Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 2nd

Maplers unite!

I bet that none of you knows what that means. No problem, I'll tell you. Maplers refers to people who play Maplestory online. It is a goofy little MMO with different character classes and enemy snails. Yes, you kill snails in the game. You also kill mushrooms, penguins, zombie monkeys, and little girl mannequins dressed up as bunnies. It's Korean.

Anyhow what does this have to do with me? Well since I'm out of the scene due to stressing my ankle on Thursday I decided to spend my Saturday night in. Don't worry I socialized with my big brother on Maplestory. Don't for one second think that it isn't socializing either. Sure it is different than the flesh and blood in person hanging out but since we are thousands of miles apart that isn't an option for Pete and me. Thus this and various Steam games like SpiralKnights or Portal work well as sibling time. Also it is great to laugh about silly things in Maplestory like the sound starfish make when they die. How priceless.

That is literally what I did all day. Gamer girls have it made audience. We stay in our pjs, wear hoodies to stay warm, drink endless supplies of water, and snack on rice cakes and kit Kats. I should lay off the kit Kats though they aren't helping my figure. Sadly France is short on carrot sticks and celery. In fact I can't find any celery here and I've checked four different markets. Someday we will reunite. Til then die Blue Mushmom die!

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