Saturday, June 8, 2013

June 6th

It was a rather hot day today, for Le Havre standards. My issue was once again being dressed in a skin tight outfit. The only difference from Tuesday was this time I was in my sneakers. For all those haters of my beautiful destroyed converse, at least they breathe! Air flow is an important asset when the day is filled with an agenda of errands. Let's go Kate.

First stop was the bank. I have to say it is irritating when people try to tell you something important and decide to do so while bending down to grab something. Sorry banking assistant I didn't understand what you just said. Yes I am giving you that blank look. Deal.

The actual purpose of LCL was to close our bank accounts. I can't exactly use it in the States due to it being a student plan yadda yadda. Anyhow it ended with my card being cut in half and some homework. What's that? Homework? Yup since I won't be there to "close up" my room I also won't be there to verify the cancellation of the residence insurance. Thus I have to have a letter of annulment all set and ready for Fabian.  He's such a saint to take my place for me. Thank you again dude.

After the bank it was lunch time (well Crous then lunch time but that part was dull as hell). Kate and I bought some sandwiches from the supermarket and sat out in the sunshine to dine on our lunches. We chatted for a while before heading to the library to type up our letters. Stupid printer password! Whatever it printed, eventually. Time for the SRI office.

Now this errand turned out to be interesting. I had to go in to verify my list of classes and assure them that I had indeed taken all of my final exams. I was then presented with the situation that Jaimie had in fact not submitted her course list. Oh boy. They asked if I could inform her since I had contact with her. Did they burn her e-mail address or something?! Whatever, I'll shoot her a message about it. Still, guys c'mon I'm a student too.

Martine then called Michael over so that we could say goodbye to him. The three of us talked and Michael commented on how beautiful Chicago was and that he had met a woman from Saskatoon there. Small world, seriously small. Anyhow we gave our partings and left the office with waves and smiles. I will miss all of them, they helped me so much throughout my year in France. Hmm.

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