Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 25th

Waking up late is so much fun. Tomorrow will be early and our trip then done. So sad. So very wary and non-merry otherwise oh so sad.

Not sure what that was right there. Just having fun with rhymes and nonsensical rhythms. Anyhow I woke up late (noonish) and was ready to face the day when lunch was served at one o'clock. Lunch was roasted beef sandwiches with coleslaw and salad. I put ketchup on mine (still MareBear), some Dijon mustard, and fresh toppings of lettuce and tomato. Yes it is necessary that you know exactly what I had for lunch audience. Important details!

Kate and I then found ourselves at a wildlife park about a fifteen minute drive from her house. It was I must say impressive. They had all the barnyard animals there plus some exotic ones. Pictures were taken as were videos. Fear not audience I will attach some for you.

At first we started in the hatchery area with all the cute fluffy little chick morsels. They were so downy and adorable. However the chicks were topped by the lambs. I love me a dainty lil lamb. Even though they grow into sheep I've always had a soft spot for lambs. Must be a package deal with the name Mary.

We actually ran into some lemurs before the chicks and sheep. They were too funny. I wish I could be a lemur. Their gymnastic and climbing abilities are too wicked. Imagine if I had that kind of control while scaling a wall or fence. Plus they're cute. That word and its synonyms will be used frequently on this blog. Animals!

After the chicks and the lambs we wandered around the outer exhibits. Rain hit us a lil bit but was never more than a drizzle. Outside they had ducks (fat ducks), alpacas, wallabies, prairie dogs, pigs, chickens, roosters, meerkats, wild cats, and peacocks. Oh the peacocks. Damn things apparently can make sounds, really high-pitched annoying sounds. Seriously was considering roasted peacock as an in between meal.

Kate and I walked around after that feeding various animals and taking random pictures. We found some obnoxious geese (more annoying than the damn peacocks) and spotted some highland cows as well. Over a hill and up a path was the emu pen and the rainbow colored sheep. Observe.

Kate is so cute isn't she? Yeah she is. So those were the multicolored sheep who go baa! They were extremely friendly and loved having their heads stroked. Needless to say we chilled with them for some time before heading towards the playground. 

Audience this should surprise none of you. Kate and I reverted back into childhood and messed around on the park's jungle gym area. The three things we hit were the zip-line, swings, and teeter-totter. The last one was hilarious since Kate kept causing me to fly into the air. I had a blast with it and from her laughter I'm guessing she did as well. Fooling and goofing friendship.

Definitely a pro at this.

Swing swing dear Kate

Thousands of words right there from those images. Hopefully immature and idiots aren't a part of them. My list personally is along the lines of imaginative, child at heart, fun loving, adorable etc. We left shortly after and arrived home with plenty of time before supper. 

Dinner was one of my personal favorites, homemade pizza. Now who can guess accurately on what toppings I had? Answer, Hawaiian. Pineapple and ham just make the tastiest pizza don'tcha think? Clearly that's what I think because I ate every bit of delicious fruity goodness without hesitation. 

It was a long day indeed audience. Sadly this will be my last day in Scotland (for now) which is depressing. Le Havre the only thing bringing me back to you is Rikki. Just Rikki. Otherwise I'd saw screw finals, later Normandy, and earn a keep doing manual labor til my flight in June. Aight that's all extreme but I am reluctant on leaving. I've felt like family here and going away from that type of connection is always painful. 

Bob, Nora, thank you so much for having me. I hope to see you all soon in the future as well has seeing Kate in my neck of the woods as well. I enjoyed every second of staying with you and wish you a smooth rest of the year. By the way the name of the worst film ever made is The Room. Just a reminder.

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