Tuesday, April 2, 2013

March 31st

Easter Day meaning chocolate and eggs. Though not together. Don't worry audience even I'm not that crazy, Jennifer! And no one remembers or watches Family Ties anymore sept me. Well this awkward.

Moving on (say that far too often) I spent my day mostly in bed. I was tired and napping is so comfortable in the dark. I did end up having the rest of the chocolate bunny my parents gave me for Easter which was a pleasantry in itself. Nothing like eating chocolate molded into an animal form. This is only type of bunny I'll willingly eat. Same goes for horses.

While munching away on chocolate and some other unhealthy goodies (hint pringles!) I decided to watch a movie. What film is suitable for Easter? A film that reflects the rising of another and giving thanks for sacrifice? Lord of the Rings Two Towers! Sept I didn't watch that one, I only had Fellowship on me. Whatever, Fellowship of the Ring! The Rings movies are so comforting seeing as my books are back in Chicago. Plus so many hot guys. That's right I dig hobbits audience. Actually thanks to The Hobbit I now dig dwarves as well. I really should go out more.

After the Rings I spent my time plotting and occasionally watching youtube videos. I am strangely addicted to Jenna Marbles and Max No Sleeves. Jenna is just hilarious and someone I'd love to hang out with. Max sold me on his bulbasaur impression while filming "What Guys do at while Shopping for Groceries." Seriously it is epic. Oh yeah I was plotting. What was I plotting? Well that would ruin the plot now wouldn't it audience. Don't do that. No, puppy eyes aren't allowed. Stop it. Seriously stop. Sigh, fine!

I was plotting a vengeance scenario on Crous that involved stealing light bulbs. Though my own lights need to be replaced the ones in the hallways are begging to be taken. They aren't the same mind you (otherwise problem solved) and I could always ask Crous to replace my light bulbs for free. But I hate them. More so I hate them in my room.

Being a packrat and a creepily private person I don't like other people even breathing the air in my room unless they are close to kin. Crous isn't kin, not on the scale really. So to allow jackasses into my room to fix something I can do myself with some bulbs from the market is ridiculous to me. Sure I'd be buying bulbs (they cost a euro) but if I allow them into my room then some of my madness will grow into unstable frustration. I'm already insane, I don't need aggravation. So to point out how irritating it is when a light bulb dies and requires Crous to replace it I have been plotting on swiping the a few hallway light bulbs. Now of course I can't do that (it's on the internet) but fear not audience. I have several plots.

That was my Easter Holiday. Honestly it went really well even though it strayed from my traditional brunch in Chicago followed by hoards of licorice eggs. I almost forgot I also attempted to learn more about chess. I am so sick of Rikki kicking the crap out of me at chess. Fortunately the internet exists with its many tutorials and picture guides. I still suck but am slowly becoming better. Now excuse me while I kick the crap out of Rikki at Hearts. It is on! Later.

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