Thursday, March 28, 2013

March 24th

Alright this blog won't be as long as the other simply because I'm tired and find it difficult to type accurately with a bandaged finger. Go to March 28th for details on the injury. Ok then, let's do this.

I woke up via a nice sharp knocking on my door. Apparently Jonathan is punctual, more than yours truly. We had agreed the night before to meet my family at 11 AM in their hotel lobby. I looked at the clock and it read 9 AM. The hell? I was more or less not pleased to have been jipped of an hour of sleep and greeted the door with my famous morning sarcasm. Jonathan apologized and asked if I'd be willing to go for some breakfast, in a half hour of course. I sighed and said sure. He nodded and left (I'm assuming for Scott's room) and gave me the full thirty minutes.

Half an hour later we walked to the bakery that Kate had taken him to the day before. It was Kate's and mine favorite brioche and pain au chocolate bakery in Le Havre, the one just by the station. Jonathan loves brioche too and ordered a chocolate one. I opted out, 9 AM is too early for food. The whole point of me going was to show him where the place was. I know audience I’m too kind.

We then returned to dorm and listened to some music before leaving for the hotel. I was still a bit groggy on arrival (as was Kate) but that wasn't a problem since my family wasn't in the lobby yet. After about five minutes I went upstairs to their room to discover that none of them were ready. Apparently this was the one morning my mother decided to sleep in. Huh, oh well.

The trio of students (Kate, Johnny and I) decided to just sit in the café lobby until my family was ready. Man those leather chairs are comfy! About twenty minutes later all three family members emerged dressed and ready to go. It was time to go to the beach! Of Le Havre. Which is again grey stone...Whoohoo beach!

My parents and brother were not exceptionally thrilled that the beach we were going to lacked sunlight and sand, again, but too bad. There we skipped stones and watched the waves. After that ran its course we decided to grab some fries. Remember victory fries audience? Maybe not, that was a while ago in September. However Kate and I remembered them. Fortunately the stand had just opened for the season and we were able to share the tasty potatoes with my family and Jonathan. They all agreed that the fries were frickin delicious, especially with ketchup. Well Jonathan the tomato hater didn't say that but the rest of us were in agreement. After fries comes lunch. Sweetness.

Since the temp shore restaurants were up and running we decided to eat at one of them. How quaint of us. Plus my dad and Jonathan were starting to become moody with hunger. They need to try the gamer diet. We all sat down at this place and ordered various foods. The best order by far was Pete's. The menu had an option of building your own pizza and specified that any condiment could be used except shellfish. Well Pete is a fan of Hawaiian pizza or ham and pineapple. Pineapple was an ingredient (in the salad section) and I told the waiter that my brother wanted ham and pineapple. The guy asked me three times "Ananas?" to which I responded with three "Oui." Oh the joy of being strange. Pete's pizza turned out really well too. The chef had probably heard of it before but the waiter had no idea. The meal overall was very good and I myself enjoyed a pizza smothered in bell peppers. Mmmm peppers. It was great and the waitress was so patient with us. My mom tipped her well and the girl was beaming from it. Good deed for the day done for Mom!

Afterwards we walked back to the hotel and relaxed in the lobby with some hot chocolate. Jonathan would be leaving soon so we couldn't return to the dorm for anything. All of us just enjoyed the warmth of our drinks and the relaxation of company. When the time came Kate and I walked Jonathan to the station which admittedly is about 100 feet from the hotel. His train was ready and Kate gave him a big hug goodbye. My goodbye was a bit more personal and caused a "get a room!" from Kate. Guilty as charged of publicly displaying my affection for Jonathan.

He left for Paris and all was quiet. That's when the suggestion for a movie was made. Fortunately I had one of my favorite films on hand and a cult classic, Pulp Fiction. My mother and Kate had never seen it before so I simply had to show them. I fought to stay awake the entire film for the weekend of barely sleeping each night had caught up to me. When the movie ended at 8 o'clock I passed out in my bed. My family and Kate left me asleep on my Blackhawks blanket with thoughts of Butch and a samurai sword dancing in my head. Til Monday audience!

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