Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 29th

Well audience I had about four-ish hours of sleep before my final. The unexpected outcome was that I felt rested. Huh. Anyhow after Simon and Garfunkel woke me up I did some review before heading out to my exam. It was a sunshine filled day and I arrived early with fifteen minutes to spare for final studying.

It was easy, surprisingly easy. Ok I had a huge advantage being a native English speaker for some of the questions. Well actually the exam (speaking or discussion) was almost 50/50 in French and English. I couldn't remember that "racine" meant root but pretty much nailed the other vocabulary terms. Heh heh, one of them was abstract abstrait and another was translator traducteur/traductrice. 

The final section of the exam was somewhat a freebie. Actually it was a complete free five points since it was naming synonyms for a few simple English words. My professor at first was hesitant to allow me to do this section. I grinned and she said, "well I guess that's how it goes" and I answered every single one correctly. With multiple options. And without struggle. Huh. Meh, go MareBear!

After that was completed and I told her how much I had enjoyed her class (no sarcasm) I left for Crous. At the office I nabbed a few laundry tokens as well as some valuable information. All students leaving in June have not been given a scheduled "cleaning" date yet. We wait til June (so three days?) until we can schedule one. Works for me.

I then dropped off a library book, bought a few treats (fruit) and a sandwich from the supermarket before returning to my cozy little dorm. My sandwich was devoured. I felt bored being awake earlier than normal. I then began to read an old book series when I felt myself leaning to the side. Huh, guess the four hours wasn't enough. Time for four more.

Around five something-ish I woke up from a lovely long nap. Remember audience sleep is at night. Kate appeared at my door not much later and we decided to go grab dinner and some cleaning supplies from the Docks. Subway was good as it often is and the supermarket was busy as it often is. I decided to grab a replacement black pen (mine is dying) which turned out to be a useful move later on. We ran into a few friends and left for home with bits in hand.

I'm not a firm believer in fate audience but we will see. In good time anyhow. Once home Irish Cream milkshakes occurred with four episodes of Arrested Development. Such a fantastic show. Take a good look audience because it's the last time you'll see them.

By them I mean, well I don't know. See you tomorrow audience!

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