Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March 22nd

I sorta slept in this morning. It was sleeping in for normal people with jobs and work and responsibility; for me 11 AM is early rising. I woke up and sent my family a text message asking when they wanted to meet up. Not even two seconds later (how can people text this fast?) a message from my brother appeared. It read, "right now turd." Alright, I would meet them right then thirty minutes later; morning grooming and washing are mandatory in my book. Around 11:35 AM I met my family in their hotel lobby. Pete called me a turd again before all four of us left to go explore the town that is Le Havre. Starting with the Docks of course.

My family was finally able to see the warehouse of a shopping center that had dominated my life first semester. I remember that free Docks internet that Paula, Kate, and I would monopolize almost every day. My parents couldn't believe I used my laptop there during the beginning of winter. I reminded them that the weather change inspired me to buy some fingerless gloves just for the purpose of keeping my hands warm while I typed away. Oh memories. We spent a good deal of time walking around the center about an hour actually. We then, after using their restroom facilities, made our way to the downtown for further exploration and lunch.

Town center was avoided (for the time being) and my family and I made a beeline for the mall. There we had a rather sugary lunch (the savory menu was not available yet) of crepes. Pete opted out since he isn't much for sweets. We all chatted until flagging down our waitress for the bill. My mother paid and we left so that Pete could have some real lunch. Not too far from the mall we bought two sandwiches from a corner bakery. Pete had seen many French civilians eating this sandwich type the day before in Paris as well as all over Le Havre. He was starving and in the States when in doubt grab a sandwich. While Pete and my father were eating their bread and butter my mother and I went into the kickin' chocolate shop that I had visited last semester.

The chocolate was even more spectacular than before because spring is the season of Easter! Bunnies, chicks, eggs, fish, they all were there. My mother adores everything dark chocolate. Needless to say she was in heaven. I enjoyed just looking at all the shapes and forms of the chocolate while my mother selected a box of truffles and other sweets to buy. My favorite chocolate creation was an imitation of a mussel with fries. Something about taking a savory image and creating it out of something sweet is fantastic to me.

After the chocolate shop we visited its sister shop of macarons. Again my mother loves sweet things and bought a sampler box of the macarons. The woman then gave us a booklet with all of their flavors (even their seasonal ones) as well as wedding platters. That is an idea. I really can't handle cake (I love cake just not what happens later) and have been pondering what I'll do in ten years when I decide to bind myself to some dude. A tower of macarons sounds both beautiful and delicious plus I can still have some molded ice cream at the side. Screw cake, I prefer cookies and cream.

Once all sugary concoctions were bought and bagged we headed off to an area I visit almost every Tuesday, the Racadot residence. Now this was somewhat stalkerish of us but I wanted my family to see where I tutor my French kids. They were amazed that I walked the hills every week and thought the neighborhood was lovely. It is, their home is very fine. My mom insisted on pictures to which Pete and I responded with silly poses and faces. Scale siblings almost never take a "nice" picture first. Where's the fun in that?

We all then headed back to Town Center and sat down on a park bench near the metal flamingos. It was a mild afternoon and we all just wanted a small relaxation break. The people-watching was accompanied by chocolate and candy. Not a bad way to spend some time on a bench. We all then motivated ourselves to find an open restaurant for drinks. Who says that 4 PM isn't the new 5 PM?

Only five minutes from the hotel we stumbled upon a bar restaurant called the George V. There, all four of us split a bottle of red wine over a nice lazy two hours. I still became slightly buzzed. Damn my small liver. Oh well the walk to the hotel for actual dinner was not far, like I said five minutes. There a wonderful meal occurred. We happened to be the only people at the restaurant (6:30 PM is early for the French) but were served nonetheless. After a few exchanges of French we all successfully ordered our desired meals. I had fresh cod with fries, perfect in my book. I did steal a few of my mom's scallops (it's dangerous having seafood around me) but otherwise kept to my own plate. We were laughing and drinking but not singing. Rapidly the time flew and Pete and I had to hurry back to St Nicolas to meet my friends before setting out to the bars. Don't fret, I drank water at dinner.

Alright break for intermission. I was thinking about doing a video for you guys but my videos tend to involve me eating odd foods. I wouldn't want to make a trend of that (only as an break) so no video for the intermission. Instead grab any snack you like and listen to this wonderful track. Do it. If you don't, well we're not friends anymore simple as that. I revoke your friendship membership unless you listen to the track.

Ah simply lovely song. The ending is my favorite, I often laugh along as well. Now back to Friday March 22nd. I believe we stopped just before the night began. Shall we?

Just going to say, best night at Trappiste (for second semester) ever! So many of my friends were there with me, over fifteen actually, and my brother happened to be in attendance too. It was just a night of socializing like crazy with beer, lots of beer. I drank a pint and half before the night took a switch. Suddenly out of the blue my favorite theme song began to play, "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air."

Now last semester Paula and I would frequently rap this at Trappiste after downing a few pints of beer. It would usually started after one of us would say the word "chillin" followed by the other saying "and maxing and relaxing all cool?" The deut would then commence with much staring from the rest of the bar. The fact is the bartenders actually shuffled for this song on their I-pod, it wasn't a coincidence. Never have I heard them play the song before so I thank them for playing it for my friends and me because we all enjoyed rapping it together.

After some Fresh Prince the entire bar began to sing happy birthday to one of the bartenders. The funniest part was that were singing "Happy Birthday" not "Joyeux Anniversaire" which confused the hell out of Pete. The moment the song ended the birthday bartender was showered in champagne. They popped open at least three bottles to ensure that he was completely drenched. The other bartender opened a bottle, took a swig, and handed it to my friend Victoria. Free champagne and Fresh Prince, sick tight man!

The bar then closed, damnit. I did give the birthday dude a hug before leaving, after all he's always been very cool to my group and me. Three of us and a leech then walked back to St Nicolas because I needed to drop a few things off and Jaimie wanted to go to sleep. I was so happy that she hung out with everyone because she can be a bit shy at times socially. Once she's out she will talk and I even had her dancing a bit. We then went to leave the dorm but became distracted again. Sammy was in the hallway with a friend of his (known as John) and Kate and I started chitchatting. Finally we realized we had to leave for the club. We did, we arrived, almost all my friends left, we went in anyways. Lucia and Betzy were there as well as a few others meaning our delay wasn't a total bust. In fact dancing with everyone was great and really worked out the alcohol. Pete cut his hand on a red bull can, but being a Scale he took it with a grain of salt.

What a Friday for me! To think that tomorrow morning will be Etretat and more. Stayed tuned audience the adventures continue.

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