Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 8th

I am so happy with myself audience. I went to bed at four (I'm sorry if Fable wanted to quest before I passed out) and woke up at two. I love doing that. Everyone back home and here tells me that I've then "wasted my day". Ahem, that's never true.

Why? Easy I love to socialize at night, exercise in the afternoon, and do everything mundane in the first hours of the day. Sleep is whatever for me here. Personally I think it's the weather because I've been off late night caffeine (and day caffeine) for about five days and I always wake up the same. To me March should have a black sky that spits lightning accompanied by thunder with waterfalls of rain. Plus the occasional blanket of snow. This sunny with a chance of drizzle is driving me crazy! Next time I'm going to place with extreme storms, I'll feel more at home.

Where was I going with that? Don't know don't care. I did awaken in the afternoon only to once more feel that my right foot was in some pain. Damnit. Time to stretch it out, again. After that I did my regular exercise routine if you can really call it that. Fortunately I am a lefty in gymnastics meaning I could still do my handstands since I land left foot first. You guys do traditional pushups I practice handstand pushups. Once that was complete I showered and became ready to face the afternoon, all while listening to a favorite playlist.

I only had one major errand today and that was to buy some train tickets for tomorrow. Yesterday Jonathan invited me to spend the day in Rouen with him and since I haven't been in four years and he's a good friend of mine I agreed. The ticket line was short and my clerk was very chill. I also love my SNCF 12-25 card since it reduced the ticket costs immensely. My return ticket was about seven euros rather than fifteen. France, least you have that going for ya.

Now what of later? Well I spent my time reading Lord of the Rings and talking to my brother on the phone. Our conversation was dominated by SNES RPGs and movie quotes. I do have something to admit audience which you may not believe. I'm never seen Wedding Crashers. For me this is crime punishable by Rikki's (my laptop) death. This summer that will change and I will see the film that should've been watched years ago.

Moving on. Now I didn't read all night, that's just not MareBear style. No it was a Friday night and I had to be up early (for me) in the morning. I went out of course.

A decent group of my friends, Kate included, and I went to the Trappiste together. The group consisted of Scott, Ximena, Betzy, Kate, Lucia, and me. I limited myself to two half pints (or a pint) of beer for the whole evening. This didn't work in the end.

See a problem occurs when your friends successfully pour some of their drink in yours. I was a bit happier than I had meant to be but I didn't do anything stupid audience. I swear. In fact I just spent the night talking with my friends and few French kids that we had met. Axel (a French kid) talked to Scott and me for a while. The topic was often food. Also he prefers American accents to British accents which caused Scott (who is English) some irritation. It was all in good fun as was my playful violence of smacking Scott in the chest. I really do have a talent for hitting the sternum.

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