Friday, May 24, 2013

May 23rd

Sad day today. It was Jaimie's last thus it was sad. At least we spent time together before saying goodbye.

Jaimie came round my room at 2:30 PM with a few things in tow, namely her backpack. She had just finished the cleaning "inspection" with a Crous representative. Apparently the woman dubbed everything
"not clean" despite Jaimie scrubbing every surface down relentlessly. Oh well, the French are what they are.

After being filled in on that tale (while drying my hair actually) the two of us headed out to the mall. I received a call from Kate who was more than happy to join us. Jaimie needed a few souvenirs for her friends and family back home whereas Kate and I love shopping excursions. We had until 4:30ish since Jaimie needed to meet Julie at 5:00. No problem.

First stop was the overzealous souvenir store where my lovely suicidal sunflower mouse-pad came from. We ended up going back for a mug for one of Jaimie's friends; it was an I Heart NormandY shirt. How clever. And to the person who invented the I Love New York shirts, I hope your favorite member rots off. Hmm that might be a bit extreme but the damn copies are everywhere and scream tourism. Sigh. Moving on to better things.

At the mall Kate and I took Jaimie to one of our favorite stores that sells unique necklaces, bracelets, bags, shoes, you name it. It was there that Kate showed Jaimie a giraffe necklace which was perfect for Jaimie's giraffe loving friend. Convenient no? I also picked up a little something for a friend back home who's birthday is a decent time away. Figured it would be a good flashback gift.

After that we swung by Casa the store of nicknacks and small things. It was there that Jaimie found the perfect gift for her twin sister Sam. I also bought Jaimie a little going away present. It was a nutella cookbook that she was interested in. Kate bought her a lil something too and Jaimie was all smiles and, "aw you guys." Heh, I love giving a little back to my friends.

It was then quick chow time followed by chocolate buying. Jaimie's boyfriend Alex apparently loves chocolate making it a fantastic gift from France. I love strawberries and enjoy chocolate thus why I left the store with both in my hands. Girl has to splurge on chocolate at least once a month, mandatory part of womanhood.

We all met Julie outside her building and hastily walked home in the rain. I gave Julie my coat since it was waterproof and her sweater wasn't. Plus I was in a good mood for rain, it had a rich summerish scent to it and felt pleasant. I was the only one in the group with this opinion. I also was the only one silly enough to have worn a cream shirt while walking through the pouring sky of water. Uh oops?

Once back at St. Nicolas I made hot beverages for everyone to help warm us all up. The four of us then chatted away for a lil while sharing stories and laughing. Eventually the sky cleared up enabling Jaimie and Julie to retire to Julie's apartment. I gave Jaimie a big hug goodbye as I headed off to the supermarket.

This just feels weird. It has begun, the leaving. Oh boy/oh great.

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