Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 12th

So today was awesome for two reasons; sport and dinner. Since there are only two things on the list I actually remember the order in which they happened. Amazing memory skills I know. Let us then begin with the sport (one of my favorites besides nerf ball) a snowball fight.

To any of you who have never participated in one of these events let me warn you; it is not for the weak of heart. You will be decked in all parts of the body primarily your face. The best thing to do (even if it hurts) is to just laugh it off and slug one back. I was possibly the most aggressive female player but it is a good thing I showed up.

When I arrived all of my girls were just standing together while the boys were spread out around them. Sitting ducks is no way to play war. I scooped up some snow and practiced (poorly) hurtling snowballs at the male enemy. I didn't make too many hits and decided that this needed to be amped up a bit. That's when the running occurred (which I have a lead on since I'm accustomed to running on ice). If someone throws a snowball at you (Alex, Miguel, Ignacio) the best plan of attack is to run at them and hit them close range. Once that's done laugh and run away while forming another snowball. This happened quite a bit between my friends and me.

Alex decided after I shoved his face full of snow that I should eat the snow as well. I put up a fight audience but laughter and size ratio were against me. I was thrown into the ground but wasn't seriously injured. My lower canine did puncture my lip so there was a small drop of blood in my mouth but a swollen lip is worth every part of the game. I actually used that to my advantage and convinced Alex that he had hurt me and then threw more snow at him. Faux sibling warfare has no rules.

This epic snow war continued until just before sunset. By that time I was covered in snow and probably pretty soaked. Any snow that slipped down my back was very welcome but I knew that the sun setting would bring on a far harsher temperature. Snow fights are all fun during the day however wet clothes at night in below freezing can cause a few problems. We all took a picture to remember the moment and the last of the snow balls were thrown. I waved goodbye to all of my friends and trekked my way home. I had left with a black coat and returned with a white one.

The second awesome part was my dinner which my darling Kate had prepared for me. She felt that it was a fondue night and I couldn't have agreed more. When I walked into her room after peeling each drenched layer from skin my jaw dropped. Before me was a glorious spread of dipping food from homemade garlic bread and ham to apples and chips. There was even a relish tray of pickles, green olives, and caramelized onions. Oh this was going to be a delicious meal. And I was ready for some food.

Sadly audience I haven't been feeling myself for the past few days and have had an extreme loss of appetite. Don't worry, I hate this. The reason I eat so much throughout the day is because I refuse to eat until I'm full (unless it's wings or crab night) since I don't like the feeling. Thus you can imagine how awful it is to know that you're hungry but to not feel hungry. The snowball fight helped jog this terrible restriction and I ate like a warrior.

Ok I wasn't that extreme but I did eat a good deal with Kate (chatting away of course) and we even shared a bottle of wine. Good thing I don't live far from her room because I was definitely feeling its affects once the meal was over. I did make it home audience but it is hard to screw up fifty feet of walking space.

Today was awesome but tomorrow morning will be historic. My Kate is having her first ink session done and I am blessed with accompanying her there. I myself will be gaining another tattoo come Friday (my second one) but tomorrow is Kate's day.

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