Saturday, June 1, 2013

May 31st

Afternoon mornings are wonderful. My head lifted off of my pillow around four o'clock PM. Obviously I slept like a log and loved it. Not long after (maybe a minute) I received a message from Kate asking if I was awake yet. Just woke up Kate, so yes.

She came over to my room (after I threw some clothes on) and the two of us watched some Arrested Development together. Since we have very little time left I decided to give Kate the third season and some of the second season of Arrested Development. She's taken to the series and now must see them all. That kind of addiction I completely understand. Last summer I was the chick who watched all seven seasons of Buffy within about two weeks. Slayer fest!

Anyhow we viewed a few stand-up routines before temporarily parting ways. There was a bar-party later on that night at a beach pub called Le Petit Rad and MareBear had woken up rather late in the day. I needed to become ready. Especially since we were leaving the dorm at nine o'clock.

Ultimately (because I'm frickin' lazy about laundry) I had to wear one of my dresses since all other clothes were in need of a wash. It was a change for me but I had on black tights and ballet flats meaning I was covered and low to the ground. Good thing too since this place was far along the beach. The beach is not close to me.

Kate and I walked to Le Petit Rad together and were joined by some of our friends. Once there we each grabbed a drink which took both patience and shouting. Damn blasted French youths, damn live band. Eventually we had drinks in our hands, Kate a mystic and MareBear a ti-punch. Mine was straight alcohol with some sugar and lime. Don't worry, didn't down it. I did eat the limes though much to Kate's disgust.

It was then time to mingle. I ended up talking to my friends Georgiana and Alina for most of the night. It was a flashback to the beginning of the term when we all were becoming friends. Man that was a while ago and had a few others in the mix. Paula, Laura, and Demitrius have always been missed.

The bar closed around midnight so the group headed down the beach. Half went home but the rest of us stopped by another bar. I didn't drink anything there (neither did most of the others) rather I danced with my friends. This place was somewhat more my scene. The DJ played songs from the fifties, eighties, and sixties; those are my music genres. In fact Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go was played. That's my pump up (no judging) song before I work out. You just can't be in a bad mood when listening to that song audience.

Kate and Franklin attempted to dance with me as in actual couple dancing. Oh boy. I haven't done anything close to that since I was thirteen years old. The years that followed were wrought with two types of "coupled" dancing, the highschool waltz and the grind. Not exactly graceful skills. I tried to keep up but fluked a lot. I'd like to say I improved slightly as the night went on as I gained more practice even though the improvement was slight. Had fun anyways.

The walk home was rough. Not because anyone was particularly wasted. No, it was the distance of the bar to home. Just keep walking.

Once home I did not fall asleep instantly. I did my laundry instead. Audience my clock of life is a bit skewed from the rest of the world. My clothes are now clean and I can wear jeans again. Plus I was able to talk to Brian for a short while. Four o'clock hit and I passed out in my bed.

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