I returned to homestead after grabbing some bread and lettuce from the store. I flipped my main light on and it burnt out. Now I need to buy three light bulbs. Forgive me audience but I am going to swear. Fuck just God Damnit fuck fuck fuck! No I will not go to Crous. This has only fueled my stubborn nature making me foolish but I don't care. Kate doesn't understand it and you probably don't either audience. Sure the simple solution, go to the people I absolutely hate for help and in turn allow them to go into my home. Not now, not til I move out.

In truth it isn't that bad typing in the dark. I write enough that I have the keyboard essentially memorized. Time for Jager though. Tomorrow the bulbs shall be bought. Finger to Crous.

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