Monday, March 18, 2013

March 17th

Noon is such an early time of day. I woke up and barely moved for about twenty minutes, really could've used a hot tub. I forced myself out of bed and went to work regaining the mobility in my body. Versailles you completely kicked my ass. Good thing it was Sunday.

I looked at my pile of laundry today audience. Yeah that's all I did to it look at it. Somehow I haven't had the kick to actually haul it down the machines. Something about that seems annoying but I have to clean them either late tonight (didn't happen) or tomorrow (is happening) because I only have two clean shirts left in my closet.

Obviously the coat doesn't count as a shirt
Solution, go shopping. Alright it wasn't exactly planned that way. Kate and I were stumped for dinner and didn't feel like rice, pasta, or soup. It was a sandwich day but what do two girls do when they have no bread and the supermarket is closed? We go to Subway. Nothing like a six inch teriyaki chicken sub to simmer down my hunger.

Kate and I chilled there happily chowing on our dinner for a lil while til we essentially became bored. Also the people in line were glaring at us for hogging the booth. It was bout dat time that Kate and I swung into H & M for some light shopping. It was seriously light, I bought one shirt. This is great for two reasons; it was cheap and now I have something to wear tomorrow that is both black (white is for summer) and covers my stomach (club/party shirt). I am so frickin' lazy.

After we returned to the dorm I spent my time on the phone with my mother and online with my friends. Holding four conversations at once is a challenge and I did flake a bit on it at points but survived in the end. Most of my friends in the States are having/starting/ending their spring breaks which rocks for them. States kids don't have two separate breaks before summer during their second semester. Rather we have one (some colleges do two) week off at some point in March. The thing is that schools never coordinate (sucks for seeing your friends) which somewhat makes sense. Imagine if every college in the States was off at the exact same time. Actually that image is too graphic, even for me.

That was my Sunday. Yeah I know, yesterday was more exciting. Fingers crossed for tomorrow and happy St. Patrick's Day!

P.S. I did wear green.

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