Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 20th

Mondays are always tricky to write about. Even if something happens they just want to be difficult material. Why Mondays, why must you be stubborn that way?

Last post I did something silly but I don't feel like being serious at the moment. That would be repetitive and balanced. Psh, screw that.

Rather I'm going to paint a picture for you, with words. Fear not this one doesn't have a thousand. Though one thousand words actually isn't THAT many still that would be too specific. Not my style audience. Let's set the scene on our digital canvas shall we?

I'm feeling somewhere in the Southwest. Maybe New Mexico? Yeah let's go with that. Ok so New Mexico in the desert which has rocks, cacti (plural of cactus), plateaus, and wasteland. Lots of wasteland. Now we need something alive, sides the cacti, in our setting. How about a cowboy? Yes that feels stereotypical and just so right. Sept this cowboy is riding without a shirt (details) and is about to lasso a stray Texas longhorn bull. His stallion (all cowboys should have stallions rather than mares) is grey with a few speckles of white on the flank and a dark snout. Do horses have snouts or noses? Meh, same thing. So we have a desert vista, a cowboy and cattle, what else? Ah, of course. Let's throw some time into it. Sunset! Now everything is flooded with a pink light fading into purple and our cowboy and horse become beautiful silhouettes. So much for their coloring and lack of clothing.

Anyhow we end with something like this
I actually did color out (destroyed all the floating pixels) for the cowboy and bull. Took some time but turned out well. This is what I do for Mondays audience. Where did my inspiration come from? Ask Marty Robbins, "out to the bad-lands of New Mexico." 

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