Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June 5th

Wednesday what to say?

I have had trouble sleeping recently and I'm guessing it's not all due to the mattress. These past few weeks stress has been biting me in the ass. Now it's moved onto shredding my sanity rather than just a nibble here and there. Cleaning is a big solution.

Kate was a sweetheart and washed my cover sheet along with hers and Victoria's in some bleach. We are required to do so by Crous even though the sheets are cheap and could be easily replaced with new ones. Oh well rules are rules. Grrr stupid Crous.

Anyhow Miss Appleby kindly used her token for the job and returned my cover to me nice and clean. Thanks again Kate! After showering to Frankie Valli I decided to pick up around my room and reorganize my suitcase. Looking much much MUCH better. The floor still needs a bit of scrubbing but that's what Some Nights are for. Actually they're usually Fun. Oh those were terrible puns.

Besides cleaning I've taken up one of my old worn habits, poetry. I often write bits of poems or play around with words while I'm feeling a lil low. It helps me snap out of it and realize how useless thinking like that is. Never accomplishes anything and makes everyone around you feel awkward. So though I'm sad (oh my I admitted it) I'm not gonna let it rule me rather I'll put One Foot in front of the other. Again that floor needs attention and I clean best when I'm All Alone. Ouch those quips were painful.

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