Thursday, May 16, 2013

May 14th

I put some much needed kick ass back into my veins audience. I'll give you a hint, a few post-its and a glass were involved. Nothing like yellow sticky note therapy. Or are they Stick Ems?

Anyhow today involved the kids as usual. It was somewhat a gloomy day but I didn't let that put me down. After all grey is the normal color of Le Havre. It had been a long time. Also I don't mind a break from sunlight. June promises to have too much of it.

Our lessons were the typical format; I reviewed the course material with each Racadot respectively and practiced speaking conversation with Louis. However, on this occasion Louis was far more interested in the conversation. I should've guessed that he liked Minecraft. I used to be a part of a server last year but had to stop playing due to a little thing called college. Once that topic hit he really tried to find and use his words. Teachers take a note, the way to have your students talking is to find the video game or MMO that they love and use that as a genre.

Anne was again reviewing the comparative form plus more. The more was the difference between "elder" and "older". Oh boy. I had a fun time figuring that one out. After trying to explain the definitions of the words and failing I finally realized that older is used as both an adverb and an adjective whereas elder is just an adjective. The discoveries of grammar in my native language. Sigh!

I returned home to begin work. This work was really studying for my upcoming Thursday final on my History of Religions course. I now know why my family is Methodist, we're so much more chill than several other branches. Plus we have grape juice instead of wine. Big win.

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