Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 3rd 21st Birthday Celebrations

Oh boy. Time to write about the day/night where I fully celebrated being 21 in the traditional American sense. Wait! Lemme make sure I have everything ready in order to write this thing; Barlights playing (check), comfortable Panic! tank top (check), bottle of water (check), Babe (double check), and snack food aka strawberries at my side (check). Let's do this!

My May 3rd started around one o'clock. I was exhausted from the previous day of final exams and studying. I also stayed up until 2:30 AM talking to my older brother on Skype. The afternoon light was welcome and I began my day of becoming ready for the night.

This might be embarrassing to admit but I used at least three hours of the day for grooming purposes. I ran out of hot water and waited twenty-five minutes for it to renew itself simply because I wanted to take a long long long long boiling shower. Taking my time was a gift to myself not worrying about the hours slipping by. In any case if someone gave me the entire day to become ready I'd probably use every ounce of time. Just a thing for girls.

So the final product was decent in my own opinion. Especially my hair, took extra long with that one haha. I stayed in chill clothes for a while and had Kate join my company for last minute details. This translates as nails. Also the debate about which shoes I should wear. The next day I'd regret my decision but for the time being it was a wise choice. Heels look great with dresses and it was special night.

During the whole "getting ready" process I received an important call on my phone. It was Jonathan telling me that last minute a student cancelled for lessons on Saturday which meant he could be in Le Havre with me this night. That was one of the greatest surprises I've ever experienced. Having him be with me on my birthday (sorta) and able to socialize with all of my friends; good times to happen.

Dinner then occurred! Sadly Julie was unable to attend due to a class (she was at the party later on) but Jaimie, Kate, and I had a wonderful time. We ate at the Tex Mex restaurant that my family and I had tried back in March. It was still good (fajitas!) and our waitress was perhaps the most un-French server; she was funny.

Being a fresh 21 I found it my patriotic duty to begin drinking as soon as I had food in my stomach. Due to my late start I hadn't had much of a meal before dinner thus drinking began at dinner. With my fajita I had a mojito. For dessert I had a margarita. Remember audience it is important for Americans on this sacred day to maintain a balanced diet of liquor.

After dinner we stumbled (we being me in heels and slightly buzzed) to the dorm where we waited for maybe twenty minutes before leaving again. The stairs were my biggest challenge throughout the night. I never fell on them and handled them by myself each time. Pat on the back for MareBear.

Anyways we arrived at the station after almost being run over by a bus and found a somewhat shocked Jonathan. It isn't everyday that I wear a dress and heels. Actually in France I don't believe I ever have worn the two together, or a dress at all. Shame but such is life in France. In the States I'm allowed to show more skin without the cat-calls.

The bar was buzzing with people and I started on the beer that would evidently be my downfall. We arrived earlier than the invitation time which gave our small group the necessary minutes to mosey to the back and take over. Boy did we take over. About twenty of my friends showed up for the night which was insane for a bar that sized. They also did as I asked and filled my body with alcohol.

Things I don't remember happening but apparently happened; I drank shots with some friends, kept drinking beer, sang the Fresh Prince song, attempted (I really was too under to do this properly) to dance at parts to my own rhythm, constantly shouted how much I loved my friends (guess that's good) and talked about going to class the next day.

Things I remember; laughing, falling onto people, drinking water, not feeling so hot, running out of the bar, and being dragged home.

I can sense how unproud some of you are of me while reading this. Well my excuse which is a valid reason is that I was celebrating my 21st. I do not plan on ever being that drunk again in my life except for when I celebrate a belated 21st with my friends in Chicago. That doesn't sound convincing. Too bad that's my reasoning! This is why I celebrated with friends, they helped me home and held my hair back. Still made those stairs by myself.

For fun here is a picture I don't remember being taken.

The candles and balloons weren't there. Thank you Katerina.

I'm laughing about it now and happy that I could share such a memorable (in my case half-memorable) night surrounded by people whom I love. Thank you everyone for being there with me.

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